Dibuat di 02/24/2023 14:57

#b57466 HEX Warna Rojo Dust informasi

#b57466 RGB(181, 116, 102)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(181, 116, 102)
#b57466 mengandung warna Merah 70.98%, Hijau 45.49% Dan Biru 40%.

Nama Warna dari #b57466 HEX kode

Rojo Dust Warna

Klasifikasi warna #b57466

#b57466 adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari indianred
Warna berlawanan untuk Rojo Dust – #64a6b4

#b57466 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #b57466 Rojo Dust

hsl(11, 35%, 55%)
hsla(11, 35%, 55%, 1)
RGB(181, 116, 102)
RGBA(181, 116, 102, 1)

Palet untuk warna #b57466 Rojo Dust:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #b57466 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #120c0a dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8f1f0 dari rona

Palet nuansa #b57466:
Palet warna #b57466:
Palet pelengkap #b57466:
Palet triadik #b57466:
Palet persegi #b57466:
Palet analog dari #b57466:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #b57466:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #b57466:

Warna Rojo Dust #b57466 digunakan dalam palet (49)

Sugar-Candied Peanuts, Rojo Dust, Antique Gold, Old Cheddar, Green Jelly, UA Blue, Blue Copper Ore, Deep Maroon, Grapewood, Meadow Bateau Brown, Fern Grove, Eastlake, Rojo Dust, Red Wire, Granite Canyon, Ghostly Purple, Blue Fantastic, Deep Cobalt, Deep Emerald Rojo Dust, Fresh Leaf, Candied Blueberry, Fashion Mauve, Carefree Sky, Himalaya Blue, Sandalwood Beige palette Wet Sand, Rojo Dust, Hot Sauna, Wind Rose palette Otter Heart Rojo Dust, 18th Century Green, Tau Light Ochre, Winter Sea palette Hestia Red, Iced Mocha, Rojo Dust, Burnished Copper, Honey Grove, Camo Clay, Blue Dazzle, Petrel, Valley Floor, Cherry Juice, Pati Rojo Dust, Kale Green, Bistro palette Willow Tree, Rojo Dust, Pumpkin Bread, Sienna, Summertown, Sparkle Glow palette Spiced Rum, Rojo Dust, Adventure Island Pink, Insignia Blue, Woven Straw palette Medieval Cobblestone, Rojo Dust, Sahara Shade, Farrago, Thor's Thunder, Lythrum, Byzantine, Murray Red, Wild Nude, Urban Putty, Hy Rojo Dust, Balsam Pear, Grapefruit, Exuberance, Yellow Powder, Kimberly, Monument, Mild Menthol palette Rojo Dust, Pumping Spice, Makara, Awakening, Mountain Laurel palette Rojo Dust, Orangina, Peeled Asparagus, Shuriken palette Rojo Dust, Cheerful Yellow, Corrosion Green, Garden Glade palette Utah Crimson, Bright Red, Downtown Benny Brown, Kaffee, Barro Verde, Mount Olive, Rojo Dust, Lime Fizz, Desaturated Cyan, Monsoon, Artisan Tan, Rojo Dust, Alfajor Brown, Grilled Cheese, March Green, Dawnstone, Battle Harbor, Art Nouveau Violet, Goose Wing Grey Stucco, Rojo Dust, Filthy Brown, Pastel Orange, Meadowlark, Golden Sprinkles, Barbados Blue, Fairway Green, Intermediate Green, Bl Rojo Dust, Spleen Green, Noctis, Bright Eggplant, Dark Veil, Imperial Jewel, White Scar, Chain Reaction, Blue Dam, Tamanegi Peel p Antique Treasure, Rojo Dust, Hot Pepper Green, Zephyr Green, Distinctive Lack of Hue, Pure Midnight, Jacey's Favorite palette Rojo Dust, Tan Brown, Reikland Fleshshade, Green Envy, Burned Brown, Moon Shadow, Plum Juice, Maple Pecan, Breezy Touch palette Furious Tomato, Rose Hip, Left on Red, Rojo Dust, Exotic Honey, Peachy Maroney, Bright Green, Homburg Grey, Tidal Wave, Chinese Sa Crackled Leather, Rojo Dust, Minty Paradise, Glitter Lake, Ripe Eggplant palette Woodchuck, Rojo Dust, Hit Pink, Master Round Yellow, Silver Linden Grey, Mustard Green, Endless River, Secret Story, Opulent Green Mars Red, Holly Jolly Christmas, Rojo Dust, Spanish Peanut, Flame Stitch, Chateau Green, Blue et une Nuit, Cat's Purr, Charming Vi Forbidden Thrill, Rojo Dust, Golden Granola, Chocolate Stain, Garish Blue, Stirland Mud, Spinel Violet, Really Teal, Sinful, Iron Florentine Brown, Rojo Dust, Mellow Coral, Double Dragon Skin, Frond, Cowgirl Blue, Tofino Belue, Mary Blue, Space Cadet, Gateway Tadpole, Rojo Dust, Hot Curry, Egg Yolk Sunrise, Bluish Purple, Azalea, Big Dipper, Summer Green, Celestine, Clinical Soft Blue pa Rojo Dust, Chuckles, New York Pink, Aqua Rapids, Steel Blue Grey, Felted Wool, Gentle Sea, Touch of Sand, Porcelain Crab, Geyser, Rojo Dust, Shylock, Blue Dude, Soft Celery, Eastern Sky, Monet Vert, Angelico palette Rojo Dust, Sesame Crunch, Potash, Carrier Pigeon Blue, Moon Shadow palette Rojo Dust, Old Asparagus, So Sour, Scouring Rush, Cool Waters, Shale Grey, Cress Vinaigrette, Sunset over the Alps palette Rojo Dust, Winter Shadow, Malibu, Rustique, Ballet Skirt palette Rojo Dust, Desert Chaparral, Squid Ink Powder, Petroleum, Storm Red palette Rojo Dust, Spicy Hue, Auric Armour Gold, Eyelash Camel, Coral Reef, Treasure Map palette Rojo Dust, Sweet Curry, Orangish Brown, Kilimanjaro, Spanish Raisin, Belgian Block palette Rojo Dust, Sunflower, Sea Blue, Red Flag, Off Broadway, Bitter Sage, Golden Delicious, Dépaysement palette Rojo Dust, Lush Garden, Bangladesh Green, Lviv Blue, Arona, Ginger Lemon Tea palette Bungalow Brown, Rojo Dust, Mikado Yellow, Hisui Kingfisher, Jitterbug Jade palette Sacrifice Altar, Rojo Dust, Mandarin Orange, Orioles Orange, Discover Deco, Pirate's Trinket, Black Chestnut Oak, Witness, Bermuda Golden Freesia, Rojo Dust, Artisan Red, Carmel, Termite Beige, Agave Green, Go Go Green, Smitten, Elite Teal, Maire, Parma Plum Re April Love, Old Mandarin, Rojo Dust, Knockout Orange, Green Bank, Teal Waters, Crushed Velvet, Major Blue, Chestnut Brown, Arctic Earthenware, Rojo Dust, Chivalry Copper, Panorama Blue, Ancient Magenta, Cerise Pink, Midnight Escape, Baize, Autumn Night, Midnig Hidden Treasure, Burnt Terra, Rojo Dust, Spleen Green, Croquet Blue, Blue Luxury, Orb of Discord, Rialto, Blue Black Crayfish, Blu Allura Red, Westminster, Rojo Dust, Sappanwood Incense, Flower Pot, Dusk Green, Waikawa Grey, Blue Lechery, Caviar, Sea Challenge, Rojo Dust, Foxtail, Orbital Kingdom, Lightish Purple, Wild Ginger, Black Wash, Atlantic Charter, Loom of Fate, Hillary, Tropical M Rojo Dust, Canyon Wall, Pyramid Gold, Zunda Green, Reptilian Green, Baritone, Charm, All Nighter, Huntington Woods, Moss Rock, Ber Schooner, Rojo Dust, Sulphur Yellow, Sailor Moon, Dirty Blue, Club Mauve, Royal Banner, Katy Berry, Seascape Blue, November Leaf, Steel Legion Drab, Grecian Gold, Rojo Dust, Deep Shale, Cumberland Grey, Brandy Snaps, Allegory, Shimmer, Violet Mix, Orange Chiff

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #b57466 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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