Dibuat di 03/04/2023 15:49

#8daccc HEX Warna Northern Sky informasi

#8daccc RGB(141, 172, 204)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(141, 172, 204)
#8daccc mengandung warna Merah 55.29%, Hijau 67.45% Dan Biru 80%.

Nama Warna dari #8daccc HEX kode

Northern Sky, Gray Warna

Klasifikasi warna #8daccc

#8daccc adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Warna dari lightsteelblue

Warna alternatif dari Northern Sky #8daccc

Warna berlawanan untuk Northern Sky – #ccad8e

#8daccc Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8daccc Northern Sky

hsl(210, 38%, 68%)
hsla(210, 38%, 68%, 1)
RGB(141, 172, 204)
RGBA(141, 172, 204, 1)

Palet untuk warna #8daccc Northern Sky:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #8daccc HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0e1114 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f4f7fa dari rona

Palet nuansa #8daccc:
Palet warna #8daccc:
Palet pelengkap #8daccc:
Palet triadik #8daccc:
Palet persegi #8daccc:
Palet analog dari #8daccc:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #8daccc:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #8daccc:

Warna Northern Sky #8daccc digunakan dalam palet (45)

Northern Sky Simple smart fun identity colours Nexo Eletric Blue Greyish Yellow, Honey Mustard, Northern Sky, Soft Heather, Friendship palette Fēi Hóng Scarlet, Mullen Pink, NATO Olive, Swiss Brown, Northern Sky, Misted Eve, Arabian Sands palette Astro Nautico, Liseran Purple, Clarinet, Passionate Blueberry, Farmers Green, Northern Sky, Distilled Watermelon palette Northern Sky, Desert Riverbed palette Ghost Pepper, Grenadine, Chimney Sweep, Dusty Heather, Yellow Endive, Northern Sky palette Amore, Deep Atlantic Blue, Deep Sea Dream, Crater Brown, Northern Sky palette Hansa Yellow, Lager, Usuao Blue, Drab, Antique Red, Nectar of the Gods, Twilight Forest, Ironclad, Amethyst Smoke, Dolphin Grey, N Koromiko, Wizard's Potion, Peacock Blue, Northern Sky palette Karacha Red, Hot Cinnamon, Deep Saffron, Punch Out Glove, Spreadsheet Green, Wine Gummy Red, Molasses palette Incubation Red, Earthworm, Butterscotch Syrup, Pieces of Eight, Willowleaf, Kauai, Heisenberg Blue, Blackcurrant, Ether, Northern Vamp Orange Zest, Cricket Green, Noble Silver, Velvet Cupcake, Stingray Grey, Northern Sky palette Downing Earth, Roman, Armored Steel, Pure Cyan, Big Sur Blue Jade, Brutal Pink, Abysse, Windmill Park, Northern Sky, Off The Grid, Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Volt, Classic Avocado, Purple Daze, Blue Calypso, Aarhusian Sky, Strawberry Pink, Siliceous Red, Gretchin Gr Heidelberg Red, Hazelnut Milk, Usukō, Pickled Cucumber, Alien Parasite, Napa Winery, Alpine Summer, Earth Chi, Northern Sky, Pixie Do Not Disturb, Effervescent Lime, Wild Grapes, Ironwood palette Derby Green, Royalty Loyalty, Wine Country, Warmed Wine, Tilled Soil, Northern Sky, Distant Shore, Serene Sky palette Maple Leaf, Gorse Yellow Orange, Golden Hour, Pumpkin Skin, Coelia Greenshade, Mauve It, Fandango, Northern Sky, Bronze Sand, Sail Pure Passion, Caduceus Staff, Lime Parfait, Lighter Green, Deadlock, Cascades, Canteen, Rising Ash, Northern Sky, Candlelight Yell Birdie, Salon Bleu, Once in a Blue Moon, Stretch Limo, Blue Fantastic, Newport Indigo, Amazon Foliage, Trail Print, Northern Sky, Gold Taffeta, Marigold, Emerald Light Green, Endless River, Plunder, Obsidian Red, Cool, Northern Sky, Roycroft Mist Grey, Grey Ro Red Blooded, Vampire State Building, Trolley Grey, Granite, Etruscan, Tartare, Bullfighters Red, Fluorescent Orange, Geisha Pink, Mayan Gold, Garnet Sand, Here Comes the Sun, Yellow Rose, Gulfweed, Daybreak, Nightly Violet, Fondue Fudge, Northern Sky, O Fortun Noble Red, Ruskin Bronze, Casket, Northern Sky palette Blazing Bonfire, Provence, Northern Sky, Cassava Cake palette Verminlord Hide, Berry Patch, Death by Chocolate, Seal Blue, Brass Nail, Northern Sky, Autumn Wisteria palette Chocolate Lust, Electric Red, Green Scene, Gloomy Sea, Ripe Lavander, Toasted Truffle, Artistic License, Northern Sky palette In the Red, Maximum Orange, Gothic Revival Green, Beaming Blue, Misty Grape, Leamington Spa, Northern Sky palette Urban Exploration, 3AM in Shibuya palette Light Mahogany, Brick Fence, Rosedust, Sahara Shade, Letter Jacket, Electrify, Herbalist, French Colony palette Alpine Herbs, Berta Blue, Closed Shutter, Northern Sky, Cottage Rose palette Tan, Topinambur Root, Venusian, Simply Sage, Northern Sky, Sunrise palette Spanish Red, Sriracha, Apollo Bay, Zombie, Northern Sky, Dusty Boots palette Galaxy Blue, Hawthorn Rose, Poinsettia, Surf'n'dive, Flintstone Blue, Neutral Buff, Northern Sky palette Aster Purple, Juneberry, Rock, Rikyūnezumi Brown palette Prairie Grove, Cropper Blue, Clean Slate, Imrik Blue, O Tannenbaum, Espresso Beans palette Vivid Orange, Luscious Lime, Juneberry, Costa Del Sol, Makore Veneer Red palette Fulvous, Munch On Melon, Pop That Gum, Cal Poly Pomona Green, Victorian Peacock, Northern Sky, Opulent Turquoise, Uniform palette Faded Jeans, Reservoir, Rosy Pink palette Majestic Blue, Northern Sky, Kernel, Jade Light Green palette Key West Zenith, Mordant Blue, Perfect Sky, Chocolate Sparkle, Crow, Iwaicha Brown, Northern Sky, Truesky Gloxym palette Red Potion, Cascara, Hot Coral, Root Brew, Blue Ash, Northern Sky, Jade Spell palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #8daccc dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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