Dibuat di 02/21/2023 09:46

#8ec2e7 HEX Warna Astral Spirit informasi

#8ec2e7 RGB(142, 194, 231)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(142, 194, 231)
#8ec2e7 mengandung warna Merah 55.69%, Hijau 76.08% Dan Biru 90.59%.

Nama Warna dari #8ec2e7 HEX kode

Astral Spirit Warna

Klasifikasi warna #8ec2e7

#8ec2e7 adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Warna dari lightskyblue
Warna berlawanan untuk Astral Spirit – #e7b38d

#8ec2e7 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #8ec2e7 Astral Spirit

hsl(205, 65%, 73%)
hsla(205, 65%, 73%, 1)
RGB(142, 194, 231)
RGBA(142, 194, 231, 1)

Palet untuk warna #8ec2e7 Astral Spirit:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #8ec2e7 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #0e1317 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f4f9fd dari rona

Palet nuansa #8ec2e7:
Palet warna #8ec2e7:
Palet pelengkap #8ec2e7:
Palet triadik #8ec2e7:
Palet persegi #8ec2e7:
Palet analog dari #8ec2e7:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #8ec2e7:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #8ec2e7:

Warna Astral Spirit #8ec2e7 digunakan dalam palet (50)

Terra Cotta Pot, Dim Grey, Astral Spirit, Alaskan Grey palette Carpe Diem, Cozumel, Cellini Gold, Astral Spirit palette Vivid Crimson, Ending Autumn, Sunstone, BBQ, Mature Cognac, Fulvous, Python Yellow, Bladed Grass, Micropolis, Breaker Bay, Ramjet, minimalist palette #2 Auberge, Astral Spirit, White Beach palette Purpura, Astral Spirit, Golden Fog palette Newsprint, Alexandria, Lattice Green, Astral Spirit palette Astral Spirit, Steam, Teardrop, Peach Surprise palette Shingle Fawn, Yáng Chéng Orange, Eiger Nordwand, Rhododendron, Heavy Blue Grey, Astral Spirit palette Rage of Quel'Danas, Mint Cold Green, Psychic, Oblivion, Sweet Perfume, Astral Spirit, Love at First Sight palette Glacier Lake, Astral Spirit palette Badlands Orange, Post It, Stack, Potting Moss, Indifferent, Astral Spirit, Irish Cream palette Gunmetal Green, Astral Spirit palette Laurel Oak, Dirt Track, Sea Squash, Cattail Red, Salad, Sushi, Green Spool, Saffron Crocus, Cal Poly Pomona Green, Burnt Bamboo, P Wine & Roses, Spearfish, Dirty Purple, Albert Green, East Bay, Lilac Suede, Astral Spirit palette Spice Cake, Maple Leaf, Sugar Honey Cashew, Pumpkin Toast, Traffic Yellow, Gala Ball, Brownish Black, Brunnera Blue, Limelight, Az Upper East Side, Warm Spice, Tropical Blooms, Tigerlily, Mellow Mango, Alienated, Navy Purple, Lipstick Pink, The Devil's Grass, A Gaboon Viper, Oxide, Enchanting Ginger, Trumpet, Smoky Studio, Python Blue, Dynamic Blue, Bamboo Screen, Shower, Duct Tape Grey, A Fozzie Bear, Fired Clay, Laurel, Pewter Mug, Devil's Advocate, North Beach Blue, Paper Brown, Astral Spirit, Cheesus, Chinese Silv Hóng Sè Red, Golden Pilsner, Limetta, Subtle Turquoise, Copper Mineral Green, Encore, Woodland Moss, Rosy Queen, Teddy's Taupe, As Roanoke Taupe, Cocoa Pecan, Burlap, Flame Stitch, Raw Sunset, Genestealer Purple, Cherry Plum, Sci-Fi Takeout, Sandwisp, Astral Sp Methadone, Cardamom Spice, Fire Dust, Mammoth Wool, Garden Grove, Spectra Green, Blue Vacation, Cherry Cobbler, Marine Blue, Sea G Color ppt Bread Basket, Sweet Honey, Bondi Blue, Purple Sky, Plum Sauce, Astral Spirit, Frisky, Sprouted, Breezy Violet, Delicious Melon pal Cocoa Shell, Mandalay, Yellow Exhilaration, French Marron, Chinese Garden, Greens, Chinaberry, Astral Spirit, Grey Roads, Etude Li Au Chico, University of Tennessee Orange, Golden Glitter, Maui, Glazed Ringlet, Oily Steel, Tarnished Trumpet, Astral Spirit, Camp 888betcity Honey Wax, Paris Daisy, Heath Spotted Orchid, Nelson's Milk Snake, Moody Black, Flapper Dance, Velvet Umber, Astral Spirit, Lichen Marsala, Highlight Gold, Dangerously Green, Spike, Peaceful Purple, Moroccan Blue, Nightshade Purple, Costa Rica Blue, Astral Spir Ending Autumn, Homeland, Coriander Powder, Thai Ice Tea, Turner's Yellow, Aloe Vera, Noble Silver, Fruit Dove, Rousseau Green, Bin Jupiter Brown, Cinnamon Bun, Chrome Yellow, Atomic Lime, Papilio Argeotus, Japanese Horseradish, Pale Poppy, Astral Spirit, Malaba Crown Gold, Burnt Bagel, Poached Rainbow Trout, Island Palm, Militant Vegan, Shadow Blue, Craftsman Blue, Cherry Cobbler, Astral S Rhind Papyrus, Safety Orange, Bird Flower, Citrine, Blue Estate, Bainganī, Paparazzi, Pickled Capers, Dried Edamame, Emperor's Rob Culpeo, Zinnia, Easter Green, Yves Klein Blue, Celluloid, Frozen Pond, Astral Spirit, Pickling Spice, Snip of Tannin palette Indian Saffron, Snake Eyes, Charmed Green palette Almond Truffle, Grilled Cheese, Ultramarine Blue, Fanfare, Aunt Violet, Espresso Martini, Poudretteite Pink, Astral Spirit palette Conifer, Charleston Green, Astral Spirit palette Tangier, Light Oak Brown, Applesauce Cake, Emerald, Sharp Green palette Camo Beige, Brownstone, Spicy Mustard, Blue Antarctic, Anchors Aweigh palette Blue Turquoise, Alpha Tango, Nuit Blanche, Mallard, Lighthearted Rose, Astral Spirit, Children's Soft Blue palette Kissable, Absolute Apricot, Wisteria Yellow, Gibraltar Sea, Autumn Malt, Astral Spirit, Ginger Root Peel palette Pedestrian Red, Bern Red, Count's Wardrobe, Moonlit Ocean palette Arts and Crafts, November, Squig Orange, Sunlit Kelp Green, Limed Spruce palette Mongoose, Loquat Brown, Summer Fig, The Legend of Green, Meltwater, Jackson Antique, Astral Spirit, Tiara palette Bermuda Onion, Granite Grey, Walkway, Monument Green, Pink Bonnet palette Tawny Birch, Feldspar, Maiden Voyage, Regency Cream, Astral Spirit, Faded Yellow, Aqua Oasis palette Cloudy Cinnamon, Ancient Shelter, Green 383, Sparrow Grey Red, Hemp Rope, Sheer Lilac, Astral Spirit palette Nuclear Mango, Bats Cloak, Bistro, Astral Spirit, Picnic Bay palette Mustard Seed Beige, Red Orpiment, Sango Red, Lavender, Razzmatazz Lips, Astral Spirit, Oyster Grey palette Crispy Samosa, Maturity, Havasu, Hopbush, Old Cumin, Astral Spirit, Musk Dusk palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #8ec2e7 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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