Dibuat di 03/05/2023 14:34

#d6685f HEX Warna Tory Red informasi

#d6685f RGB(214, 104, 95)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(214, 104, 95)
#d6685f mengandung warna Merah 83.92%, Hijau 40.78% Dan Biru 37.25%.

Nama Warna dari #d6685f HEX kode

Tory Red Warna

Klasifikasi warna #d6685f

#d6685f adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari indianred
Warna berlawanan untuk Tory Red – #61ccd6

#d6685f Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #d6685f Tory Red

hsl(5, 59%, 61%)
hsla(5, 59%, 61%, 1)
RGB(214, 104, 95)
RGBA(214, 104, 95, 1)

Palet untuk warna #d6685f Tory Red:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #d6685f HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #150a09 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fbf0ef dari rona

Palet nuansa #d6685f:
Palet warna #d6685f:
Palet pelengkap #d6685f:
Palet triadik #d6685f:
Palet persegi #d6685f:
Palet analog dari #d6685f:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #d6685f:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #d6685f:

Warna Tory Red #d6685f digunakan dalam palet (50)

Furious Tomato, Cornstalk, Woolly Mammoth, Gold Sparkle, True Copper, Tory Red, Old Whiskey, Faint Gold, Wiener Schnitzel, Species Tory Red, Red Chalk, Soft Olive, Wild Nude, Mauve Mist, Glitchy Shader Blue palette Silken Ruby, Ragin' Cajun, Painted Poppy, Tory Red, Autumn Red, Kikuchiba Gold, Prairie Green, Legendary Sword, London Road, Epime Tory Red, Purple Ode, Light Elusive Dream palette Galia Melon, Pheasant, Tory Red, Petrol Green, Sorbet Ice Mauve, Light Chintz, Light Favourite Lady palette Ski Patrol, Vandyck Brown, Rubber, Tory Red, Intense Yellow, Cumin Ochre, Night Rendezvous, Jay Wing Feathers, Blue Beret, Pigment Tory Red, Bloodhound, Royal Yellow, Golden Yellow, Sleepy Hollows, Light Birch Green, Spring Sprout, Link's Awakening, Winter Lake Tory Red, Highlighter Pink, Window Box, Fish Bone, Frosty Mint palette Olive Shade, Tory Red, Moss Point Green, Spanish Purple, Exclusive Green, Moonlit Orchid, Barley, Doric White, Pekin Chicken, Beru Bannister Brown, Gratefully Grass, Rattan, Tory Red, Mountain Bluebird, Centennial Rose, Desireé palette Courtyard Green, Tory Red, Habanero, Deep Lagoon, Kilimanjaro, Midnight in the Tropics, Domino, Templar's Gold, Icing Flower palet Roxy Brown, Tory Red, Golden Glitter, Technical Blue, Whale Skin, True V, Sapphire Siren, Cold Waterlogged Lab Coat, Lifeboat Blue Azshara Vein, Sage Green, Common Chestnut, Tory Red, Wu-Tang Gold, Herbal, Royal Consort, Chestnut Red, Heirloom Orchid, Pebble Wa Red Alert, Urban Exploration, Cedar Ridge, Tory Red, Camel Toe, Golden Hamster, Glazed Chestnut, Sky Lodge, Blue Slushie, Fandango Tory Red, Greedy Gold, Breaking Wave, Lampoon, Incubi Darkness, Lunar Eclipse, Young Gecko, Nature palette Tory Red, Hacienda, Amazonite, Absolute Zero, Dark Seashore Night, SQL Injection Purple, Who-Dun-It, Dwarf Fortress palette Moroccan Sky, Tory Red, Tulip Tree, Bucolic Blue, Rosy Queen, Pebbled Courtyard, Bullet Hell palette Tory Red, Greenish Turquoise, Platinum Grey, Industrial Blue, Neon Purple, Neverything, Stirland Mud, Night Kite, Dallas, Dark For Ocean Frigate, Tory Red, Soaked in Sun, Clematis Magenta, Granite Brown, Precision, Hills of Ireland, Warm Stone, Viola Ice Grey p Terrazzo Brown, Tory Red, Razzle Dazzle, Ocean Abyss, Tiāntāi Mountain Green, Pastel Lime, Clambake, Aloe Nectar palette Ruby Shard, Racing Red, Silt, Tory Red, Golden Apples, Old Vine, Wasabi Nuts, Dark Room, Bluebird, Fuchsia Flash, Broadwater Blue, Lost Summit, Pumpkin Butter, Cabana Melon, Tory Red, Lime Punch, Refuge, Intellectual, Van Dyke Brown, Sand Ripples, Peach Darling Gravelle, Clay Brown, Tory Red, Synthetic Pumpkin, Snakes in the Grass, New Limerick, Soul Search, Berry Burst, Lords of the Night Red Wine, Dried Tomatoes, Honey Mustard, Tory Red, Heat of Summer, Burnt Yellow, Duckling, Legendary Grey, Wedgewood, Love Potion, Tory Red, Tropic Tide, Mermaid Harbor, Active Green, Blue Fire, Rave Regatta, Blue Tone Ink, Grape Popsicle, Paper Sack, Acier, An Tia Maria, Tory Red, Dwarven Bronze, Tropical Rainforest, Teal Fury, Blueberry, Concord Grape, Beetroot Purple, Ebony Clay, Grape Olympic Bronze, Tory Red, Turquoise Blue, Canoe Blue, Flintstone Blue, Canadian Lake, Pale Spring Morning, Zen Blue, Audition, Whi Toasted Nut, Tory Red, Cheerful Yellow, Temperamental Green, Go Green!, Sunset Red, Mauve It, Red Herring, Deep Depths, Pointed Ca Tory Red, Christmas Orange, Energized, Opal Green, Balanced Beige, Mushroom Cap, Bleached Wheat palette Bright Scarlet, Loveliest Leaves, Tory Red, Roman Gold, Spores, Livery Green, Green Fluorite, Riviera Paradise, Reliquial Rose, Re Caponata, Tory Red, Themeda Japonica, Ōtan Red, Electric Glow, Berry Mix, Victorian Iris, Ewa, Goody Two Shoes palette Tory Red, Wildfire, Dinosaur, Hilo Bay, Australian Jade, Purception, Lime Ice, Hope, Welcome Walkway palette Baked Clay, Tory Red, Honey Garlic Beef, Santiago Orange, Coral Pink, Beastly Flesh, Nepal, Fiddlehead Fern palette Tory Red, Shutters, Signal Green, Parakeet Green, Black Diamond Apple, Timberwolf palette Red Reign, Painted Poppy, Tory Red, San Miguel Blue, Hull Red, Medium Goldenrod, Light Water Wings palette Arabian Red, Tory Red, Salty Thyme, Weeping Willow, Smooth-Hound Shark, Purple Heather, Pygmy Goat, Shady palette Liddell, Tory Red, Blackberry Tart, Illusion Blue, Light Cuddle, Eurolinen, Milk Mustache palette Tory Red, Cyprus Green, Silver Filigree, Rose Rush, Cotton Grey, Hidden Jade palette Quartersawn Oak, Tory Red, Cabaret, Refined Sand, Polished Marble, Kimberley Tree, Abstract, White Sail palette Succubus, Tory Red, Knock On Wood, Holly Fern, Dijon Mustard, Hazy Skies, Softer Tan palette Haute Red, Roycroft Rose, Tory Red, Nude Flamingo, Spring Frost, Prime Purple palette Thunderous, Tory Red, Oriental Herbs, Taste of Berry palette Moroccan Sky, Tory Red, Sun Drops, Tropical Smoothie, Lemon Balm Green, Bleached Cedar, Loulou, Zambezi palette Tory Red, Paprika Kisses, Pani Puri, Willpower Orange, Norway, Mirror Mirror, Jack Rabbit, Starlight palette Tory Red, Water Fern, Flax Flower, Impromptu, Piney Wood palette Tory Red, Pyjama Blue, Dancing in the Spring, Peaslake palette Quail Valley, Meerkat, Tory Red, Sohi Orange, Nervy Hue, Bara Red, Fresco Blue palette Tory Red, Flambrosia palette Industrial Strength, Tory Red, Tutuji Pink, Black Walnut, Seryi Grey, Decanting palette Indian Brass, Texas Heatwave, Tory Red, Gross Green, Brilliant Rose palette

Kontras Warna

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Gambar Tory Red #d6685f warna png