Creato a 02/24/2023 23:48

#474a4e ESADECIMALE Colore Black Bay informazione

#474a4e RGB(71, 74, 78)

RGB i valori sono RGB(71, 74, 78)
#474a4e il colore contiene Rosso 27.84%, Verde 29.02% e Blu 30.59%.

Nomi dei colori di #474a4e ESADECIMALE codice

Black Bay Colore

Classificazione dei colori #474a4e

#474a4e È Leggero e Freddo Colore
Tonalità di dimgrey
Colore opposto per Black Bay – #4e4a46

#474a4e Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #474a4e Black Bay

hsl(214, 5%, 29%)
hsla(214, 5%, 29%, 1)
RGB(71, 74, 78)
RGBA(71, 74, 78, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #474a4e Black Bay:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #474a4e

il colore più scuro è #070708 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #ededed dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #474a4e:
Tavolozza di tinte di #474a4e:
Tavolozza complementare di #474a4e:
Tavolozza triadica di #474a4e:
Tavolozza quadrata di #474a4e:
Tavolozza analoga di #474a4e:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #474a4e:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #474a4e:

Colore Black Bay #474a4e utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

Elden Ring Orange, Out of the Blue, Blustering Blue, Black Bay, Mid Grey, Globe Thistle Grey Rose, Silverware palette Black Bay Eversong Orange, God of Rain, Black Bay palette Wheat Penny, Hot Tamale, Hammered Gold, Fleshtone Shade Wash, New Yellow, Summer Sun, Stone Green, Dazzling Blue, Royal Robe, Drip Tobernite, Black Bay, Wine Gummy Red palette Blazing Yellow, Silver Maple Green, Black Bay, Pistachio Shortbread, Retro Mint palette Apple Polish, Mandarin Orange, Spectacular Saffron, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Turquish, Amethyst Gem, Shiner, Hull Red, Graphite Bla Westminster, Muskelmannbraun, Dangerously Elegant, Flounce, Sea Hunter, Quintana, Black Bay, Provence Blue palette Brown Orange, Green Blue, Pink Katydid, Black Bay, Evening Glory, Chocolate Cupcake, Velvet Ears, Noodles palette Tweed, Cliff Rock, Marrakech Brown, Pickled Lemon, Night Out, Lagoon Rock, Cherries Jubilee, Transporter Green, Black Bay, Island Vermilion Scarlet, Red, Almond Truffle, Gorse Yellow Orange, Flaming Orange, Spanish Blue, Very Grape, Beastly Flesh, Ivy, Black B Clayton, Colonial Revival Stone, Bark Sawdust, Corfu Waters, Black Bay, Forest Canopy, Corsican, PHP Purple, Swimming Pool Green, Brown Sugar, Firecracker, Flush Orange, Stunning Sapphire, Grey Dusk, Nectar Red, Hollyhock Bloom, Reversed Grey, Cursed Black, In Wilmington Tan, Wobbegong Brown, Inca Gold, Old Cheddar, Silverado, Dignified Purple, Hibiscus Flower, Black Bay, Dressy Rose, Hon Greystoke, Landmark, Clay, Moss, Flax Flower, Allium, Young Night, Ateneo Blue, Black Bay, Osprey palette Yellow Submarine, Purple Feather Boa, Galah, Dark Onyx, Crown Jewel, Black Bay, Winter Cocoa, Sahara Wind, Inner Child, Limewash, Prometheus Orange, Lime Twist, Clown Nose, Astrogranite Debris, Black Bay, Boycott palette Shēn Hóng Red, Solar Storm, June Bug, Obscure Olive, Black Bay, Wine Gummy Red, Tourmaline palette High Tea, Marsh Grass, Uri Yellow, Ripe Cherry, Black Bay palette Ake Blood, Sunlounge, Sriracha, Overgrown, Dream Green, Sheffield Grey, Sizzling Red, Black Bay, Pigeon palette Plum Blossom Dye, Amaretto Sour, Lucid Dream, Cardinal Pink, Zinfandel, Black Bay, Cello, Chelsea Grey, Apricot Illusion palette Brick Hearth, Orange Creamsicle, Thick Green, Pirate Silver, Artful Pink, Black Bay, Lagoona Teal palette Sulphur, Squash, Eternal Summer, Federal Blue, Lighter Purple, Rocky Road, Black Bay palette Fox, Buffallo Sauce, Avocado, Celestial Plum, Piquant Pink, Ordain, Dark Mahogany, Black Bay, Purple Brown, Holiday, Chenille, Cor Roti, Xanthous, Portuguese Green, Plutonium, Denim Blue, Scaly Green, Emperor Jewel, Lingonberry Punch, Lindworm Green, Grim Reape Cowboy Trails, Weathered Leather, Yellow Maize, Teaberry Blossom, Copper Creek, Jackpot, Mid Green, Real Brown, Black Bay, Trekkin Corral Brown, Green Acres, Nasty Green, Dresden Blue, Rose Garland, Indian Silk, Pomegranate Tea, Black Bay, Cone Green Blue, Idyl Rye Dough Brown, Jabłoński Brown, Hay Yellow, Honey Ginger, Radiant Sunrise, Iguaçuense Waterfall, Space Station, Sea Grape, Geran Bern Red, Red Pentacle, Dinosaur Bone, Yamabukicha Gold, Mermaid Blues palette Say It With Red Roses, Sun-Kissed Brick, Prehnite Yellow, Jack Bone, Screen Gem, Obsidian Stone, West Coast, Astronomical, Black B Firenze, Green Apple, Jade Jewel, Parfait d'Amour, Royal Ash, Black Bay, Trout, Pressed Blossoms, Leamington Spa, Pastel Day palet Bronzed Brass, Little Boy Blue, Pink Poppy, Blackberry Jam, Rocking Chair, Black Bay, Susu-Take Bamboo, Cosmic Blue, Crème de Cara Whetstone Brown, Blue Ribbon Beauty, Lythrum, Red Safflower, Pacific Line, Black Bay, Rain Boots, Tavern Taupe, North Island, Whir Shadow Cliff, Magnitude, Pesto Calabrese, Dayflower Blue, Midnight Moss, Black Bay, Necron Compound, Fretwire palette Golden Crest, Grenadine, Hunter Green, Black Bay, Whale Grey, Camping Tent, Hay Day, Green Andara, Warm Biscuits, Antique Coral, H Ribbon Red, Mauve Mole, Vigilant, Burnt Terra, Mirabelle Yellow, Tamarack Yellow, Hippie Green, Turquoise Surf, Film Noir, Black B Herbal, Magic Dust, Big Stone, Black Bay, Quarry Quartz, Poached Egg palette Muted Lunar Launch Site, Claret Red, Black Bay, Mid-century Gem, Green Myth, February Frost, Teasing Peach palette Bistre, Hot Fudge, Black Bay, Burnished Metal, Porpoise Fin, Zen Garden, Marble Dust palette Asian Pear, Wasabi Green, Holiday Camp, Blue Cloud, Imayou Pink, Black Bay, Heather Grey palette Ironstone, First Lady, Black Bay, Mamey, Defenestration, Pinkathon, Sweet Illusion palette Tea Leaf, Tarnished Silver, Meetinghouse Blue, Black Bay, Santana Soul, Design Delight, Lupine palette Bare, Evening Lagoon, Vice City, Tropicana, Prune palette Barrel, Halloween Orange, Hillsbrad Grass, Puyo Blob Green, Forestry, Black Bay, Pink Discord palette Chalet, Angry Hornet, Alfalfa Bug, Cherry Fruit, Black Bay, No Way Rosé palette Rattan Basket, Oak Buff, Black Bay, Slick Blue, Mindful Grey, White Duck, American Silver palette Antique Bear, Owlet, Spiced Nut, Tartare, Golden Mary, Caledor Sky, Burnt Ash, Black Bay palette Chinchilla, Silent Night, Cyan Cornflower Blue, Siyâh Black, Black Bay, Sky Eyes, Thumper, Sea Foam palette Ridgeline, Darkest Dungeon, Black Bay, Charcoal Briquette, Chamomile Tea, Scotchtone palette

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #474a4e con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine Black Bay #474a4e colore png