Dibuat di 02/25/2023 03:14

#b6bcdf HEX Warna Wish informasi

#b6bcdf RGB(182, 188, 223)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(182, 188, 223)
#b6bcdf mengandung warna Merah 71.37%, Hijau 73.73% Dan Biru 87.45%.

Nama Warna dari #b6bcdf HEX kode

Wish Warna

Klasifikasi warna #b6bcdf

#b6bcdf adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Warna dari lightsteelblue
Warna berlawanan untuk Wish – #ded8b5

#b6bcdf Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #b6bcdf Wish

hsl(231, 39%, 79%)
hsla(231, 39%, 79%, 1)
RGB(182, 188, 223)
RGBA(182, 188, 223, 1)

Palet untuk warna #b6bcdf Wish:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #b6bcdf HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #121316 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8f8fc dari rona

Palet nuansa #b6bcdf:
Palet warna #b6bcdf:
Palet pelengkap #b6bcdf:
Palet triadik #b6bcdf:
Palet persegi #b6bcdf:
Palet analog dari #b6bcdf:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #b6bcdf:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #b6bcdf:

Warna Wish #b6bcdf digunakan dalam palet (50)

Wish Cobblestone Path, Pond Green, Tuscan Clay, Pecan Brown, Vin Cuit, Allegro, Rose of Sharon, Green Sulphur, Candied Yam, Ebbing Tide Papaya Yellow Green, Wish palette Wish, Crystal Glass palette Lionfish Red, Red Stone, Tribal Pottery, Hazelnut, Rodham, Golden Koi, Liberator Gold, Shǔi Cǎo Lǜ Green, St. Patrick, Ocean Night Vampire State Building, Grandiose, OK Corral, Tijolo, Bluebird's Belly, Jay Bird, Sweet Desire, Damson, Mud, Purple Stone, Curds a Cherry Bark, Deer God, Peat Swamp Forest, Treasure Chamber, Sedona Brown, Lethal Lime, Sequoia Lake, Blue Olympus, Grapefruit Juic Flamboyant, Crack Willow, Nipple, Gold Ransom, Tavern Creek, Hep Green, Egyptian Gold, Toad, June Bud, Dark Galaxy, Port Wine, Bri Light Amber Orange, Wish palette Dusty Path, Olde World Gold, Coppersmith, Fall River, Clover, Urban Chic, Superstitious, Quiet Moment, Informative Pink, Wish, Soy Purslane, Mallorca Blue, Sapphire Sparkle, Warm Brownie, Folklore, Take Five, Wish palette Rogue, Russian Olive, Terra Orange, Shǔi Cǎo Lǜ Green, Pinkman, Pink Jazz, Fanatic Fuchsia, Nature's Strength, Rampant Rhubarb, De Paddle Wheel, Hot Cacao, Blue Lagoon, Ash Tree, Cold Pink, Wish palette British Phone Booth, Tanned Wood, Yellow Shout, Stormy Horizon, Brown Pepper, Forest Shade, Tahuna Sands, Billowy, Soft Salmon, Wi Spice of Life, Pepperoni, Dark Sage, Healing Plant, Dexter, Job's Tears, Reddish Pink, Gardens Sericourt, Red Mane, Wave Top palet Cherry Bomb, Immaculate Iguana, Tobernite, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Espalier, Raindrop, Lilac Scent Soft Blue, Lazy Grey palette Treasure Chest, Ruby Shade, Rose Violet, Bloody Pico-8, Ultramarine Violet, Castellan Green, Black Dragon's Cauldron, Wish palette Tuscan Soil, Spiced Pumpkin, Lapis Jewel, Grape Jam, Lavender Perceptions, Stormeye, Prominent Pink, Cosmetic Mauve, Wish palette Kiwi Pulp, Water Music, Artist's Shadow, Embroidered Silk, Montezuma, Demeter, Wish, New Clay, Easy On The Eyes palette Shutterbug, Orange Popsicle, Lime Rickey, Fistfull of Green, Seal Pup, Berry Smoothie, Witch Soup, Roseville, Rugby Tan, Tiny Calf Jackpot, Goldsmith, Variegated Frond, Alter Ego, Armor Wash, Zucchini, Hornblende Green, Steiglitz Fog, Warm Grey Flannel, Seaborn Redwing, Blood Red, Water Fern, Prunella, Forestial Outpost, Cashmere, Lickety Split, Orchid Orange, Sweet Chamomile, Sandshell, W Paris Creek, Cocoloco, Salted Caramel, Blue Marble, Cherry Fruit, Infinite Night, Graphite Black, Spelunking, Quail Hollow, Easily Mushroom Basket, Ferrous, Grandview, Tropical Rainforest, Drakenhof Nightshade, Deep Sea Dolphin, Abyssal Anchorfish Blue, Blackcu Candied Yam, Florida Turquoise, Winter Palace, Magic Magenta, Duck Hunt, Chive Flower, Blue Echo, Nature's Delight, Pageant Green Ferntastic, Pool Blue, Belly Flop, Blue Radiance, Corrosion Red, Midnight Sun, Flax, Pink Orchid Mantis palette Terrazzo Brown, Tropical Forest Green, Jargon Jade, Dolphin Daze, Neapolitan Blue, Fancy Red Wine, Shy Guy Red, Sideshow, Pepto, W Executive Course, Sunlit Kelp Green, Ripening Grape, Freefall, Fashion Week, Thatch, Portico, Howdy Partner, Granivorous, Bright K Kilauea Lava, Gold Season, Stirland Battlemire, Hierba Santa, Iguaçuense Waterfall, Atmosphere, Winning Red, English Forest, Winte Portabello, Fresh Squeezed, Cliffside Park, Majestic Jungle, Tempered Chocolate, Biking Red, Patio Stone, Dark Storm Cloud, Winter Urban Safari, Rustic Adobe, Greenalicious, Free Green, Courtyard Blue, Aspara, Green Kelp, Commodore, Peaceful Glade, Bush Viper, Amaranth Red, Grainfield, Summer Heat, Matriarch, Cherry Brandy, Odyssey, Iron Earth palette Vert Pierre, Shark Fin, Wish, Gadabout palette Suntan Glow, Greenish Blue, Prefect, French Blue, Preppy Rose, Bottom of my Heart, Green Gables, Wine Brown, Double Fudge, Alpine Herald's Trumpet, Vaporwave Blue, Beastly Flesh, Satin Flower, Dun Morogh Blue, Smooth Satin, Aristocratic Pink, Wish, White Bean Lapwing Grey Green, Elkhound, Mill Creek, Tassel, Sassy Grass, Desaturated Cyan, Precious Stone, Rosin, Dark Slate, Pure Earth, Pr Desert Caravan, Drunk-Tank Pink, Darth Torus, Cool Operator's Overalls, Woad Purple, Sagey, Grauzone, Marsh Fern, Dusty Trail pale Pumpkin Yellow, Tropical Hibiscus, Oak Barrel, Warm Taupe, Boiling Mud, Pink Slip, Orange Grove, Wish palette Sphagnum Moss, Fall River, Forest Maid, Night Mode, Rhapsody, Vampiric Shadow, Electrum, Wish, Light Blond, Ice Breaker palette Sorrell Brown, Roycroft Bottle Green palette Cherry Tart, Dobunezumi Brown, Wild Clary palette Spandex Green, Future Hair, Sonic Silver, Summer Sea, Cuban Sand, May Mist palette Amparo Blue, Rice Grain palette Orange Danger, Amalfi Coast palette Lazy Lizard, Striking, Tōnatiuh Red, Sphinx, Mystery, Peachy Skin, Wish, Blushed Velvet palette Pumpkin Choco, Keystone, Earthen Jug, Tanooki Suit Brown, Rita Repulsa, Rare Turquoise, Old Grey Mare palette Capital Yellow, Bhūrā Brown, Corona, Water Welt palette Cold and Dark, Pasilla Chiles, 20000 Leagues Under the Sea, Del Sol Maize, Leadbelcher, Wish palette Charred Clay, Blazing Autumn, Structural Blue, Vino Tinto, Pink Polar palette Green Smoke, Black Feather palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #b6bcdf dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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