Creato a 02/21/2023 11:19
#30949d ESADECIMALE Colore Aqua Lake informazione
#30949d | RGB(48, 148, 157) |
RGB i valori sono RGB(48, 148, 157)
#30949d il colore contiene Rosso 18.82%, Verde 58.04% e Blu 61.57%.
Nomi dei colori di #30949d ESADECIMALE codice
Aqua Lake Colore
Colori alternativi di Aqua Lake #30949d
Colore opposto per Aqua Lake – #9c3930
#30949d Conversione del colore
Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #30949d Aqua Lake
hsl(185, 53%, 40%)
hsla(185, 53%, 40%, 1)
RGB(48, 148, 157)
RGBA(48, 148, 157, 1)
Tavolozze per il colore #30949d Aqua Lake:
Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #30949d
il colore più scuro è #050f10 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #eaf4f5 dalle tinte
Tavolozza sfumature di #30949d:
Tavolozza di tinte di #30949d:
Tavolozza complementare di #30949d:
Tavolozza triadica di #30949d:
Tavolozza quadrata di #30949d:
Tavolozza analoga di #30949d:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #30949d:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #30949d:
Tavolozze di colori suggerite per #30949d ESADECIMALE:
Tavolozza di colori con colore #30949d #1:
Tavolozza di colori con colore #30949d #2:
Tavolozza di colori con colore #30949d #3:
Tavolozza di colori con colore #30949d #4:
Tavolozza di colori con colore #30949d #5:
Colore Aqua Lake #30949d utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)
Aqua Lake shades vintage story palette #2 with Mystical Shade color vintage story palette Melted Copper, Bumblebee, Rushing River, Aqua Lake, Red Wine Vinegar, Modern Lavender, Tiger Yellow, Pacific Ocean palette Mars Red, Connected Grey, Ardent Coral, Orange Jelly, Botanical Green, Color Me Green, Damp Basement, Minuet Lilac, Purple Navy, A Safety Orange, Aqua Lake, Sacred Vortex palette Tahini Brown, Topaz Mountain, King Crimson, Ginger Milk, Kanzō Orange, Advertisement Green, Drably Olive, Aqua Lake, Cadmium Green Aqua Lake, Ice Dark Turquoise, Derbyshire, Wild Rye, Seven Days of Rain palette Sunnyside Aqua Lake Saffron Mango, Flush Orange, National Anthem, Handsome Hue, Aqua Lake, Vertigo Cherry, Galenite Blue, Pewter Ring, Shadow Taupe, P Tomato Red, Lauriston Stone, Stratford Sage, Brown Grey, Weathered Fossil, Ruskin Red, Brownie, Peeps, Tarnished Silver, Aqua Lake Hóng Bǎo Shū Red, Aqua Lake, Bright Midnight Blue, Arcane Red, White Pepper, Ancestral palette West Winds, Aqua Lake, Supreme Grey, Upbeat palette Coriander Ochre, Aqua Lake, Sandy Hair, Tropical Freeze, Citrus Mist palette Moroccan Spice, Alien Parasite, Aqua Lake palette Red Chipotle, Cheese Please, Post Yellow, Luck of the Irish, Always Green Grass, Stormy Horizon, Aqua Lake, Chaste Blossoms, Meado Lazy Shell Red, Cool Charcoal, Peony Pink, Middle Green Yellow, Phantom, Aqua Lake, Operetta Mauve, Hockham Green, Pale Berry, Pal Malachite, Jean Jacket Blue, Team Spirit, Aqua Lake, Aggressive Salmon palette Brandied Apple, Leather Tan, Canyon Clay, Green Energy, Scorpion Venom, Dark Lime, Green Minions, Aqua Lake, Dr Who, Luminous Pink Nutty Brown, Obsession, Sunset Strip, Rare Wind, Aqua Lake, Queen's Honour, Bashful Rose, Brass Trumpet, New Wheat, Wax Sculpture, Antique Leather, Barrel Stove, Yellowish Brown, Moist Gold, Tau Light Ochre, Aqua Lake, Green Buoy, Bauhaus Blue, Café Noir, Purpl Syrah Soil, Happy Days, Aqua Lake, Shady Neon Blue, Blue Fantastic, Metropolis, Mostly Metal, Greasy Grey, Fantasy Grey, Camel Tra Warmth, Kelp Forest, Putting Green, Navigate, Aqua Lake, Art House Pink, Fig Balsamic, Yankees Blue, Iron Teal, Deep Sea Shadow, R Red Epiphyllum, Bonnie's Bench, Aqua Lake, Copacabana, Profound Pink palette Aqua Lake, Wood Acres, False Morel, Mallard Lake, Sweet Mint Pesto, Iced Celery, Bubblegum Pink, Orenju Ogon Koi, Reserved Blue, A Au Chico, Dwarf Pony, Charleston Chocolate, Hacienda Tile, Hot and Spicy, Clean Slate, Atlantis, Aqua Lake, Allyson, Gobo Brown, M Crocodile, Wavy Glass, Yellow Acorn, Autumn Arrival, Yellow Orange, Red Dit, Loud Lime, Jess, Aqua Lake, Grey Purple, Black Walnut Llama Wool, Hemp Tea, Straw Hut, Aqua Lake, Black Swan, Gameboy Contrast, Lighthearted Rose, Jungle Moss, Oyster Grey, Alesan pale Oregano Spice, Spacious Plain, Wishard, Aqua Lake, Indigo Red, Diesel, Valley Hills, Ochre Revival palette Stanger Red, Roller Coaster, Thick Yellow, Bright Forest, Tropical Kelp, Aqua Lake, Blithe, Center Earth, Soft Beige, People's Cho Vibrant Orange, Botanical Green, Grey Blueberry, Aqua Lake, Bright Greek, Prismatic Springs, Azul Caribe, Dracula Orchid, Mount Et Dark Blond, Burnt Coral, Pepper Sprout, Artesian Well, Aqua Lake, Harpoon, Passion Razz, Duchess Rose, New Wool, Wind Blue, Rollin Link Grey, Indian Pale Ale, Orange Gluttony, Koji Orange, Sunshine Mellow, Aqua Lake, Go Alpha, Ironbreaker Metal, Runelord Brass, Blood Kiss, Alluring Umber, Green Smoke, Tropic Canary, Caulerpa Lentillifera, Aqua Lake, Poppy Pompadour, Folly, Bloodstain, Ares Crispy Gold, Confetti, Wintergreen Shadow, Aqua Lake, Chestnut Leather palette Ouni Red, Aqua Lake, Ocean Tropic, Graphite Black Green, Albert Green, Warm Grey, Cool, Mamey, Muslin palette Lover's Kiss, Fresh Olive, Firenze, Living Coral, Rock Creek, Astro Nautico, Aqua Lake, Kokushoku Black, Blumine, Ancestral Gold, Pesto Alla Genovese, Atlantic Shoreline, Leisure Time, Aqua Lake, Hidden Depths, Hunter's Hollow, Spiced Brandy, Lavender Spectacl Beyond the Pines, Sport Green, Whale Shark, Hushed Lilac, Aqua Lake palette Cathedral Stone, Less Brown, Aqua Lake, Ceil, Light Gentle Calm, Silent Smoke, Treacherous Blizzard palette Aqua Lake, Fainting Light, Endless Sea, Deep Evergreen, Meek Moss Green, Athena Pink palette Orange Caramel, Flinders Green, Lunar Shadow, Aqua Lake, Gondola, Pickled Capers palette Cinereous, Tapestry Gold, Mustard Crusted Salmon, Coal Miner, Aqua Lake, Call It a Night, Marsh palette Ocean Frigate, Lucerne, Aqua Lake, Decorative Iris palette Mordant Red 19, Mojave Dusk, McNuke, Hooker's Green, Riverway, Aqua Lake, Purple Peril, Storm Petrel palette Aqua Lake, Wailing Woods palette Monza, Moss Point Green, Aqua Lake, Blue Wing Teal palette Arctic, Aqua Lake, Christmas Purple, Regal Violet, Damsel, Honey and Cream palette Volt, Mountain Haze, Aquatic Cool, Aqua Lake, Satyr Brown, Weathered Wood, Basilisk palette
Contrasto cromatico
Abbinamenti di colori #30949d con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.
#30949d Rapporto di contrasto
Misurare | Livello AA | Livello AAA |
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#30949d Rapporto di contrasto
Misurare | Livello AA | Livello AAA |
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