Dibuat di 02/21/2023 16:47
#bbc3ad HEX Warna Arbor Vitae informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#bbc3ad | RGB(187, 195, 173) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(187, 195, 173)
#bbc3ad mengandung warna Merah 73.33%, Hijau 76.47% Dan Biru 67.84%.
Nama Warna dari #bbc3ad HEX kode
Arbor Vitae Warna
Warna alternatif dari Arbor Vitae #bbc3ad
Warna berlawanan untuk Arbor Vitae – #b5adc2
#bbc3ad Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bbc3ad Arbor Vitae
hsl(82, 15%, 72%)
hsla(82, 15%, 72%, 1)
RGB(187, 195, 173)
RGBA(187, 195, 173, 1)
Palet untuk warna #bbc3ad Arbor Vitae:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #bbc3ad HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #131311 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8f9f7 dari rona
Palet nuansa #bbc3ad:
Palet warna #bbc3ad:
Palet pelengkap #bbc3ad:
Palet triadik #bbc3ad:
Palet persegi #bbc3ad:
Palet analog dari #bbc3ad:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #bbc3ad:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #bbc3ad:
Palet warna yang disarankan untuk #bbc3ad HEX:
Warna Arbor Vitae #bbc3ad digunakan dalam palet (50)
Illustration design life hex colors DemandStatus Royal Rum, Bubonic Brown, Glitterati, Space Cadet, Arbor Vitae, Toasty Grey, Peach Bud, Light Hindsight, Quartz White palette Late Afternoon, Starstruck, Blue Streak, Arbor Vitae, Silky Mint palette Curio Brown, Roseland, Dancing Crocodiles, Fired Brick, Grey Clouds, Arbor Vitae, Thatched Cottage, Mintie palette Arbor Vitae, Scandalous Rose palette Neutral Valley, Swamp Mausoleum, Granite Brown, Wizard's Spell, Arbor Vitae, Creamy Cloud Dreams palette Milano Red, Lemon Curry, Orangevale, True Navy, Shaded Spruce, Night Flight, Metal Chi, Functional Grey, Arbor Vitae, Tamboon, Sta Aviator, Attar of Rose, Sand Brown, Caduceus Staff, Japanese Fern, Homburg Grey, Silver Fir Blue, Seaworld, Red Pepper, Hatoba-Nez Match Strike, Shale Green, Wizard, Blue Iris, Drake’s Neck, Slice of Heaven, Phenomenal Pink, Aubergine Grey, Notorious, Grain Mil Hulett Ore, Rose de Mai, Zucchini Flower, Plunge Pool, Thousand Herb, Mayan Blue, Berry, Baroque Blue, Deep Aquamarine, Fauna, Arb Rogue, Sweet Mandarin, Peanut Butter Biscuit, Practice Green, Center Earth, Apple Hill palette Encarnado, Green Priestess, Velvet Curtain, Nightingale Grey, Boot Hill Ghost, Arbor Vitae, Aloha Sunset, Petite Pink, Violet Crus Shinbashi, Psychedelic Purple, Upper Crust, Arbor Vitae, Xoxo palette Palomino Pony, Isotonic Water, Wild Violet, Grand Poobah, Limoges, Wagon Wheel, Arbor Vitae, Fail Whale, Blue Ballerina palette Chivalrous Walrus, Machine Green, Orange Sulphur, Applegate, Apple II Lime, Blue Olympus, Woodland Moss, Purple Dove, Dutch Tile B Neutral Valley, Gingery, Putting Green, Aquarius, Roasted Nuts, Arbor Vitae, Ocean Droplet, Silver Cross, Custard Powder, Durazno Allspice Berry, Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown, Burnt Ash, Arbor Vitae, Enchanted Lavender, Hiroshima Aquamarine, Sandworm, Aged Plastic Casing Royal Flycatcher Crest, Celadon Green, Mosaic Blue, Immortality, Middle Safflower, Vintage Violet, Portico, Arbor Vitae, Stately F Steeple Grey, Petrified Oak, Calypso Red, Softsun, Lima, Medieval Blue, Majesty, Hormagaunt Purple, Aegean Splendor, Peruvian Lily Otter Tail, Dusty Path, Antler Moth, Golden Beige, Dark Salmon Injustice, Grilled Cheese, Succulent Leaves, Bay Isle Pointe, Velve Golden Sage, Inca Gold, Sunray, Kobra Khan, Boring Green, Maldives, Green Waterloo, Buoyant Blue, Arbor Vitae, Seacrest, Silver Cr Library Pewter, Rum Spice, October, Jay Wing Feathers, Bolero, Purple Heart Kiwi, Hancock, Tranquil Bay, Reclaimed Wood, Arbor Vit Red Willow, Hot Chili, Aloe Blossom, Bitter Dandelion, June Bud, Nephrite, Medium Persian Blue, Cordite, Smoking Mirror, Arbor Vit Peachy Salmon, Salmon Sashimi, Grass Root, Florida Grey, Arbor Vitae, Powder Dust, Feather Boa, Scroll palette Root Beer Float, April Fool's Red, Ultraviolet Berl, Aqua Grey, Eastern Amber palette Cocoa, Exotic Life, Pitmaston Pear Yellow, Obstinate Orange, Maximum Green, Overgrowth, Jade Powder, Tempo, Caribe, French Blue, P Lionheart, Gold Ore, Frosted Emerald, Aragonite Blue, Clear Weather, Blue Nebula, Spirit Dance, Mazzy Star, Verdant Green, Witch S Gory Red, Plum Blossom Dye, Guava Green, Plush Velvet, Blackberry Tint, Easily Suede, Midnight Blush, Silk Stone palette Hello Fall, Seabuckthorn Yellow Brown, Quilt Gold, Bright Lime Green, Neon Green, Red Safflower, Arbor Vitae, Eaves, Wafting Grey, Native Berry, Cathedral Glass, UCLA Blue, Aare River Brienz, Special Grey, Bunker, Abyssal Waters, Metropolitan Silhouette, Brown Urban Exploration, Autumn Gold, Dune King, Intense Brown, Majorelle Gardens, Bright Light Green, Kakitsubata Blue, Brunswick Green Warm Comfort, Hadfield Blue, Galactic Highway, Nature's Masterpiece, Arbor Vitae, Coliseum Marble, Prism Pink palette Ornamental Turquoise, Arbor Vitae palette Arctic Ocean, Arbor Vitae palette Burnished Bronze, Copperleaf, Nuclear Throne, Kobicha, Arbor Vitae, Araucana Egg, Severe Seal, Pure Frost palette Moroccan Sky, Inferno, Ruby Crystal, Arbor Vitae, Marseilles, Tender Violet palette Roasted Pecan, Welcoming Wasp, Turkish Tile, Quetzal Green, Coffee, Dill Grass, Aged Papyrus, Arbor Vitae palette Ginger, Rich Loam, Arbor Vitae, Turning Leaf, Frankly Earnest palette Incense Cedar, Mostly Metal, Arbor Vitae, Mental Floss palette Mission Tile, Teaberry Blossom, Ellis Mist, Beatnik, Hidden Meadow, Spaceman, Kirby palette Bistre Brown, Algerian Coral, Nacho Cheese, Plum Pie, Voyager, Mocha Brown, Beach House palette Cleopatra's Gown, Millennium Silver, Old Faithful, Tahoe Blue, Arbor Vitae, Reddish Banana, Blue Bubble palette Plum Dust, Intense Purple, Moscow Mule palette Dungeon Keeper, Azul Caribe, Arbor Vitae palette Medieval Sulfur, Brass Mesh, University of Tennessee Orange, Sativa, Peacock Blue, Indian Pink, Sinister, Telopea, Roycroft Copper Cornell Red, Sunset, Bright Mango, Voodoo, Finnegan, Haricot palette Honey Beehive, Sour Apple, Pink Kitsch, Red-Eye palette Space Invader, Dark Emerald, Idol, Black Ink, Don Juan, Mountain Stream, Arbor Vitae palette Memorize, African Violet palette
Kontras Warna
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#bbc3ad Rasio Kontras
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#bbc3ad Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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