Dibuat di 02/21/2023 20:44

#f4e4e5 HEX Warna Gaiety informasi

#f4e4e5 RGB(244, 228, 229)

RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(244, 228, 229)
#f4e4e5 mengandung warna Merah 95.69%, Hijau 89.41% Dan Biru 89.8%.

Nama Warna dari #f4e4e5 HEX kode

Gaiety Warna

Klasifikasi warna #f4e4e5

#f4e4e5 adalah Lampu Dan Netral Warna
Warna dari lavenderblush
Warna berlawanan untuk Gaiety – #e6f5f4

#f4e4e5 Konversi Warna

Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f4e4e5 Gaiety

hsl(356, 42%, 93%)
hsla(356, 42%, 93%, 1)
RGB(244, 228, 229)
RGBA(244, 228, 229, 1)

Palet untuk warna #f4e4e5 Gaiety:

Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #f4e4e5 HEX

warna paling gelap adalah #181717 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fefcfc dari rona

Palet nuansa #f4e4e5:
Palet warna #f4e4e5:
Palet pelengkap #f4e4e5:
Palet triadik #f4e4e5:
Palet persegi #f4e4e5:
Palet analog dari #f4e4e5:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #f4e4e5:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #f4e4e5:

Warna Gaiety #f4e4e5 digunakan dalam palet (50)

affiche stage Blood Omen, Chili Con Carne, Hotter Butter, Gorgonzola Blue, Turkish Boy, Cloisonne, Purple Squid, Choo Choo, Clown Nose, Kimono G Red Candle, Coral Red, Sea Pink, Orange Gluttony, Apple II Chocolate, Absolute Apricot, Advertisement Green, Acid Reflux, Tourname Silken Ruby, Ragin' Cajun, Painted Poppy, Tory Red, Autumn Red, Kikuchiba Gold, Prairie Green, Legendary Sword, London Road, Epime Active Volcano, Gaiety, Lovely Euphoric Delight palette Nectarina, Blackthorn Green, Rambling Green, Mitchell Blue, Violet Eggplant, Clear Plum, Scrub, Novelty Navy, Dramatist, Attitude, Jade Powder, Garden Path, Blue To You, Pallid Blue, Morning Song, Gaiety palette Foxy, Brown Orange, Slate Brown, Gaiety palette Autumn Landscape, Tropical Green, Reed, Gaiety palette Harvard Crimson, Acorn Squash, Spicy Sweetcorn, Hisui Kingfisher, Regal Rose, Monks Robe, Amish Green, Smoked Pearl, Self-Destruct Gooseberry Yellow, Finch, Nasty Green, Nightly, Governor Bay, Cerulean, Atlantic Depths, Madison, Willow Sooty Bamboo, Slight Mush Shadow, Namakabe Brown, Baby Frog, Retro Vibe, Hibiscus Delight, Opium Mauve, Weathered Bamboo, Monkey Madness palette Dynamite Red, Laurel Oak, Tallarn Sand, Limone, Golf Blazer, Funk, Purpletone, Mullen Pink, Americano, Bordeaux, Surf the Web, Uld Enchanted Wood, Garnet Sand, Jaffa, Yellow-Bellied, Fern Green, Slippery Moss, Curious Collection, Airborne, Gallery Grey, Caramel German Mustard, Yellow Tulip, Arcadia, Montana Sky, Blue Rhapsody, Trinity Islands, Norman Shaw Goldspar, Kawaii, Pink Heath, Dall Red Mulled Wine, Trolley Grey, Light Mahogany, Autumn Laurel, Inuit, High Dive, Rare Blue, North Star Blue, Similar to Slate, Wine Animated Coral, Sandstorm, Green Cow, Exclusive Green, Bali Batik, Antiquity, Desert Riverbed, Treasury, Requisite Grey, Evening D Nectarina, Milpa, Macau, Boston Blue, North Star Blue, Chain Mail, Feminism, Greek Garden, Thunder Chi, Flax Beige, Fresh Yellow, Antique Gold, Butter Fudge, Lime Fizz, Terrain, Minted Blue, Fjord Blue, Mystery Oceans, Banished Brown, California Wine, Fresh He Thatch Brown, Brown Patina, Apple Cider, Cricket Chirping, Mid Cypress, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Pandora, Anthracite, Brunneous, Lime P Vivid Auburn, Barcelona Brown, Fabulous Fantasy, Brilliant Silver, Rosy Outlook palette Grassy Savannah, Horn of Plenty, Canyon Wall, Korean Mint, Alter Ego, Benevolence, Crown Jewels, Somber Roses, Stinging Nettle, Fi 69vnt2net Bancroft Village, Heart Gold, Byron Place, School Ink, Dead Pixel, East Side, Flat Aluminum, Lasting Thoughts, Cashew Nut palette Chocolate Moment, Cookie Crumb, Copper Coin, Campánula, Rialto, Cherry Picking, Midnight Clover, Linden Spear, Blue Dusk, Dentist Prairie Poppy, Bestigor Flesh, Alizarin, School Bus, Aspen Gold, Solitary Tree, Violet, Light Eggshell Pink, Light Supernova palet Desert Taupe, Mission Tile, Walnut Shell, Celuce, Fresh Artichoke, Noble Blue, Atlas Cedar, Bleu De France, Man Friday, Femme Fata Primal Rage, Hitching Post, Perfect Periwinkle, Blue Danube, Cobalt Night, Majestic Magic, Leek palette Minstrel of the Woods, Philippine Green, Thousand Sons Blue, Xavier Blue, Mythical Wine, Rose Embroidery, Stonewall Grey palette B'dazzled Blue, Cheesy Frittata, Gumball, Flower Bulb, Turkish Ginger, Light Duck Egg Cream, Water Squirt palette Walnut Shell, Pumpkin, Poisonous Potion, Green Valley, Angel Breath, Green Tilberi, Fenrisian Grey, Gaiety palette Pêra Rocha, Formal Affair, Madonna, Deep Exquisite, Coffee Liqueur, Playa Arenosa, Lilac Bisque, Gaiety palette Crimson Sunset, El Salva, Greeny Glaze, By the Bayou, Greyish Purple, American Violet, Dusky Purple, Shaggy Barked palette Kanafeh, Greasy Green Beans, Broccoli Green, Cardamom, Indian Ocean, Apple Sauce palette Hampton Surf, Celestine Spring, Elite Blue, Evening East, Punch of Pink, Girl Power, Queen's Tart, White Meadow palette Rustic Hacienda, Sacred Ground, Hemisphere, C64 Blue, Hot Purple, St. Patrick's Blue, Blithe Blue, Champagne Cocktail palette Relic Bronze, Lemon Glacier, Old Copper, Fall Leaf, Alpenglow, Korila palette Kiss Candy, Jalapeño, Wine Brown, Pixie Violet palette Molten Lava, Sorbus, Fuzzy Duckling, Planter, Cowgirl Blue, Night Shift, Night White palette Gundaroo Green, Sun Deck, Powder Cake palette Mud Bath, Sweet Potato, Orangeville, Winter Harbor, English Vermillion, Grey Summit, Pastel Purple, Stonish Beige, Rand Moon, Blue Philosophical, Ironbreaker, Wine Gummy Red, Newbury Moss, Lunatic Lynx, Powder Viola, Dutch White palette Aqua Revival, Lagoon Rock, Navy Peony, Moss Vale, Virtuoso, Lemon Slice palette Wattle, Flip, Mount Hyjal, Cooled Blue, Zebra Finch palette Red Wrath of Zeus, Organic Matter, Bourbon, Green Relict, Foliage Green, Mantle, Desert Sandstorm, Kangaroo Fur palette Amazonian, Orangeville, Impatient Pink, Warm Onyx, Snapdragon, Nickel Plate palette Myrtle Pepper, Golden Bell, Soft Pumpkin, Pīlā Yellow, Treasured Teal, Berry Pie, Racing Green, Mohair Soft Blue Grey, Astroscopus Dark Salmon Injustice, Living Coral, Self-Love, Siam, Stormfang, Crossroads, Golden Haze palette Guardsman Red, Green Thumb, Blue Intrigue, Unicorn Dust, Greenblack, Shady Green, Mauve Musk, Tyrant Skull, Aroma Garden, Merrylyn Tarragon, Blue Moon Bay, Witch Wart, Coalmine, Blue Quarry, Dove Tail, Hummus, Passive, Tinker Light palette

Kontras Warna

Paduan warna #f4e4e5 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.

Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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Teks kecil:
Rasio Kontras
Ukurantingkat AAtingkat AAA
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