Creato a 02/21/2023 10:38

#afa88b ESADECIMALE Colore Bland informazione

#afa88b RGB(175, 168, 139)

RGB i valori sono RGB(175, 168, 139)
#afa88b il colore contiene Rosso 68.63%, Verde 65.88% e Blu 54.51%.

Nomi dei colori di #afa88b ESADECIMALE codice

Bland Colore

Classificazione dei colori #afa88b

#afa88b È Leggero e Caldo Colore
Tonalità di tan
Colore opposto per Bland – #8d94b0

#afa88b Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #afa88b Bland

hsl(48, 18%, 62%)
hsla(48, 18%, 62%, 1)
RGB(175, 168, 139)
RGBA(175, 168, 139, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #afa88b Bland:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #afa88b

il colore più scuro è #11110e dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #f7f6f3 dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #afa88b:
Tavolozza di tinte di #afa88b:
Tavolozza complementare di #afa88b:
Tavolozza triadica di #afa88b:
Tavolozza quadrata di #afa88b:
Tavolozza analoga di #afa88b:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #afa88b:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #afa88b:

Colore Bland #afa88b utilizzato nelle tavolozze (49)

Telecom Dawn-color colors palette Bland Hashut Copper, Bland, Gruyère Cheese, Starship Tonic, Golden Impression palette Roasted Cashew, Burning Brier, Lion Mane, Roasted Sienna, Beef Bourguignon, Sun Ray, Wild Honey, Wyvern Green, Straightforward Gre Yellow Shout, Carol's Purr, Spruce Tree Flower, Bland, Cool Concrete, Possibly Pink, Solitude palette Viva Las Vegas, Pollination, Tuscan Sun, Finnish Fiord, Star Platinum Purple, Crowning, Parisian Cafè, Bland, Nightingale Grey, Li Oil on Fire, Dancing Dragonfly, Bland, Golden Retriever, Country Lane palette Crabapple, Cherry Kiss, Medium Wood, Khardic Flesh, Physalis, Burning Trail, Sea Turtle, Siskin Sprout, Lovely Little Rosy, Black Mann Orange, Childhood Crush, California Dreaming, Sea Fern, Cameo Blue, Flood, Faded Orchid, Mangu Black, Cappuccino, Even Growth Lannister Red, Iron Mountain, Caps, Spiced Nut, Sugar Glazed Cashew, Green Revolution, Blue Iris, Tillandsia Purple, Bland, Frappe International Orange, Brandied Apple, Blazing Yellow, Bali Bliss, King's Robe, Zany Pink, Greek Aubergine, Old School, Satin Soil, Reed Green, Summer Weasel, Sour Yellow, Deep Breath, Bland, Plum Cake, Water Baptism, Bit of Sugar palette Dusky Green, Real Teal, Bland, Olympus White, Will O the Wisp palette Kid Icarus, Blue Flag, Piano Mauve, Bland, Esplanade, Kingdom's Keys, Elusive Mauve palette Cherry Race, Blue Mist, Alaskan Moss, Midnight Badger, Lavender Leaf Green, Bland, Heavy Blue Grey, Light Powder Blue palette Chocolate Delight, Orangeville, Strong Mustard, Tandayapa Cloud Forest, Fugitive Flamingo, Bland, Rose Marquis, Frisky palette Protein High, Uri Yellow, Radium, Bagpiper, Longboat, Bland palette Run Lola Run, Wood Green, Chocolate Bells, Yellow Polka Dot, Green of Bhabua, Gameboy Light, Paradise Sky, Crater Lake, Aggressive Shadow Cliff, Quite Coral, Clown Green, Pinard Yellow, Splendor and Pride, Chinese Ink, Cavalry, Stone Cairn, Bland, Periglacial B Arcade Fire, Evening Green, Subdued Sienna, Submarine Base, Bland palette Mid Cypress, Charcoal Plum, Modest Mauve, Moonshade, Summer Turquoise Blue, Whale's Tale, Wisteria Purple, Abyssal Blue, Moor Pond Bento Box, Basketball, Parisian Green, Fiddle-Leaf Fig, Night Out, Clear Brook, Chimney Sweep, Deep Sea Dream, Monastery Mantle, B Vampire Bite, Gingerbread Latte, Red Mane, Berry Bliss, Bland, Heavy Hammock palette Bronze, Jack Bone, Baltic Blue, Ganache, Mystification, Bland, Minimalist, Sweet Petal, Hanover, Agreeable Grey, Slightly Peach, M Rodham, Sell Gold, Rokushō Green, Sapphire Splendour, Fuchsia Fever, Spring Water Turquoise, Bland, Earth Warming palette Spicy and Oriental, Bright Yellow, Phosphorescent Blue, Brooding Storm, Ocean View, Scintillating Violet, Broken Tube, Gluon Grey, Golden Green, Lime Acid, Blue Odyssey, French Marron, Black Safflower, Deep Merlot, Evening Fizz, Semi Sweet, The Blarney Stone, B Tate Olive, Scene Stealer, Faneuil Brick, Retro Avocado, Golden Slumber, Jack-O-Lantern, Purple Urn Orchid, Irresistible, Floppy D Cocoloco, Fantan, Divine, Liaison, Merlot Fields, Knight's Armor, Bland, Spice Pink, Jocular Green, Peche palette Red Ochre, Macabre, Bruschetta, Plantain, Orange Wood, Woodbine, Pool Tide, Bridgewater, Denver River, Radical Red, Tundora, Hockh Devon Rex, Akhdhar Green, Opera, Windmill Park, Bland, Weaver's Spool, Pale Lychee palette Axinite, Brown Rum, Tree Poppy, Durian Yellow, Luxurious Red, Rich Olive, Cypress Bark Red, Rookwood Jade, By The Sea, Bland, Drie Guinea Pig, Coyote Brown, Breeze of Chilli, Toy Tank Green, Fresh Cut Grass, Samphire Green, Garish Green, Old Gungeon Red, Full C Nomad Grey, Natchez Moss, Ouni Red, Starlet, Victorian Peacock, Machine Gun Metal, Bland, Classical Gold, Velum Smoke, Custard Puf Silent Night, Degas Pink, Tree of Life, Bland, Somber palette Wheat Beer, Young Plum, Catachan Green, Bland, Stone Walkway palette Blood Omen, Squash, Countryside, Strawberry Spinach Red, Gouda Gold, Titanium Blue, Jumbo, Bland, Industrial Rose, Sleepy Blue pal Dolly, Eucalipto, Blue Lust, Signal Pink, Irish Coffee, Spirit Rock, Crocker Grove, Bland, Green Tea, Farro, Pantomime, Oceanic Cl Fire Chi, Monarch Orange, Gravlax, Hot Bolognese, Sea Pea, Cyclamen Red, Caviar Couture palette Portsmouth, Frost Grey, Minuette, Midnight Merlot, Bland, Pine Glade, Alpine Morning Blue, Aqua Tint palette Infinite Night, Bland, Boxwood Yellow, Tequila, Parakeet Pete, Sun Glare, Lilac Murmur, Diminished Orange palette Shortgrass Prairie, Water Park, High Altar, Vin Rouge, Sea Going, Bland, Illusive Dream palette Corn Poppy Cherry, Cocktail Hour, Baroque Grey, Bland palette Prismatic Springs, Bland palette Soviet Gold, Azalea, Bloodstone, Cold Sea Currents, Bland, Winter Dusk, Light Hint Of Lavender, Clear Cinnamon palette Embarrassed Frog, Opulent Blue, Raspberry Whip, Black Onyx, Gondola, Ash to Ash, Jasper Green, Bland palette Tilted Red, Dinosaur Bone, Leafy Lemon, Dill Powder, Mid Century, Bland, Wheaten White palette Vampire Fiction, Redridge Brown, Greenish Teal, Clairvoyant, Blue Accolade, Quicksand palette Nut Cracker, Cadmium Orange, Vibrant Mint, Galaxy Express, Dragon's Fire, Raspberry Mousse, Lava Black, Bland palette

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #afa88b con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine Bland #afa88b colore png