Dibuat di 02/26/2023 13:00
#9d8abf HEX Warna Cold Purple informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#9d8abf | RGB(157, 138, 191) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(157, 138, 191)
#9d8abf mengandung warna Merah 61.57%, Hijau 54.12% Dan Biru 74.9%.
Nama Warna dari #9d8abf HEX kode
Cold Purple Warna
Warna alternatif dari Cold Purple #9d8abf
Warna berlawanan untuk Cold Purple – #adc08c
#9d8abf Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #9d8abf Cold Purple
hsl(262, 29%, 65%)
hsla(262, 29%, 65%, 1)
RGB(157, 138, 191)
RGBA(157, 138, 191, 1)
Palet untuk warna #9d8abf Cold Purple:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #9d8abf HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #100e13 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f5f3f9 dari rona
Palet nuansa #9d8abf:
Palet warna #9d8abf:
Palet pelengkap #9d8abf:
Palet triadik #9d8abf:
Palet persegi #9d8abf:
Palet analog dari #9d8abf:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #9d8abf:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #9d8abf:
Warna Cold Purple #9d8abf digunakan dalam palet (50)
Shades of Cold Purple color #9D8ABF hex Tints of Cold Purple color #9D8ABF hex Wintergreen Shadow, Tree of Life, Purple Stiletto, Cold Purple palette Argyle Rose, Cold Purple palette Shadow Purple, Judge Grey, Cold Purple, San Carlos Plaza, Toadstool Dot palette Dickie Bird, Indian Ink, Cold Purple palette Cherry Blink, Violet Frog, Angry Ocean, Cold Purple, Eton Blue, Blue Blush palette Birch Leaf Green, Downing Stone, Cold Purple, Jagged Ice, Fresh Piglet palette Scarlet Shade, Cold Purple, Geyser Pool palette Flaming Cauldron, Grass Stain Green, Pharaoh Purple, Debian Red, Winter Sea, Winning Ticket, Cold Purple palette Dragon's Breath, New Chestnut, Olive Bark, Cold Purple, Gaelic Garden palette Blue Diamond, Boulder Creek, Sombrero, Cold Purple, Joyful palette Philodendron, Cold Purple, Light Drizzle, Perfect Taupe, Boy Blue, Pink Gin, Iced Slate, Snowcap palette Cold Purple, Wind Rose palette Chocolate Delight, Sappanwood Incense, Warm Welcome, Aubergine Perl, Piney Lake, Cold Purple, Flier Lie, Auburn Wave palette Fresh Auburn, Coral Red, Bracken Green, Field Drab, Cold Purple, Ground Cover, Cornflower Lilac, Purple Pj's palette Ground Pepper, Midnight Brown, Flaming Torch, Kindleflame, Green Eyes, Greenlake, Acapulco Cliffs, Blue Oasis, Caneel Bay, Plum Sh Aztec Temple, Mississippi River, Techno Blue, Cold Purple, Arabian Sands palette Meander, Brazil Nut, Aztec Brick, Campfire Blaze, Citrus Leaf, Little Bow Pink, Amethyst Dark Violet, Cold Purple, Woven Straw, Ba In the Red, Breeze of Chilli, Golden Palm, Linoleum Green, Splendor and Pride, Purple Passion, Metal Petal, Cold Purple, Red Sands Au Chico, Banana Leaf, Salt Caramel, Patrician Purple, Crazy Ex, Bottle Green, Tobago, Droëwors, Cold Purple, Marshy Habitat, Stra Wood Green, Spruced Up, Beef Bourguignon, Homburg Grey, Carissima, Cold Purple palette Dragon's Fire, War God, Cold Waterlogged Lab Coat, Cold Purple, Whipped Violet, Tudor Ice, Grey Shimmer palette Gryphonne Sepia Wash, Primal Rage, Green Serum, Assassin, Red Mahogany, Shades On, Cuppa Coffee, Cold Purple, Golden Delicious, Pe Getaway, Patrinia Flowers, Romesco, Thicket, Fashion Green, Wild Pansy, Buckeye, Sheepskin Gloves, Cold Purple, Nevermind Nirvana, Perfect Dark, Hortensia, Thousand Years Green, Vintage Indigo, Cold Purple palette Medieval Cobblestone, Raw Umber, Butter Fudge, Bonus Level, Old Truck, Roseland, Bunglehouse Blue, Cold Purple, Coral Cove palette Traffic Red, Cypress Green, Mustard Sauce, Poisonous Potion, Guerrilla Forest, Gemstone Blue, Espalier, Raw Amethyst, Herbal Wash, Redrock Canyon, Bruschetta, Splinter, Pottery Blue, Boysenberry, Deadly Depths, Flirtatious Indigo Tea, Terra Pin, Cold Purple, Bu Cajun Spice, Furious Fox, Trouser Blue, Olivenite, Italian Grape, Dark Sea, Amethyst Phlox, Sandy Bluff, Holiday, Cold Purple, Bea Eclectic Plum, Sierra, Brassed Off, Yakitori, UFO Defense Green, Grape Blue palette Weathered Shingle, Clear Weather, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Dryad Bark, Dark Red Brown, Cold Purple, Sky City, Lavender Water, Bluebe Fox, Fire Coral, Honeycomb Yellow, Dynamite, Census, Mississippi River, Cinnamon Satin, Sultan's Silk, Magic Night, Grey Pinstripe Vermilion, Key Lime Pie, Verdigris Coloured, Green Elliott, Starboard, Bunglehouse Blue, Independence, Cold Purple, Moss Mist, Fre Queen of Hearts, Hot Hazel, Cold Purple, Hopeful Dream, Cooled Cream, Misted Aqua palette Iron Oxide, Mango Loco, Makore Veneer Red, Plum Sauce, Cold Purple, Sea Sprite palette Chipolata, Early Spring Night, Cold Purple palette Orangeville, Pinafore Blue, Tomato Scepter, Velvet, Emperor, Lavender Leaf Green, Kangaroo Pouch palette Ginger Jar, Apricot Sorbet palette Mendocino Hills, Toucan Gentleman, Safety Yellow, Eternal Cherry, Purple Trinket palette Olive Shade, Bonus Level, Church Blue, Cold Purple, Eclectic palette Rainbow's Outer Rim, Ginger Scent, Desert Soil, Cold Purple, Frozen Statues palette Gamboge Yellow, Mistletoe, Agrax Earthshade, Cloistered Garden, Cold Purple, Blunt, Vintage Beige, Rotunda Gold palette Red Gerbera, Buttercup, Barbarian Leather, Maximum Orange, Putting Green, Xavier Blue, Drifting Sand palette Buddha Green, Cold Purple, Blue Dam, Hyacinth White Soft Blue, Clamshell, Paella Natural White palette Sora Sky, Dark Mahogany, Good Karma, Black Locust, Fern Leaf palette Green Cacophony, Hydro palette Coconut Shell, Impatient Heart, Chinook Salmon, Energized, Smoky Emerald, Chestnut, Vicarious Violet, Gilded Beige, Cold Purple, B Blood Donor, Mango Loco, Sundance, Baleine Blue, Rich Blue, Tutuji Pink, Gibraltar Sea, Detective Coat, Cold Purple, Analytical Gr Desert Yellow, Georgian Yellow, Corona, Frenzied Red, Natural Spring, Cold Purple, Biking Trail, Caramel Ice palette
Kontras Warna
Paduan warna #9d8abf dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.
#9d8abf Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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#9d8abf Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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