Dibuat di 02/27/2023 18:24
#9c0009 HEX Warna Shades of Ruby informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#9c0009 | RGB(156, 0, 9) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(156, 0, 9)
#9c0009 mengandung warna Merah 61.18%, Hijau 0% Dan Biru 3.53%.
Nama Warna dari #9c0009 HEX kode
Shades of Ruby Warna
Warna alternatif dari Shades of Ruby #9c0009
Warna berlawanan untuk Shades of Ruby – #009e96
#9c0009 Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #9c0009 Shades of Ruby
hsl(357, 100%, 31%)
hsla(357, 100%, 31%, 1)
RGB(156, 0, 9)
RGBA(156, 0, 9, 1)
Palet untuk warna #9c0009 Shades of Ruby:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #9c0009 HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #100001 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f5e6e6 dari rona
Palet nuansa #9c0009:
Palet warna #9c0009:
Palet pelengkap #9c0009:
Palet triadik #9c0009:
Palet persegi #9c0009:
Palet analog dari #9c0009:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #9c0009:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #9c0009:
Warna Shades of Ruby #9c0009 digunakan dalam palet (40)
Shades of Ruby, Leopard, Cloud Cream palette Shades of Ruby, Buff Yellow, Stanford Green, Great Serpent, Wakame Green palette Shades of Ruby, Yellow Groove, Alhambra, Glitter Shower palette Shades of Ruby, Legion Blue, Evening Lavender, Broken Blue, Intuitive, Tatami, Turtle Chalk, Deserted Beach palette Rogan Josh, Shades of Ruby, Wasteland, Cattail Brown, Spice Cake, October, Offbeat Green, Grass Court, Marlin, Gem, Chocolate Pral Shades of Ruby, Korma, Mustard Seed, Luster Green, Sailor, Lavish Spending, Red Wine Vinegar, Orange Clay, Cupola Yellow palette Shades of Ruby, Mecca Gold, Curry Powder, Laguna Blue, Strawberry Frosting, Flaming Hot Flamingoes, Tabriz Teal, Winter Waves, Pea Shades of Ruby, Red Willow, Lapis Lazuli, Cherrywood, Play on Grey, Young Green palette Harley Davidson Orange, Shades of Ruby, Greenish Teal, Purple Stiletto, Wetland Stone, Pale Beryl palette Shades of Ruby, Let It Ring, Christmas Green, Carbon Footprint, Blue Iguana, Philippine Violet, Purple Anxiety, Amethyst Tint, Unf Shades of Ruby, Hawkesbury, Pine Green, Ravenwood, Linen Grey, Moose Fur, Blue Cascade palette Shades of Ruby, Oil Yellow, Canopy, Deep Indigo, Sail On, Lavender Indigo, Martian Green, Renaissance, Va Va Bloom palette Shades of Ruby, Tank Grey, Leather Work, Rhythm & Blues, Black Htun, Creeping Bellflower, Delightful, Sparkling Metal, Your Pink p Shades of Ruby, Tobey Rattan, Orange Poppy, Coral Rose, Jungle Noises, Blue Curacao, Bean Green, Pink Palazzo, Raw Cashew Nut pale Shades of Ruby, Opium, Lucky, November Green, Stand Out, Diva Violet, System Shock Blue, Paisley, Red Blood, Bleached Apricot pale Shades of Ruby, Ouni Red, Saffron Soufflé, Crisp Cyan, Brigade, Sapphire Sparkle, Aircraft Green, Reddy Brown palette Shades of Ruby, Rodham, Carmelite, Canyon Sunset, Yellowish Brown, Wakatake Green, Crystal Green, Scott Base, Old Lavender, Wander Burnt Red, Shades of Ruby, Vining Ivy, Punctuate palette Shades of Ruby, Golden Cream, Algerian Coral, Garden of Eden, DaVanzo Green, Celtic Queen, Pink Quince, Stone Hearth, Cobbler, Ste Shades of Ruby, Amaretto, Pecan, Cameleer, Sun Salutation, Lisbon Brown, Chinaberry, Sunken Ship, Sandy Toes, Glass Violet, Oak Sh Shades of Ruby, Tobacco Leaf, Mocha, Vesuvian Green, Waterloo, Linear, Deepest Sea, Deepest Mauve, Portobello, Memorize, Tranquil Shades of Ruby, Creamy Orange Blush, Water Blue, Deep Daichi Black, Wine Leaf, Tea Rose, Morning Sky, Piggy Bank, Dithered Sky pal Shades of Ruby, Timber Trail palette Shades of Ruby, More Maple, Lucky Green, Moody Blue, Infrared Flush, Night Blue, Hazelnut Chocolate palette Salsa, Shades of Ruby, Spice Bazaar, Forest Tent, Beautiful Darkness, Pink Carnation, Savannah Grass, Pool Floor palette Shades of Ruby, Delta Break, Cardboard, Clear Orange, Purple Pleasures, Aeronautic, Portobello Mushroom, Meadow Glen palette Shades of Ruby, Gurkha, Blue Aster, New Bulgarian Rose palette Shades of Ruby, Butter Caramel, Dwarven Flesh, Virtual Golf, Practice Green palette Shades of Ruby, Boneyard, Nutmeg Wood Finish, Tombstone Grey palette Shades of Ruby, Sedona Stone, Philippine Orange, Gossamer, Bear Brown, Agave, Pavilion palette Shades of Ruby, Teakwood, Hidden Forest palette Shades of Ruby, Arabian Red, Blazing Bonfire, Sea Salt Rivers, Hooloovoo Blue, Brandied Apricot, Charred Brown, Dried Plum, Glitte Shades of Ruby, Campfire, Nouveau, Montana Grape, Princely, Grey Squirrel, Ziggurat, Sunrise palette Shades of Ruby, Bread Pudding, Watermelon Punch, Mountain Meadow Green palette Shades of Ruby, Marmot, Lippie, Brick Orange, Evora, Lavender Grey palette Shades of Ruby, Golden Leaf, Gédéon Brown, Taurus Forest Fern, Old Benchmark, Veiled Violet palette Red Sentinel, Shades of Ruby, Brandy Punch, Gilded Leaves, Genteel Blue, Imagine That, Logan, Peach Whip palette Shades of Ruby, Alsike Clover Red, Dimple palette Shades of Ruby, LED Blue, Underwater Falling, Purple Urn Orchid, Bright Rose, Crisp Capsicum palette Shades of Ruby, Mossy Oak, Splinter, Martian Ironearth, Christmas Gold, Ultra Green, Alter Ego, Red Jade, Out of Fashion, Rum Rich
Kontras Warna
Paduan warna #9c0009 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.
#9c0009 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
Teks besar: | ||
Teks kecil: |
#9c0009 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
Teks besar: | ||
Teks kecil: |