Dibuat di 03/05/2023 01:56
#fae3e3 HEX Warna Eased Pink informasi
Warna | HEX | RGB |
#fae3e3 | RGB(250, 227, 227) |
RGB nilai-nilai adalah RGB(250, 227, 227)
#fae3e3 mengandung warna Merah 98.04%, Hijau 89.02% Dan Biru 89.02%.
Nama Warna dari #fae3e3 HEX kode
Eased Pink Warna
Warna alternatif dari Eased Pink #fae3e3
Warna berlawanan untuk Eased Pink – #e5fafa
#fae3e3 Konversi Warna
Informasi kode dan nilai tentang desimal warna HEX, HEX. Nilai HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #fae3e3 Eased Pink
hsl(0, 70%, 94%)
hsla(0, 70%, 94%, 1)
RGB(250, 227, 227)
RGBA(250, 227, 227, 1)
Palet untuk warna #fae3e3 Eased Pink:
Di bawah contoh palet warna untuk warna #fae3e3 HEX
warna paling gelap adalah #191717 dari nuansa dan warna paling terang adalah #fffcfc dari rona
Palet nuansa #fae3e3:
Palet warna #fae3e3:
Palet pelengkap #fae3e3:
Palet triadik #fae3e3:
Palet persegi #fae3e3:
Palet analog dari #fae3e3:
Palet Pelengkap-Split dari #fae3e3:
Palet persegi panjang (tetradik) dari #fae3e3:
Warna Eased Pink #fae3e3 digunakan dalam palet (50)
Userexperiencedesign depth of field userinterface uiux colours Illustration art procreate colors Pink Dogwood web 2023 Jester Red, Wild Wilderness, Rich Glow, Eased Pink palette Gold Sparkle, Snakes in the Grass, Glasgow Fog, Violet Essence, Eased Pink palette Tallarn Flesh, Wine Cork, Rhubarb Leaf Green, Rusty Coin, Clay Terrace, Firebird Tail Lights, Fiery Glow, Great Basin, Blessed Blu Honey Fungus, Circus, Bavarian Green, Wild Pansy, Battery Charged Blue, Theatre Dress, Fig, Sea of Atlantis, Cabbage Pont, Heather Cheese Please, Indigo Purple, Marble Red, Lost Soul Grey, Alpine Alabaster, Neutral White, Eased Pink palette Marmot, Overcast, Viola Sororia, Smoked Oyster, Eased Pink, Pink Sparkle palette Pastrami Notice Me, Arrow Rock, Aurora Brown, Vacation Island, Eased Pink palette Hammered Silver, Koke Moss, Blue Screen of Death, Petit Four, Desolate Field, Venus Deathtrap, Pink Champagne, Eased Pink palette Hedge Garden, Blunt Violet, Sambuca, Gull Grey palette Slightly Golden, Mindaro, Cactus Garden, Mediterranean, Shrine of Pleasures, Chicory Root, Medium Goldenrod, Tree Moss, Put on Ice Hot Lava, Ancho Pepper, Brazilian Brown, Rat Brown, Bonsai Trunk, Electrify, Blackthorn Berry, Not Tonight, Telopea, Primitive Plu Macchiato, Muddy Yellow, Citrus Sugar, Drifting Downstream, Enamored, Golden Delicious, Vandermint palette Red Gore, Ivy Garden, Rock'n Oak, Ebony Lips, Ripe Pumpkin, Blue Sapphire, Pink Carnation, Mother Earth, Provence Blue, Natural Ch Brass Yellow, Mandarin Jelly, Pastel Green, Cameroon Green, Space Exploration, Illicit Pink, Gnarls Green, Sharp Blue, Shady Willo Irritated Ibis, Willow, Classic Gold, Gooseberry Fool, UA Red, Teton Blue, Esoteric, Inviting Veranda, Bisque Tan, Silk Star, Illu Safari Brown, Woodbridge Trail, Question Mark Block, Isotonic Water, Purpureus, Metal Deluxe, Espalier, Wild Cranberry, Key Largo, Choco Loco, Boho, Rice Curry, Salami Slice, Dithered Amber, Largest Black Slug, Periwinkle Blossom, Pear Perfume, Exclusive Ivory, Tiki Hut, Lava Lamp, Dark Orange, Heirloom Hydrangea, Cerise Pink, Jedi Night, Christmas Purple, Wine Brown palette Wildflower Honey, Funky Yellow, Moon Yellow, Carlisle, Paradise City, Cosmic Bit Flip, Kuroi Black, Brown 383, Big Fish, Morris Ro Prometheus Orange, Fatal Fields, Ponderosa Pine, Shadowed Steel palette Kofta Brown, Tomato Red, Musk Deer, Yanagicha, Canyon Clay, Wonderland, Cockatoo, Cleo's Bath, Safari Vest, Symbolic, Pomelo Red, Fieldstone, Willow Grove, Beaming Blue, Blue Monday, Sensuous Grey, Strawberry Pink, Purple Noir, Paper Goat, Emily Ann Tan, Cool Serpent, Pond Green, Trinket, Vegan Mastermind, Dark, Bogey Green, Mulberry Mauve Black, Pure Black, Mother of Pearl Green, Sprout Express Blue, Traditional Royal Blue, Rita's Rouge, Grenadine, Black Metal, Peaty Brown, Hippy, Sun Touched, Double Spanish White, Lapwing Grey Green, Kettle Black, Majestic Magic, Crete Shore, Fair Green, Backdrop, Brik Dough, Barren, Lush, Gettysburg Grey pal Matte Olive, Guava Green, Crazy, Wakatake Green, Niagara, Cameo Blue, Aeronautic, Woodlawn Green, Midnight Sun, Summer Storm, Icep Light Copper, Salmon Nigiri, New Car, Blue Lagoon, Atlantic Depths, Rocky Creek, Roasted Kona, Into the Stratosphere, Carrier Pige Bee, Limeño Limón, Eiger Nordwand, Zin Cluster, Agave, Drift on the Sea, Frostee palette Centaur, Caramelized Orange, Mint Leaves, Wipeout, Scarab, Dark Eclipse, Black Smoke, Poppy Seed, Grey Summit palette Edocha, Roasted Pepper, Pipe, Romesco, Shadow Dance, Cola Bubble, Blackest Berry, Majestic Magic, Velvet Leaf, Classic Cool, Party Blood Omen, Clayton, Notice Me, Sphagnum Moss, Dash of Curry, Green Tea Mochi, Katydid, Bush, Purple Reign, Mega Greige, Hummus, J Cliff Rock, Faneuil Brick, Gargoyle Gas, Secrecy, Nocturnal Flight, New Cream palette Bearsuit, Salmon Nigiri, Often Orange, Tanned Leather, Blue, Strawberry Surprise, Pacific Storm, Very Navy, Purple Stiletto, Scrib Yacht Blue, Impromptu, Snorlax, Twilight Taupe, Lunar Rays, Silly Puddy palette Boxcar, Oak Buff, Chuckles, Golden Honey Suckle, Melbourne, Sci-fi Petrol, Greenbriar, Bossa Nova, Old Cumin, Mountain Falls, Hima Matt Demon, Eyelash Viper, Sonic Silver, Downing Slate palette Cocoloco, Chicken Masala, Camel Red, Hot Sand, Crucified Red, Star Anise, Elephant Grey, Palm Heart Cream palette Salsa Mexicana, Gondolier, 1989 Miami Hotline, Cowboy Boots, Monterey Chestnut, Pale Leaf, Cavern Echo palette Fire Lord, Limed Ash, Royal Pretender, Cruel Ruby, Sweet as Honey, Eased Pink palette Natural Twine, Green Day, Cordon Bleu Crust, Washed in Light, White Alyssum, Eased Pink, Matterhorn Snow palette Bistre Brown, Imperial Dynasty, Pisces Vivid Amethyst, Eased Pink palette Bucolic, Hog Bristle, Impressive Ivory, Eased Pink palette Heat Signature, Stone Fence, Garden Room palette Fudge Bar, Thicket, Pomp and Power, Deco Rose, Ebony Wood, Smoked Paprika, Light Steel Blue palette Arava, Mission Brown, Bronze Treasure, Ginger Flower, Ombre Blue, Coal Mine, Double Spanish White palette
Kontras Warna
Paduan warna #fae3e3 dengan hitam dan putih untuk teks kecil, teks besar, dan grafik berdasarkan rasio kontras aksesibilitas WCAG.
#fae3e3 Rasio Kontras
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#fae3e3 Rasio Kontras
Ukuran | tingkat AA | tingkat AAA |
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