Dibuat di 02/23/2023 15:50

#b40441 HEX Warna Fancy Red Wine informasi

#b40441 RGB(180, 4, 65)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(180, 4, 65)
#b40441 mengandung warna Merah 70.59%, Hijau 1.57% Dan Biru 25.49%.

Nama Warna dari #b40441 HEX kode

Fancy Red Wine Warna

Klasifikasi warna #b40441

#b40441 adalah Gelap Dan Hangat Warna
Warna dari brown
Warna berlawanan untuk Fancy Red Wine – #04b476

#b40441 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #b40441 Fancy Red Wine

hsl(339, 96%, 36%)
hsla(339, 96%, 36%, 1)
RGB(180, 4, 65)
RGBA(180, 4, 65, 1)

Palet untuk warna #b40441 Fancy Red Wine:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #b40441 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #120006 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8e6ec dari rona

Palet nuansa #b40441:
Palet warna #b40441:
Palet pelengkap #b40441:
Palet triadik #b40441:
Palet persegi #b40441:
Palet analog dari #b40441:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #b40441:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #b40441:

Warna Fancy Red Wine #b40441 digunakan dalam palet (49)

Fancy Red Wine Arizona Clay, Fancy Red Wine, Northern Territory, Cosmetic Mauve palette Fancy Red Wine, Basil Smash palette Honey, Limeño Limón, Moss Ring, Fancy Red Wine, Westhaven, Salt Mountain palette Fake Jade, Chetwode Blue, Sultry Smoke, Fancy Red Wine, Spanish Sand, Mint Twist, White Peach palette Trinket Box, Fancy Red Wine, Mysterious Depths, Pastel Turquoise, Bright Lavender palette Roycroft Rose, Fancy Red Wine, Bamboo Screen, Beehive palette Cool Charcoal, Maple Syrup, Aruba Green, Blue Jeans, Patrician Purple, Soft Purple, Fancy Red Wine, Grape Royale, Surf'n'dive, Pus Cognac, Pollen Storm, Medium Vermilion, Kanzō Orange, Honey Wax, The New Black, Emerald Lake, Canyon Blue, Cloisonne, Royal Blue T Borscht, Burning Idea, Bright Lettuce, Gossamer, Oceanic, Baroque Rose, Fancy Red Wine, Blue Lobelia, Aloe Plant, Flour Sack palet The Cottage, Quinoline Yellow, Radar Blip Green, Poisonous, Marrs Green, Governor Bay, Nimbus Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Betel Nut Dye, Brassy, Stone Cypress Green, Exuberant Pink, Fancy Red Wine, Rebel, Smoky Mountain palette Azuki Bean, Burning Sand, Kombucha, Dull Yellow, Fancy Red Wine, Sandblast, Silver Sands, A Lot of Love palette Arboretum, French Violet, Cupid's Eye, Fancy Red Wine, Dancing Crocodiles, Heliotropic Mauve, Fizz palette Clove Dye, Mandarin Orange, Summer Sea, Red Radish, Fancy Red Wine, Green Grey Mist, Sand Paper, Pebble Path palette Edocha, Red Ribbon, Hidden Morel, Grenadier, Reed Mace, Gothic Spire, Phlox Flower Violet, Fancy Red Wine, Diamond Black, Tamahaga Dubuffet Green, Gulf Stream, Fancy Red Wine, Ember Red, Overcast Night, Hillside View, Lost at Sea, Mystique, Cement Greige, Light Tangle, Gaboon Viper, Treasures, Teri-Gaki Persimmon, Vanilla Pudding, Esmeralda, Zenith, Dresden Blue, Cordovan, Fancy Red Wine, Grey Owl, Moss Point Green, Skylla, Way Beyond the Blue, Highlighter Lavender, Ruby Grey, Fancy Red Wine, Ultimate Grey, Vista Blu Terrazzo Brown, Tropical Forest Green, Jargon Jade, Dolphin Daze, Neapolitan Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Shy Guy Red, Sideshow, Pepto, W Electric Brown, Escapade Gold, Ming Green, Labradorite, Pansy Garden, Cornflower, Stomy Shower, Fancy Red Wine, Smoky Black, Bush, Cork Wood, Orange Bell Pepper, Adamantine Blue, Purple Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Cucumber Crush, Amber Dawn, Journey's End, Bleached B Brindle, Bedbox, Warm Hearth, Perfect Ocean, Bright Navy Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Nature's Gift, Classic Cool, Dingy Sticky Note, Lig Animal Blood, Toasted Bagel, Devil's Flower Mantis, Teal Trip, Bluestone Path, Ocean Storm, Coelin Blue, Raspberry Jelly Red, Fanc Superman Red, Art and Craft, Frankenstein, Blue Slushie, Wild Geranium, Fancy Red Wine, Rosewood, Bongo Skin palette Poppy Flower, Master Nacho, Banana Bombshell, Purple Passage, Fancy Red Wine, Charleston Green, Aero, Blushing Tulip palette Red Pentacle, Wild Cattail, Dixie, Ruby Ring, Fancy Red Wine, Velvet Crest, Soft Beige, Dakota Wheat palette Butterscotch, Portsmouth, Fancy Red Wine palette Barbados Cherry, Melon Mist, Fancy Red Wine, Daddy-O, Simply Violet, Muffin Magic palette Burning Orange, Fancy Red Wine, Sinister, Cursed Black, Foggy Dew, Vintage Beige, Misty Mint palette Fancy Red Wine, Night Mauve, Cherry Chip, Fairy Dust palette Flipper, Purple Tone Ink, Fancy Red Wine, Nectar of the Gods palette Fancy Red Wine, Wine Bottle Green, Lunar Green, Coastal Crush, Brig O'Doon, Pollinate palette Elephant, Parma Grey, Fancy Red Wine, Corundum Blue, Green Daze, Uldum Beige, Smoked Silver palette Caustic Green, Zahri Pink, Fancy Red Wine palette Dorset Naga, Fungi, Antique Bourbon, Simply Green, Persian Green, Fancy Red Wine, Pine Needle palette Rookwood Antique Gold, Super Leaf Brown, Sunset Gold, Georgian Revival Blue palette Rainbow Trout, Port Au Prince, Ultra Violet Lentz, Fancy Red Wine, Blue Diamond, Black Space, Dockside Blue, Golden Pop palette Cigar Smoke, Fancy Red Wine, Mulled Wine Red, Derbyshire, Oracle, Embarcadero, Berry Wine, Adolescent Rodent, Tassel Taupe, Lavend Blood Omen, Peaches à La Crème, Wing Commander, Fancy Red Wine, Daylight Lilac, Cuticle Pink, Cherish the Moment palette Carmim, Orange Hibiscus, Pea Soup Green, Verdigris Coloured, Fancy Red Wine palette Brown Red, Madrileño Maroon, Bear Hug, Fantan, Come Sail Away, Aquarius Mood Indigo, Fancy Red Wine palette Dragon Bay, Fancy Red Wine, Piney Wood palette Harvest Pumpkin, Bronzed Flesh, Hakusai Green, Fancy Red Wine, Lost in the Woods, Aged Pewter palette Chapter, Western Sunrise, Boreal, Medium Turquoise, Luxurious Red, Fancy Red Wine, Annapolis Blue, Autumn Leaves palette Fancy Red Wine, Meški Black, Mermaid's Tail, Hillary, Sparkling Champagne, Crisp, Debonaire palette Daredevil, Fancy Red Wine, White Tiger, Monologue, Chilled Lemonade, Tropical Dream palette Never Cry Wolf, Shipmate, Stormy Grey, Fancy Red Wine palette Armadillo Egg, Asparagus, Claret Red, Fancy Red Wine, Rangitoto, Clematis Blue, Jackson Antique, Granola, Ecru White palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #b40441 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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