Dibuat di 02/21/2023 15:20

#e9967a HEX Warna Kindleflame informasi

#e9967a RGB(233, 150, 122)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(233, 150, 122)
#e9967a mengandung warna Merah 91.37%, Hijau 58.82% Dan Biru 47.84%.

Nama Warna dari #e9967a HEX kode

Kindleflame, darksalmon, Dark salmon Warna

Klasifikasi warna #e9967a

#e9967a adalah Lampu Dan Hangat Warna
Warna berlawanan untuk Kindleflame – #7bceea

#e9967a Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #e9967a Kindleflame

hsl(15, 72%, 70%)
hsla(15, 72%, 70%, 1)
RGB(233, 150, 122)
RGBA(233, 150, 122, 1)

Palet untuk warna #e9967a Kindleflame:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #e9967a HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #170f0c dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fdf5f2 dari rona

Palet nuansa #e9967a:
Palet warna #e9967a:
Palet pelengkap #e9967a:
Palet triadik #e9967a:
Palet persegi #e9967a:
Palet analog dari #e9967a:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #e9967a:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #e9967a:

Warna Kindleflame #e9967a digunakan dalam palet (50)

Color Names Supported by All Browsers Page#2 Tints of Dark Salmon #E9967A hex color X11 colors palette chunk #5 Web Colors Codes palette chunk #4 room web colors Retail Old moss green colors palette Dark Salmon #1C335F Let It Ring, Seraphim Sepia, Kindleflame, Fluorescent Orange, Sizzling Sunrise, Thyme Green, Grey Teal, Alienated, Teal Mosaic, Sh Apricot Buff, Kindleflame, Blue Turquoise, Blue Beret, Stormy Grey, Intergalactic Cowboy, Regatta Bay, Rose Tea, Moss Agate, Chops Kindleflame, Clover Mist, Centipede Brown palette Kindleflame, Ultramarine Highlight, Sweet Grape, Sweet Nothings palette Nuthatch, African Bubinga, Kindleflame, Cotton Candy Grape, Festival, Kazakhstan Yellow, Turquoise Blue, Brain Freeze, Peninsula, Licorice Stick, Sun-Kissed Brick, Chai Tea, Kindleflame, Emerald Isle, Medium Turquoise, Imagine That, Feverish Passion, Bastille, Deep Reddish Orange, Gobi Sand, Kindleflame, Quince Jelly, Oregon, Rainier Blue, Technical Blue, Medium Scarlet palette Bare, Kindleflame, Toy Tank Green, Brierwood Green, Tibetan Stone, Sonorous Bells, Pale Grey palette Santa Fe, Kindleflame, Bleuchâtel Blue, Purple Punch, Hero, Cuba Brown, Felted Wool, Natchez, Apricot Cream, Aristocrat Peach pale Kindleflame, Ocean Oasis, Blackish Brown, Washed Olive, Blue Pointer, Touch of Turquoise, Champagne Pink palette Red Tone Ink, Mountain Ridge, Kindleflame, Sapphire Lace, Still Water, Rosemary Sprig, Strong Olive, Sailor's Knot, Perdu Pink, Si It's My Party, Hawaiian Coconut, Kindleflame, Sagittarius Amber Artifact, Blissful Orange, Tort, Monsoon, Railroad Ties, Dusty Sky Kindleflame, Poodle Skirt Peach, St. Bart's, Neon Purple, Cannon Grey, Riviera Clay palette Rockin Red, Steeple Grey, Village Crier, Rapakivi Granite, Kindleflame, Honey Glow, Thicket Green, Vivid Imagination, Blue Zephyr, J Wilderness, Kindleflame, Broom, Yellow Currant, Dark Jade palette Stagecoach, Kindleflame, Mint Jelly, Mammoth Mountain, Wipeout, Peaches of Immortality, Man Friday, Aged Chocolate, Cummings Oak, Kindleflame, Camel Red, Zingiber, Harbour Rat, Woad Indigo, Violet, Tokiwa Green palette Warm Sunset Bleeding Crimson, Chinook Salmon, Kindleflame, Abomination, Blue Screen of Death, Pound Sterling, Fruit Of Passion palette Federation of Love, Kindleflame, King Lizard, Cōng Lǜ Green, Speedwell, Grandeur Plum, Red Rock, Dracula Orchid, Blue Mosque, Oliv Red Birch, Melon Twist, Kindleflame, Ground Earth, Insignia palette Earth Crust, Kindleflame, Grenade, Hip Hop palette Hammered Gold, Kindleflame, Jaffa, Vivid Violet, Plum Sauce, Mossy Bench, Distant Star, Geyser Basin palette Taisha Red, Kindleflame, Mellowed Gold, Sohi Red palette Flint Corn Red, Kindleflame, Persimmon Orange, Orange Yellow, Trendy Green, Sedona Sage, Twining Vine, Bohemian Black, Tequila, Co Alameda Ochre, Kindleflame, Rust Orange, Shiny Shamrock, Cǎo Lǜ Grass, Iris Bloom, Blue Oyster Cult, Grubenwald, Curious Collectio Kindleflame, Vivid Tangerine, Swagger, Gold Digger, Dusky Citron, Heavy Gluten palette Red Cent, Kindleflame, Dry Clay, Fine Pine, Genestealer Purple, Count's Wardrobe, Swamp of Sorrows, Beryl Black Green, Dovetail, A Ground Pepper, Midnight Brown, Flaming Torch, Kindleflame, Green Eyes, Greenlake, Acapulco Cliffs, Blue Oasis, Caneel Bay, Plum Sh Tweed, Dijonnaise, Kindleflame, Highlighter palette Vermilion Red, Kindleflame, Blue Yonder, Pink Fever, Pale Berries, Reddish White palette Cyber education Kindleflame, Cookie Dough, Cardinal Mauve, Kiwi Sorbet Green palette Wine Barrel, Kindleflame, Sugar Grape, Sheer Green, The Golden State palette Gulab Brown, Kindleflame, Straken Green, Brilliant Green, Apple II Lime, Brittany Blue, Tropical Orchid palette Kindleflame, Steel Wool, Fern Flower, Mountain Flower Mauve, Spring Crocus, Odyssey Grey, Night Night palette Evening Green, Kindleflame, Emergency Zone, Sequesta, Red Chicory, Infrared Tang, Kung Fu palette Waxen Moon, Kindleflame palette Ruby Star, Kindleflame, Elysian Green, Purple Dove, Willow Herb palette Kindleflame, Ultra Violet Lentz, Red Crayon, Eigengrau palette Gooseberry Yellow, Kindleflame, Yellowish Green, Pucker Up palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #e9967a dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

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