Dibuat di 02/25/2023 02:56

#8d6b64 HEX Warna Red Stone informasi

#8d6b64 RGB(141, 107, 100)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(141, 107, 100)
#8d6b64 mengandung warna Merah 55.29%, Hijau 41.96% Dan Biru 39.22%.

Nama Warna dari #8d6b64 HEX kode

Red Stone Warna

Klasifikasi warna #8d6b64

#8d6b64 adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari dimgrey
Warna berlawanan untuk Red Stone – #63858c

#8d6b64 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8d6b64 Red Stone

hsl(10, 17%, 47%)
hsla(10, 17%, 47%, 1)
RGB(141, 107, 100)
RGBA(141, 107, 100, 1)

Palet untuk warna #8d6b64 Red Stone:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #8d6b64 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0e0b0a dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f4f0f0 dari rona

Palet nuansa #8d6b64:
Palet warna #8d6b64:
Palet pelengkap #8d6b64:
Palet triadik #8d6b64:
Palet persegi #8d6b64:
Palet analog dari #8d6b64:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #8d6b64:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #8d6b64:

Warna Red Stone #8d6b64 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Red Stone, Rugged Brown, Bay Scallop palette Buffalo Soldier, Red Stone, Fresh Olive, Muddy Brown, Egg Toast, Red Purple, Aeronautic, Brown Chocolate, Dark Walnut, Ship Steeri Uproar Red, Red Stone, Victorian Crown palette Red Stone, Ogryn Flesh Wash, Peanut Butter Jelly, Magic, Coastal Fjord palette Lionfish Red, Red Stone, Tribal Pottery, Hazelnut, Rodham, Golden Koi, Liberator Gold, Shǔi Cǎo Lǜ Green, St. Patrick, Ocean Night Incision, Palm Lane, Camel's Hump, Red Stone, Agate Brown, Otter, Hiking Trail, Romanesque, Colonial Blue, Cool Air of Debonair, S Red Stone, Ebony Lips, Avocado Cream, Opera Blue, Acacia Haze, Tropical Holiday, Wispy Mint, Apricot Freeze palette Red Stone, Toile Red palette Red Stone, Jupiter Brown, Jama Masjid Taupe, Green Flavor, Bondi, Kinky Pinky, Medium Pink, Forest Moss, Barely White, Pink Frosti Red Stone, Vermilion Bird, Saffron Crocus, Night in the Woods, Futaai Indigo, Stability, Light Pollinate palette Red Stone, Carrot, Barberry Bush, Grapeshot palette Fozzie Bear, Red Stone, Hazel, Valkyrie, Guinean Green, Rich Green, Green Blue Slate, Brig, Crowshead, Deep Galaxy, Futaai Indigo, Red Stone, Bristle Grass, Orange Salmonberry, Yellow Warbler, Bee Yellow, Melancholia, Peaceable Kingdom, Lemon Bundt Cake, Pearl Red Stone, Flash of Orange, New Gold, Maturity, Illicit Green, Absence of Light, Black Chocolate, Grilled, Aged Chocolate, Meditat Madrileño Maroon, Red Stone, Rose Marquee, Different Gold, Sports Fan, Zhohltyi Yellow, Carissima, Claret, Marine Magic, Special D Emergency, Red Stone, Lush Plains, Rainbow's Inner Rim, Super Hero, Saxon Blue, London Hue, Mineral, Oyster, Lemon Souffle, Coral Red Stone, Auric, Black Safflower, Gravel, Catawba, Green Fatigue, Arona, Ode to Purple, Moon Rose palette Red Stone, Bloodhound, Macharius Solar Orange, Grilled Cheese, Sassy Grass, Emerald Ring, Blueberry, Beggar, Henna, Ether, Folk Ta Fifth Olive-Nue, Red Stone, Greenfinch, Crunchy Carrot, Dragon Scale, Alienated, Inky Blue, Noir Fiction, Stuffed Olive, Summertow Grey Porcelain, Red Stone, Good Life, Gold Pheasant, Center Stage, Always Green Grass, Suddenly Sapphire, Blue Overdose, Special D Hulett Ore, Red Stone, Florentine Clay, Fading Ember, Burnt Orange, Quixotic Plum, Worn Khaki, Legendary Lilac, Stencil Blue, Saku Red Stone, Lime Parfait, Charybdis, Banafsaji Purple, Fingerprint, Deep Walnut, Roman Snail, Mindful, My Love palette Chocolaty, Red Stone, Carpet Moss, Lǜ Sè Green, Cavolo Nero, Harbor, Blazing Dragonfruit palette Red Stone, Pea Soup Green, Sea Goddess, Lacrosse, Stuffed Olive palette Red Stone, Copper Beech, Redridge Brown, Pink Damask, Magnetic Magic, Indigo Hamlet, Siyâh Black, Forest Green, Pink Water palette Red Stone, Orlean's Tune, Clean Pool, Lunar Shadow, Lifestyle Red, Purple Void, Ramsons, Black Truffle, Starlit Night, Misty Grape Movie Star, Red Stone, Mocha Mousse, Winter Sunset, Gold Tips, Burning Orange, Sun Wukong's Crown, Bird Of Paradise, Barossa, Artf Red Stone, Keystone, Komodo Dragon, Pumpkin Soup, Sea Turtle, Chelsea Garden, Moon Tide, Summer Sea, Sea Swimmer, Royal Vessel, Li Red Stone, Light Copper, Lāl Red, Castelvetrano Olive, Crucified Red, Peaceful Glade, Tadorna Teal, Bitter Melon, Silver Strand Be Bijou Red, Less Brown, Red Stone, Bedford Brown, Solarium, Harbour Rat, Smoky Blue, Blue Jeans, Persian Blue, Iridescent, Best Bro Vinho do Porto, Red Stone, Exotic Flower, Yellow Warbler, Faded Green, Brownish Green, Mediterranean, Blue Dart, Bright Indigo, Pa Granite, Red Stone, Smoky Emerald, Fade to Black, Mother Earth, Desert Grey, Rainforest Fern, Winter Chill, Silverado Trail palett Red Stone, Citronne, Lime Rickey, Fallout Green, Padua, Raven's Coat, Haunted Hills, Frog Green, Soap Green, Shallow Shoal, Canyon Red Stone, Farrago, Kahu Blue, Patch of Land, Ocean Weed, Fresh Eucalyptus, Hideaway palette Paradise Grape, Red Stone, Golden Sand, Full Swing Indigo, Dingy Dungeon, Independence, Dame Dignity, Cool Concrete palette Red Stone, Active Turquoise, Grey Ridge, Sultana, Geyser Basin, White Warm Wool, Diluted Lilac palette Mexican Red, Pompeian Red, Red Stone, Big Bang Pink, Ebony Clay, Fig Preserves, Oberon palette Red Stone, Banner Gold, Trinket Box, Ceylon Yellow, Stormy Strait Grey, Princess Kate palette Kommando Khaki, Red Stone palette Red Stone, Lamplight, Lime Acid, Tetsu Iron, Blue By You, Marshmallow Mist, Gentleman's Suit palette Red Stone, Arnica, Tank Yellow, Pale Gold, Loden Frost, Catalina, Martini Olive, Velvet Dawn palette Red Stone, Garden Club, Obsidian, Ellie Grey, Sandwashed, Blush palette Antique Leather, Red Stone palette Red Stone, Dusted Clay palette Red Stone, Painted Poppy, Draw Your Sword palette Red Stone, Matador's Cape, Swimmer, Tyrian, Garden Vista, Classy palette Red Stone, Tillandsia Purple, Tahoe Blue, Bliss Blue palette Red Stone, Texas Boots, Intense Brown, Layers of Ocean, Purple Curse, Cracked Pepper, Pie Crust palette Red Stone, Chilli Cashew, Molten Bronze, Vallarta Blue, Eshin Grey, Mauve Day, Dead Sea, Pink Pussycat, Spotted Dove, Discreet Whi Organic, Kā Fēi Sè Brown, Red Stone, Mulberry Thorn, Morning Marmalade, Armor, Bright Turquoise, Romantic Moment, Apple II Green,

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #8d6b64 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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