Dibuat di 02/25/2023 19:21

#c06960 HEX Warna Tapestry Red informasi

#c06960 RGB(192, 105, 96)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(192, 105, 96)
#c06960 mengandung warna Merah 75.29%, Hijau 41.18% Dan Biru 37.65%.

Nama Warna dari #c06960 HEX kode

Tapestry Red Warna

Klasifikasi warna #c06960

#c06960 adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari indianred
Warna berlawanan untuk Tapestry Red – #5fb5bf

#c06960 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #c06960 Tapestry Red

hsl(6, 43%, 56%)
hsla(6, 43%, 56%, 1)
RGB(192, 105, 96)
RGBA(192, 105, 96, 1)

Palet untuk warna #c06960 Tapestry Red:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #c06960 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #130a0a dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #f9f0ef dari rona

Palet nuansa #c06960:
Palet warna #c06960:
Palet pelengkap #c06960:
Palet triadik #c06960:
Palet persegi #c06960:
Palet analog dari #c06960:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #c06960:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #c06960:

Warna Tapestry Red #c06960 digunakan dalam palet (50)

this is the one Ravishing Rouge, Tapestry Red, Hidden Hills, Pink Cardoon, Foam palette Unmatched Beauty, Dusted Olive, Florentine Clay, Tapestry Red, Kinetic Teal, Frozen Turquoise, Silken Peacock, Maui Blue, Ultramar Tapestry Red, King Crimson, Khorne Red, Iris Pink, Cactus Blossom palette Red Team Spirit, Cadillac Coupe, California Dreamin', Tapestry Red, Harvest Haze, Autumn Landscape, Ripe Pear, Pickle, Happy Crick Deserted Island, Tapestry Red, Hillsbrad Grass, Tarawera, Stately Frills, Rain or Shine, Shiny Luster, Clear Skies palette Tapestry Red, Debrito, Red Radish, Arresting Auburn, Solaria, A Bloomed Cherry Blossom, Soft Peach Mist palette Tapestry Red, Sizzling Sunset, Backyard, Fandango Pink, Brunswick palette Steady Brown, Tapestry Red, Pumpkin Orange, Radioactive Eggplant, Dire Wolf, T-Rex Fossil, Gothic Amethyst, Bubble Gum palette Tapestry Red, Zucchini Cream, Tropical Splash, Peony Blush, Pine Nut, Ladylike, Windmill Wings palette Tapestry Red, Larkspur, Majestic Violet, Southern Belle palette Newsprint, Tapestry Red, Yamabuki Gold, Acid, Peppermint Fresh, Medium Aquamarine, Secret of Mana, Inkwell, Typhus Corrosion, Rich Yearling, Tapestry Red, Dowager, Fuchsite Green, Bottle Glass, Winter Harbor, Cardinal Red, Sky Captain, Lime Splash, Pastel Pink, Renwick Heather, Tapestry Red, Tonicha, Red Mana, Hit Pink, Purple Mountain Majesty, Raspberry Patch, Ceremonial Purple, Woodland Steppe Green, Tapestry Red, Privilege Green, Green Tea Candy, Purple Cabbage, Estate Blue, Spectrum Blue, Carriage, Royal Mile pal Hutchins Plaza, Tapestry Red, Cyprus Green, Upper Crust, Celestial Dragon, Sandhill Crane, Serrano Pepper, Fibonacci Blue, Green H Plum Haze, Honey Mustard, Bronze Mist, Tapestry Red, Obstinate Orange, Lost Golfer, Plum Shadow, Wood Violet, Watermelon Candy, Pr Mission Brown, Tapestry Red, Canopy, Viking, Moonrose, Whisky Cola, Corfu Sky, Celery Sprig, Coral Confection palette Tapestry Red, Monarch Wing, Blue Charcoal, Night Grey, Winter Sky, Jovial, Patrinia Scabiosaefolia, Alyssum palette Tapestry Red, Shutter Copper, Coralette, Tunic Green, Riverway, Porpita Porpita, Purple Wine palette Tapestry Red, Tranquil Pond, Pretty Puce, Sepia palette Winter Poinsettia, Centaur, Tapestry Red, Ancient Chest, Candied Yams, Sunglow Gecko, Sausalito Port, Iced Orchid, After the Storm Tapestry Red, Civara, Cricket Green, Puritan Grey, Fair Aqua palette Grill Master, Tapestry Red, Expressionism Green, Distant Thunder, Tibetan Turquoise, Fudgesicle, Bokara Grey, Wenge Black, Incogni Autumn Sage, Tapestry Red, Sun Baked, Bluish Green, Feather Falls, Blue Kelp, Chain Mail, Empress, Woodburn, Climbing Ivy, Sidesho Savanna, Tapestry Red, Colonel Mustard, Themeda Japonica, Relic, Fiesta Pink, Bowser Shell, Lava Core, Alloy, Retributor Armour Me Vermilion Scarlet, Teakwood, Tapestry Red, Bright Blue Violet, Red Pink, Briar Wood, Cushion Bush, The First Daffodil, Elise palet Chocolate Moment, Caraway, Kimirucha Brown, Tapestry Red, Valkyrie, Illuminati Green, Green Fluorite, Deep Smoke Signal, Onion Ski FB777 Tapestry Red, Victorian Crown, Rayo de Sol, Space Angel, Stone, Davao Green palette Sorrell Brown, Nouveau Copper, Tapestry Red, Rainforest Glow, Temperamental Green, Tête-à-Tête, Mayan Red, Ravioli al Limone, Enam Wooden Nutmeg, Tapestry Red, Snakebite, Cavern Moss, Deep Dungeon, Purple Passion, Ash Hollow, Wasabi Peanut, Whimsy palette Tapestry Red, Oregon Trail, Distant Thunder, Modal Blue, Kingfisher Sheen, Malibu Blue, Trunks Hair, Plum Dandy, Out of Fashion, S Milano Red, Shepherd's Warning, Tapestry Red, Amber Wave, Luster Green, Gibraltar Sea, French Colony palette Tapestry Red, Hawaiian Surf, Rhinox Hide, Bole, Evening Fizz, Calico, Colorado Dawn, Midwinter Mist palette Tapestry Red, Tacha, Light Shōjin Blue, Mountain Quail, First Rain palette Tapestry Red, Orange Drop, Great Graphite, Particular Mint palette Soft Bark, Sunstone, Tapestry Red, Forsythia Blossom, Blue Regent, Spike palette Pony Express, Leather Bound, Tapestry Red, Tractor Green, Forest Canopy, Fondue palette Bacchanalia Red, Tapestry Red, Ivy League, Sailor's Bay, Space Shuttle, Lava Stone, Blue Satin, Stone Fruit palette Tapestry Red, Christmas Gold, Veranda Green, Olive Reserve, God of Rain, Wood Acres, DaVanzo Beige, Buckram Binding palette Tapestry Red, Lamb Chop, Grassy Ochre, Kingfisher Blue, Lingonberry palette Tapestry Red, Cozy Nook, Hot Dog Relish, Aromatic Herbs, Anarchist, Smoking Mirror, Lacewing, Pale View palette Tapestry Red, Exuberance, Feather Fern, Light Mist, Wallflower White palette Tapestry Red, Overtake, Highlighter Blue, Vintage Blue, Fig Preserves palette Tapestry Red, Cultured Rose, Mock Orange, Decoration Blue, Perfectly Purple Place, Deep Green, Forest Splendor, Henna, Earthy Cane Garden Gnome Red, Tapestry Red, Dirty Orange, Zhū Hóng Vermillion, Darkness, Chatroom, Lavender Oil palette Tapestry Red, Peach Bloom, Uncharted palette Tapestry Red, For the Love of Hue, Purple Honeycreeper, Joker's Smile, Dark Mahogany palette Burnt Grape, Tapestry Red palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #c06960 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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