Dibuat di 02/25/2023 20:08

#bdc9d2 HEX Warna Upward informasi

#bdc9d2 RGB(189, 201, 210)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(189, 201, 210)
#bdc9d2 mengandung warna Merah 74.12%, Hijau 78.82% Dan Biru 82.35%.

Nama Warna dari #bdc9d2 HEX kode

Upward Warna

Klasifikasi warna #bdc9d2

#bdc9d2 adalah Lampu Dan Dingin Warna
Bayangan dari Perak
Warna berlawanan untuk Upward – #d2c5bc

#bdc9d2 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bdc9d2 Upward

hsl(206, 19%, 78%)
hsla(206, 19%, 78%, 1)
RGB(189, 201, 210)
RGBA(189, 201, 210, 1)

Palet untuk warna #bdc9d2:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #bdc9d2 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #131415 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f8fafb dari rona

Palet nuansa #bdc9d2:
Palet warna #bdc9d2:
Palet pelengkap #bdc9d2:
Palet triadik #bdc9d2:
Palet persegi #bdc9d2:
Palet analog dari #bdc9d2:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #bdc9d2:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #bdc9d2:

Warna Upward #bdc9d2 digunakan dalam palet (33)

Titanium Blue Upward Carpaccio, Bracken Green, Angry Gargoyle, Dresden Dream, Big Chill, Upward, Salmon Smoke palette Red Tone Ink, Chestnut Gold, Tanzanian Gold, All About Olive, Astrolabe Reef, Huntington Woods, Greywood, Green Andara, Tareyton, Warm Spice, Ripe Eggplant, Old Botanical Garden, Upward palette Lunar Federation, Bare, Partridge Knoll, Pure Mauve, Cadillac, Rampart, Upward palette Pomegranate Red, Teak Wood, Orchid Shadow, Upward palette Hip Waders, Copper Wire, Corrosive Green, Shylock, Artist Blue, Inkwell, Cloak Grey, Dusk Blue, Upward, Old Yella, Almond Brittle, Clover Mist, Upward palette Bloodmyst Isle, Chamomile, Upward palette Rebellion Red, Tank Grey, Teal Bayou, Plum Blue, Candied Ginger, Moire palette Mermaid, Toasted Sesame, Cornucopia, Acid Lime, Green Cape, Growth, Slate Tile, Heron, Purple Paradise, Lingonberry, Fjord Green, Roseine Plum, Royal Silk, Blue Bottle, Spa Sangria, Flax Beige palette Up in Smoke, Teal Me No Lies, Akebi Purple, Pink Purple, Burning Fireflies, Prune Plum, Anchors Aweigh, Clinker Red palette Decorous Amber, Red Blood, Vincotto, Coffee, Mount Hyjal, Toffee, Laurel Leaf, Esprit, Amorphous Rose, Crescendo, Upward, Washed O Elkhound, Wheat Tortilla, Sidesaddle, Caramel Infused, True Lavender, Flesh Fly, Surfer Girl, Capital Blue, Fired Brick, Arcala Gr Mulgore Mustard, Bilbao, Plutonium, Plumosa, Heirloom Hydrangea, Blue With A Hint Of Purple, Wakefield, Breakfast Blend, Amfissa O Balsa Wood, Fall Foliage, Adventure Isle, Hideout, Rebel Rouser, Lusty Lips, Corduroy, Duchess Rose, Upward, Thick Fog palette Haute Couture, European Pine, Mythical Orange, High Grass, Blue Regent, Darkout, Dying Light, Mauve Brown, Upward, Pewter Vase pal Toasted Bagel, Frosted Blueberries, Bermuda Grass, Shale Grey, Upward palette Bengal Grass, Salty Tears, Pumpkin Cream palette Red Devil, Shadows, More Than A Week, Metamorphosis palette Fresh Pesto, Wild Geranium, Pale Blue Grey, Vampiric Shadow, Upward palette Double Latte, Ocean Spray, Circumorbital Ring, Upward, Pale Light Green, Fond de Teint palette Turf Green, Industrial Turquoise, Succinct Violet, Bright Manatee, Oakwood, Laurel Green, Misty Morning, Upward palette Cigar, Terra Cotta Pot, Beef Bourguignon, Magic Dust, Sophisticated Lilac, Kremlin Red, Baize palette Strawberry Cough, Portuguese Green, Ruby Crystal, Monterey Chestnut, Blush Bomb, Quill Grey palette Gull Feather, Upward palette Crimson Red, Greeny Glaze, Stone Walls, Brandywine Spritz, Upward, Sandcastle palette Shakshuka, Trough Shell Brown, Wolverine, Medallion, Kaleidoscope, Creeping Bellflower, Upward palette Golden Period, Wild Thing, Sorrel Felt, Pink Icing palette Pettingill Sage, Vampire Fangs, Huckleberry, Cold Grey, Upward, Aged Cotton palette West Side, Night Dive, Wellington, Wheat Bread palette

Gambar Upward #bdc9d2 warna png