Dibuat di 02/27/2023 08:03

#bbb58d HEX Warna Coriander informasi

#bbb58d RGB(187, 181, 141)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(187, 181, 141)
#bbb58d mengandung warna Merah 73.33%, Hijau 70.98% Dan Biru 55.29%.

Nama Warna dari #bbb58d HEX kode

Coriander Warna

Klasifikasi warna #bbb58d

#bbb58d adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari darkkhaki
Warna berlawanan untuk Coriander – #8c92ba

#bbb58d Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bbb58d Coriander

hsl(52, 25%, 64%)
hsla(52, 25%, 64%, 1)
RGB(187, 181, 141)
RGBA(187, 181, 141, 1)

Palet untuk warna #bbb58d Coriander:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #bbb58d HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #13120e dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8f8f4 dari rona

Palet nuansa #bbb58d:
Palet warna #bbb58d:
Palet pelengkap #bbb58d:
Palet triadik #bbb58d:
Palet persegi #bbb58d:
Palet analog dari #bbb58d:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #bbb58d:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #bbb58d:

Warna Coriander #bbb58d digunakan dalam palet (50)

Shades of Coriander color #BBB58D hex Tints of Coriander color #BBB58D hex Coriander Winter Twig, Píng Gǔo Lǜ Green, Walden Pond, Dying Light, Coriander, Foxy Lady, Folk Tale, Sweet Spring palette Coriander, Fangtooth Fish, Blue Tint, Kinder, Dull Desert, Pebble Stone, Lemon Splash palette Desert Yellow, Harvest at Dusk, Banana Mash, Monument Grey, Spring, Peapod, Malted Mint Madness, Green Elliott, Pluviophile, Is It Early Spring, Savannah Grass, Coriander, Polished Cotton, Cafe Cream palette Coriander, Bonnie Dune Beach palette Kombu, Vermilion Red, Yanagizome Green, Coney Island, Violet Vibes, Sapphire Siren, Je T’aime, Lingonberry, Singing the Blues, Pre Census, Distant Thunder, Purple Pirate, Whispered Secret, Coriander palette Coriander, Fuchsia Blush, Miami Weiss, Hot Beach palette Chic Shade, Coriander, Pale Teal, Carded Wool palette Café, Bitter Orange, Sedge Green, Stone Bridge, Waterloo, Red Cabbage, Ruby Shade, Irresistible, California Sunset, Throat, Imperi Sapphire Shimmer Blue, Coriander, Light Blue, Peaches'n'Cream, Instant Classic palette Sepia Yellow, Painted Poppy, Redbud, Blacklist, Coriander, Centre Stage palette Tambo Tank, Silent Film, Coriander, Jewett White, Tootie Fruity palette Cornstalk, Eucalyptus Wreath, Sea Star, Blue Chill, Warplock Bronze, Beauport Aubergine, Coriander palette Glowing Firelight, Yellow Tan, Hammam Blue, Prominent Blue, Velvet Plum, Coriander, Spring Fields palette Kenya, Credo, Pea Soup Green, Turquoise Sea, Pink Manhattan, Annis, Lake Winnipeg, Coriander palette Sconce Gold, Gold Tweed, UCLA Gold, Orange Tea Rose, Space Station, Wet Concrete, Safflowerish Sky, Coriander, Water Hyacinth, Cre Cathedral Stone, Burning Trail, Talipot Palm, Snot, Aegean Green, Ferocious Flamingo, Rouge Charm, Catawba Grape, Coriander, Take Schist, Fresh Cedar, Abbey Pink, Dried Blood, Sled, Shadow of the Colossus palette Rusty Coin, Reptilian Green, Aqueduct, Antigua Blue, Lavender Purple, Charm, Duchess Lilac, Coriander palette Conservation, Wheatberry, Buried Treasure, Vivid Purple, Berry, Salvation, Coriander, Citrus Yellow, Muted Mauve, Beaten Track, Pa Peridot, Mountain Flower Mauve, Ritterlich Blue, Rose Laffy Taffy, Nightshade Berries, Marine Blue, Crater Brown, Limed Spruce, Il Red Knuckles, Waxen Moon, Bloodhound, Match Strike, Fish Camp Woods, Medieval Forest, Amulet Gem, Tezcatlipōca Blue, Lakefront, Nu Sauteed Mushroom, Clovedust, Safari Sun, Spiced Red, Potter Green, Heritage Blue, Pagoda Blue, Possessed Plum, Mussel Green, Elite Tussock, Halloween Orange, Sparkling Apple, Aqua Fresco, Seabrook, Lineage, Cover of Night, Coriander, Launderette Blue, Melon Wat 18th Century Green, Fallout Green, Biltong, Morris Room Grey, Ryegrass, Coriander, Lime Ice, Grey Pearl Sand, Adorable, Lamina, Sa Sockeye, Plastic Carrot, Lime Jelly, Boating Green, Blue Cloud, Altar of Heaven, Apple-A-Day, Evening Sea, Black Locust, Lilas, Co Dubbin, Hematitic Sand, Spearmint, Gem Turquoise, Regal Destiny, Live Jazz, Chive, Obsidian, Gentle Dill, Safari Vest, Coriander, Ginger Scent, Pollination, Airline Green, India Green, Rich Electric Blue, Magic Dust, Garnet Rose, Lovebirds, Pico-8 Pink, Nightm Unpredictable Hue, Chinese Money Plant, Pickled Purple, If I Could Fly, Precious Garnet, Joker's Smile, Anthracite Grey, Crowning, Sage Green, Cedar Wood, Saddlebag, Caramel Apple, Pheasant, Jubilation, Jadestone, Corsican Purple, Rich Mahogany, Gould Blue, Liv Dragon's Breath, Bright Red, Dire Wolf, Diamond Grey, Fiery Brown, Black Lead, Smokescreen, Coriander, Solar Energy palette Ketchup, Earthenware, Veranda Gold, Bright Indigo, Coriander, Jewel Caterpillar, Feldspar Silver palette Flight of Fancy, Quilotoa Green, Island Lush, Coriander, Cut Velvet, Pensive, Spring Heat palette Tapestry Gold, Tory Blue, Poster Blue, Byzantium, Coriander, Dull Apricot, Beach Glass, White Down palette Sea Bed, Bubble Bobble P2 palette Grecian Gold, Warm Olive, Ground Earth, Mary's Garden, Sutherland, Coriander, Laid Back Grey palette Hutchins Plaza, Rodeo Roundup, Suzani Gold, Private Eye, Magic Potion, Rustic Cabin, Loganberry, Coriander palette Roycroft Rose, Aragon, Clay Pot, Larch Bolete, Forest Spirit, Scorpy Green, Flat Brown, London Fog palette Meadowland, Smoke Tree, Fresh Onion, Brown Fox palette Wasabi Green, Acid Drop, Long Spring palette Tree Bark, Gilded Glamour, Casa De Oro, Handmade Red palette Preserved Petals, Blue-Eyed Boy, Mystifying Magenta, Purple Verbena, Jewel Cave, Coriander, Floss palette Patrinia Flowers, Aspen Gold, Fern Canopy, Briar, Serpentine Green, Coriander, Dangerous Robot, Scandinavian Sky palette Renwick Olive, Sultan Gold, Shrinking Violet, Jacuzzi, Coriander, Essentially Bright palette Indigo Red, Coriander palette Soft Blue Lavender, Coriander, Sailor Boy palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #bbb58d dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Teks kecil:
Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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