Dibuat di 02/24/2023 21:49

#e6c26f HEX Warna Turner's Yellow informasi

#e6c26f RGB(230, 194, 111)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(230, 194, 111)
#e6c26f mengandung warna Merah 90.2%, Hijau 76.08% Dan Biru 43.53%.

Nama Warna dari #e6c26f HEX kode

Turner's Yellow Warna

Klasifikasi warna #e6c26f

#e6c26f adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Bayangan dari burlywood
Warna berlawanan untuk Turner's Yellow – #7093e6

#e6c26f Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e6c26f Turner's Yellow

hsl(42, 70%, 67%)
hsla(42, 70%, 67%, 1)
RGB(230, 194, 111)
RGBA(230, 194, 111, 1)

Palet untuk warna #e6c26f:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #e6c26f HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #17130b dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fdf9f1 dari rona

Palet nuansa #e6c26f:
Palet warna #e6c26f:
Palet pelengkap #e6c26f:
Palet triadik #e6c26f:
Palet persegi #e6c26f:
Palet analog dari #e6c26f:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #e6c26f:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #e6c26f:

Warna Turner's Yellow #e6c26f digunakan dalam palet (35)

Towering Cliffs, Turner's Yellow, Lime Twist, Blackthorn Green, Oarsman Blue, Sky Dancer, magenta, Liquorice, Deep Sea Dream, Azur Christmas Red, Feldspar, Sharp Lime, Sulphur Yellow, Turner's Yellow, Organic Green, DaVanzo Green, Layers of Ocean, Maud, Purple Spicy Orange, Prehistoric Meteor, Dried Goldenrod, Turner's Yellow, Sickly Green, So Sour, Sea Kale, Andrea Blue, Spiced Plum, Oni Turner's Yellow, Saga Blue, Carriage Green, Coffee House, Pretty Please palette OK Corral, Turner's Yellow, Silver Hill, Backwater, Tropical Cyclone palette Turner's Yellow, Forest Fern, Vintage Khaki, Delicate Mist, Alhambra Cream palette Kid Icarus, Prairie Dog, Tahiti Gold, Turner's Yellow, Bright Violet, Purplish, Purple Pennant, Light Watermark palette Turner's Yellow, Chinese Black, Dunes Manor, Best of Summer palette Turner's Yellow, Garden of Eden, Scarpetta, Snowstorm Space Shuttle, Capricious Purple, Enamored, Brown 383, Fern Grotto, June, Te Turner's Yellow, Spanish Green, Splendor and Pride, Copenhagen Blue palette Tacha, Sohi Orange, Turner's Yellow, Golden Sprinkles, Sirocco, Saffron Crocus, Swampland palette Sleeping Giant, Turner's Yellow, Winter Pea Green, Drip Coffee, Elite Wisteria, Garlic Toast, Hidden Hills, Daisy Desi, Limed Whit Dill Green, Spanish Peanut, Saffron Robe, Lizard Brown, Sandy Taupe, Turner's Yellow, Weathered Pebble, True V, Cardinal Pink, La Fuel Yellow, Coral Silk, Tan Hide, Soil Of Avagddu, Turner's Yellow, Spring Sprout, June Bud, Lasting Lime, Deep Shadow, City Roas Green Fig, Turner's Yellow, Aragon Green, Concord Jam, Pretty Pink Piggy, Ivalo River, Sablé, Green Veil, Spectral palette Saddle Up, Sconce Gold, Victorian Gold, Turner's Yellow, Align, Vibrant Vision, Kenpō Brown, Fern Grotto, Chatroom, Blunt, Snow Qu Tropical Heat, Woodgrain, Turner's Yellow, Evergreen Trail, Ephren Blue, Radicchio, Seal Brown, Rockweed, Quest Grey, Pressed Flow Apple Cinnamon, Gothic Gold, Arrowwood, Beer, Turner's Yellow, Old Four Leaf Clover, Planetarium, Royal Gramma Purple, Obsidian Br Crack Willow, Marshy Green, Medusa's Snakes, Grunervetliner, Turner's Yellow, Watercolour Green, Nuthatch Back, Carmoisine, Fawn B Carriage Yellow, Turner's Yellow, Broom Butterfly Blue, Aunt Violet, Subterranean, Sparkling Emerald, Heavy Green, Osprey, Calliop Turner's Yellow, Green Granite, Mythical Forest, City Hunter Blue, Silver Surfer, Robotic Gods, Rosy Skin palette Toasted Nutmeg, Nasturtium Flower, Hawaiian Sunset, Turner's Yellow, Soccer Turf, Ineffable Forest, Java, Boathouse, Discovery Bay Olden Amber, Turner's Yellow, Verdigris Green, Ocean Green, Starfleet Blue, Rose Garnet, Morning Moor palette Turner's Yellow, Fantasy Console Sky, Cranberry Pie, Blue Tone Ink, Eyre, Classic Sand palette Warrior, Trumpet Flower, Turner's Yellow, Alpha Blue, Newport Blue, There Is Light, Very Grape palette Dull, Native Berry, Turner's Yellow, Gibraltar, Vine Leaf Green, Gotham Grey, Foamy Lime, Peach Temptation palette Fire Chi, Turner's Yellow, Bayside, Purpletone, Chyornyi Black, Blarney Stone, Back Stage, Sierra Madre palette Turner's Yellow, Lapis Lazuli, Vesper Violet, Treeless palette Rustic Brown, Adobe, Turner's Yellow, Mauvey Pink, Devlan Mud palette Turner's Yellow, Royal Robe, Crushed Berry, Hickory Plank, Gold Plate palette Turner's Yellow, Stockleaf, Clover Mist, Amethyst, Larkspur Violet palette Evil Sunz Scarlet, Autumn Glory, Turner's Yellow, Technical Blue, Inuit, Skilandis, Northern Light Grey palette Permanent Geranium Lake, Turner's Yellow, Paradise of Greenery, Cyan, Exotic Purple, Iron River palette Turner's Yellow, Sage Green Grey, Endo, Spectral Green, Medium Slate Blue, Heartbreaker, Arame Seaweed Green, Lavender Aura palett Brazilian Citrine, Aurora Orange, Turner's Yellow, San Francisco Mauve, Folly, Floating Lily Pad, Polar Bear palette

Gambar Turner's Yellow #e6c26f warna png