Dibuat di 02/18/2023 16:30
#9a9eb3 HEX Warna Aleutian informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#9a9eb3 | RGB(154, 158, 179) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(154, 158, 179)
#9a9eb3 mengandung warna Merah 60.39%, Hijau 61.96% Dan Biru 70.2%.
Nama Warna dari #9a9eb3 HEX kode
Aleutian Warna
Warna alternatif dari Aleutian #9a9eb3
Warna berlawanan untuk Aleutian – #b2ae99
#9a9eb3 Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #9a9eb3 Aleutian
hsl(230, 14%, 65%)
hsla(230, 14%, 65%, 1)
RGB(154, 158, 179)
RGBA(154, 158, 179, 1)
Palet untuk warna #9a9eb3 Aleutian:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #9a9eb3 HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #0f1012 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f5f5f7 dari rona
Palet nuansa #9a9eb3:
Palet warna #9a9eb3:
Palet pelengkap #9a9eb3:
Palet triadik #9a9eb3:
Palet persegi #9a9eb3:
Palet analog dari #9a9eb3:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #9a9eb3:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #9a9eb3:
Warna Aleutian #9a9eb3 digunakan dalam palet (50)
Aleutian Dull Red, Rave Red, Braid, Nutmeg, Oilseed Crops, Orange Bell Pepper, Sweet Potato Peel, Port Wine Red, Dark Purple Grey, Radish, Cattail Red, Grand Rapids, Vivid Fuchsia, Wentworth, Aleutian palette Spinach Banana Smoothie, Glorious Green Glitter, Riverway, Aleutian, Rejuvenate palette Jaded Ginger, Hashut Copper, After Burn, Emerald Ring, Flowerhorn Cichlid Red, Her Fierceness, Aleutian, Diminished Sky palette Juniper Berries, Brush, Aleutian, Gray Ashlar, White Iris palette Rain Slicker, Glitzy Red, Ocean Blue, Galah, Manor House, Aleutian palette Brown Eyes, Infectious Love, Aleutian, Melody Purple, White Convolvulus palette Gobelin Mauve, Aleutian, Evening Glow palette Blaze, Durango Blue, Casual Blue, Ultra Indigo, Gunmetal, Aleutian, Zebra Finch, Banana Cream, Nouvelle White palette Coral Tree, Deathclaw Brown, Sunny Summer, Seasoned Apple Green, Caribbean Blue, Crystal Seas, Toffee Tan, Stepping Stone, Aleutia Centaur, Farmhouse Ochre, Sweet Florence, Christi, Drunken Flamingo, Wiped Out, Aleutian, Smoke Dragon palette Pottery Red, Mocha Bisque, LED Green, Leafy Lemon, Algae, Taiwan Blue Magpie, Black Water, Arterial Blood Red, Lover's Tryst, Aleu Mossy Bank, Grapple, Antelope, Golden History, Bistre Brown, Winter Could Grey, Shine Baby Shine, Depth Charge, Solid Empire, Aleu Gould Gold, Sun Valley, Ultraviolet Berl, Wild Iris, Iwaicha Brown, Down-to-Earth, Caboose, Aleutian, Soft Celery, Mint Cocktail G Umenezumi Plum, Relentless Olive, Brown Yellow, Bloodletter, Hè Sè Brown, Kelly's Flower, Colonial Blue, Berry Blackmail, Ruby Gre African Plain, Green Moss, Sattle, Orange Daylily, Fall River, Aureolin, Tee Off, Crazy Eyes, Teeny Bikini, Radical Red, Anthracit Solar Power, Hidden Paradise, Beaded Blue, Baroness, Aleutian, Tranquil Green, Forgotten Gold, Orange Chocolate, Fresh Watermelon Colusa Wetlands, Captain Kirk, Candy Grass, Jazz Blue, Warrior Queen, Smoky Day, Aleutian, Studio Mauve, Sleepy Hollow, Arctic Ice Green Serpent Scepter, Drunken Dragonfly, Bright Indigo, Crazy Ex, Siyâh Black, Brussels Sprout Green, Silver Snippet, Aleutian, S Quiver Tan, Reikland Fleshshade Gloss, Coralette, Honey Locust, Dancing-Lady Orchid, Verdant Fields, Mykonos, Victorian Rouge, Big Irritated Ibis, Green Gardens, Velvet Green, Aleutian, Castle Mist palette Pumpkin Cat, Spanish Green, Admiral Blue, Celestial Horizon, Florida Waters, Clematis, Victoria, Blackest Brown, Tree Bark Brown, Cherokee Dignity, Grey Cloud, Winter Solstice, Purple Reign palette Domain, Orange Lily, Kabacha Brown, Marmalade, Support Green, Boboli Gardens, Planter, Magenta Crayon, Aleutian, Harbour Fog, Swee Rationality, Aztec Gold, Orange Bell Pepper, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Dapper Greyhound, Opulent Blue, Opulent Mauve, Aleutian, Cupo Rockin Red, Lazy Shell Red, Chinese Dragon, Woodland Nymph, Bright Light Green, Amaranth Purple, Abyssal Anchorfish Blue, Coffee B Burnt Olive, Aleutian, Spring Grey, Musk Dusk palette Phlox, Autumn Leaf Red, Mauve Brown, Aleutian, Chatelle palette Deep Shale, Gropius Grey, Sliding, Shrubbery, Aleutian, Autumn Glow, Northern Exposure, Minified Purple, Prismatic Pearl palette Yearling, Mustard Yellow, Flash of Orange, Bladed Grass, Plum Shadow, Manganese Red, Paco, Aleutian, Sky Fall, Upward, Fundy Bay p Ottoman Red, Mud Yellow, Old Laser Lemon, Expanse, Later Gator, Bluey, Ambassador Blue, Ecru Ochre, Rosy Brown, Aleutian, Mojave D Morocco Red, Beagle Brown, Muted Lavender, Seaplane Grey, Astro Bound, Aleutian palette Laminated Wood, Banana Leaf, Lurid Lettuce, Java, Beijing Blue, Blue Angel, Medieval Wine, Mexican Pink, Purple Protégé, Industria Gold Varnish Brown, Manticore Wing, Indian Saffron, Rita Repulsa palette Film Fest, Turmeric, Honey Crusted Chicken, Toxic Boyfriend, Adventure of the Seas, Lustful Wishes, Zeus, Aleutian, Blue Willow, C New England Brick, Flame Angelfish, Sweet Lemon Seed, Sealegs, Juicy Details, Ushabti Bone, Aleutian, Shishi Pink palette Sedona Brown, Spirulina palette Adventurer, Hazelnut, Black Wash, Dark Cherry Mocha, Aleutian, Wax Yellow palette Benihi Red, Vegetation, Wave Jumper, Possessed Red, Fence Green, Aleutian, Missed, Light Carolina palette Jade Powder, Windy Seas, Maxi Teal, Venous Blood Red, Aleutian, Dresden Doll palette Au Chico, Sell Gold, Aleutian, Crestline, Slipper Satin, Fresh Air, Crystalline Falls palette Leticiaz, Tricorn Black, Flamboyant Plum, Aleutian palette Mecca Gold, Banana Blossom, Saratoga, Aluminum, Aleutian palette Woolly Mammoth, Autumn Avenue, Mustard On Toast, Ancient Yellow, Beech, Aleutian, Likeable Sand palette Tropical Forest Green, Twisted Time, Aleutian, Subtle Suede palette Sandy Shoes, Rhinestone, Deep Magenta, Angel Green, Diisha Green, Aeronautic, Aleutian, Heart of Palm palette British Phone Booth, Pesto di Noce, Lemon Essence, Acapulco Dive, Polignac palette Paradise Sky, Nymph's Delight, Kon, Mauve Melody palette Naga Morich, High Strung, Celeste Blue, Apple-A-Day, Blackadder, Blue Bayberry, Aleutian, Purple Vision palette
Kontras Warna
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#9a9eb3 Rasio Kontras
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#9a9eb3 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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