Dibuat di 02/25/2023 16:50
#f5dfc5 HEX Warna Flower of Oahu informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#f5dfc5 | RGB(245, 223, 197) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(245, 223, 197)
#f5dfc5 mengandung warna Merah 96.08%, Hijau 87.45% Dan Biru 77.25%.
Nama Warna dari #f5dfc5 HEX kode
Flower of Oahu Warna
Warna alternatif dari Flower of Oahu #f5dfc5
Warna berlawanan untuk Flower of Oahu – #c6dcf5
#f5dfc5 Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f5dfc5 Flower of Oahu
hsl(32, 71%, 87%)
hsla(32, 71%, 87%, 1)
RGB(245, 223, 197)
RGBA(245, 223, 197, 1)
Palet untuk warna #f5dfc5 Flower of Oahu:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #f5dfc5 HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #181614 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fefcf9 dari rona
Palet nuansa #f5dfc5:
Palet warna #f5dfc5:
Palet pelengkap #f5dfc5:
Palet triadik #f5dfc5:
Palet persegi #f5dfc5:
Palet analog dari #f5dfc5:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #f5dfc5:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #f5dfc5:
Warna Flower of Oahu #f5dfc5 digunakan dalam palet (50)
Tints of Pink Lady color #F3D7B6 hex Xena, India Blue, Fresh Sod, Masala Chai, Flower of Oahu palette Cook's Bay, Gulf Harbour, Basilisk Lizard, Flower of Oahu palette Palmetto, Lava Core, Sweet William, Lemon Sorbet Yellow, Pink Dust, Flower of Oahu palette Lava, Chocolate Pudding, My Pink, Peony Pink, Sunshine Surprise, Dragon Fire, Habanero Gold, Kazakhstan Yellow, Turquoise Fantasie Deep Sky Blue, Greenish Grey Bark, Blue Cue, Desert Sand, Flower of Oahu palette Hibiscus Red, Buffalo Bill, Mandalay Road, Light Copper, Flat Earth, Giants Orange, Skylar, Faience, Secret Passage, Action Green, Green Fiasco, Stalactite Brown, Flower of Oahu palette Nut, Ceramic Brown, Leaflet, Gross Green, Lurid Lettuce, Slime, Boiling Acid, Petrol Green, Jitterbug Jade, Electrify, Red Shrivel Clippership Twill, Jalapeño, Mettwurst, Legal Eagle, Panda Black, Algodon Azul, Flower of Oahu palette Taupe Grey, Lavender Oil, Blond, Flower of Oahu palette Cuppa Fall in Season, Ovoid Fruit, Radiance, Viva Gold, Tacao, Turbinado Sugar, Foggy Bog, Fishy House, Piney Wood, Antique Viola, Beige Heavy Red, Rikyūshira Brown, Peach Dunes, Night Market, Purposeful, Bonker Pink, Beasty Brown, Reddish Brown, Buckeye, Brochantite Sugared Almond, Tau Sept Ochre, Male Betta, Neutrino Blue, Hunky Hummingbird, Canteen, Aubergine Grey, Aluminium Powder, Angel Fin Solitary Slate, Ginnezumi, Colorado Trail, Kumera, Bloom, Blue Beetle, Zinc Grey, Metamorphosis palette Grey Locks, Tiger Stripe, Phosphorescent Green, Green Ink, Delft, Maldives, Munch On Melon, Vineyard Wine, Surf the Web, Caveman, Crusta, Minuet Lilac, Cosmic Void, Azure Dragon, Purple Verbena, Bayshore Blue, Chrysoprase, Wax Yellow, Neutral Ground palette Ansel, Sanderling, Wild Lilac, Yellow Corn, Mauve Organdie, Jodhpurs, Purple Veil palette Colorado Trail, Golden Summer, Finger Banana, Solarized, Beatnik, Deep Sea Dolphin, Reddish Purple, Vegan Green, Immersed, Mulch, Marilyn MonRouge, Going Grey, Iceland Poppy, BioShock, Ultramarine Blue palette Chalet, Hot Cinnamon, Manure, Juniper Ash, Extravehicular Activity, Oxford Sausage, Jet Set, Rainy Morning, Seamount, Old Mauve, M Crimson Sword, Tan Wagon, Bredon Green, Clematis Green, Shrinking Violet, Green Buoy, Mecha Metal, Toasted Truffle, Fuchsia Berrie Red Bay, Applesauce Cake, Jaded Ginger, Cloisonne Gold, Alfajor Brown, Nattō, Hot Embers, Yellow Tan, Draw Your Sword, Kikorangi B Petrified Oak, Lime Lizard, Hanging Moss, Stockade Green, Parma Violet, Good Luck, Wild Phlox, Harp, Snow Leopard, Smell the Mint Monarch Migration, Lemongrass, White Oak, Siren of Nature, Endless, Sea Note, Blueberry Lemonade, Angel Aura, Fashionable Grey, De Rock'n Oak, Mesa Tan, Dazzle and Delight, Aster Purple, Violet Poison, Quixotic Plum, Rooftop Garden, Wet Asphalt, Pale Terra pale November, BioShock, Muted Lavender, Poisonberry, Heifer, Honey Peach, Shoreline Haze, Spatial White, Flower of Oahu palette Quail Valley, Wild Thyme, Milpa, Pristine Seas, Loudicious Pink, Crown Jewel, Pale Jade, Middlestone, Frontier Fort, Polvo de Oro, Reef Gold, Wreath, Kabalite Green, Wanderer, Wonder Wine, Shady Willow, Weathered Wood, Halcyon Green, Iced Tulip, Aloe Cream pale Ranch House, Gilneas Grey, Rockpool, Plum Jam, Violet Quartz, French Plum, Work Blue, Nightly Ivy, Monks Robe, Ficus, Muscat Grape Tankard Grey, Mission Gold, Charcoal Blue, Mediterranean Sea, Lucid Dream, Liquorice Root, Tornado Wind, Treetop, Vast Sky, Lilac Balthasar Gold, Golden Harmony, Drop Green, Intergalactic Highway, Shadow Dance, Red Safflower, Cyprus, Torea Bay, Soft Saffron, F Mermaid, Ancient Chest, Jaffa, Sagebrush Green, Pristine Oceanic, Pinkman, Somber Green, Lush Grass, Envy, Gray Agate, Sweet Peach Enfield Brown, Yellow Tang, Pleasant Purple, Seaplane Grey, Muted Mauve, Spumoni, Frozen Frappe palette Di Sierra, Exotic Orange, Treetop, Mountain Main, Pastel Mint Green, Flower of Oahu palette Deli Yellow, Peacock Silk, Miami Jade, Hypothalamus Grey, Greenish Grey, Winter Feather, Silver Whiskers, Flower of Oahu palette Old Bamboo, Royal Navy Blue, Lap of Luxury, Horizon Grey, Softened Green, Artistic Taupe, Flower of Oahu, Clerestory palette Tomato Puree, Mature Grape, Petal Tip, Flower of Oahu, Tranquil Peach palette Trinidad Moruga Scorpion, Brindle, Sunlounge, English Vermillion, Wax Green, Mud Pink palette Karacha Red, Magic Melon, Shallot Leaf, Orient Mosaic Green, Velvet Ears, Corn Stalk, Flower of Oahu palette Pickle Juice, Life Is Good, Hammock, Banyan Serenity, Bliss Blue, That's My Lime, Foxgloves palette Garden Grove, Blue Magenta Violet palette Festival Fuchsia, Akaroa, Rose Marquis palette Rawhide Canoe, Crushed Orange, Paid in Full, Blue Martina, Demon palette Nârenji Orange, Greenlake, Poppy Pompadour, Imagery, Poisonberry, Fresh Praline, Winter Wheat, Bonsai Tint, Etcetera palette Banana Boat, Chesty Bond, Pentalon, Dusky Violet, Understated, Quintessential palette Burnt Umber, Fiery Red, Brown Eyed Girl, Honey Locust, Carolina Parakeet, Wolfram, Designer Pink palette Clay Red, Mature Cognac, Merlin, Spun Pearl palette Chasm, Grey Carmine, Redcurrant, Dark Soul, Hailstorm Grey, Biscuit Dough palette
Kontras Warna
Paduan warna #f5dfc5 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.
#f5dfc5 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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Teks kecil: |
#f5dfc5 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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Teks kecil: |