Creato a 02/21/2023 15:47

#bc989e ESADECIMALE Colore It's Your Mauve informazione

#bc989e RGB(188, 152, 158)

RGB i valori sono RGB(188, 152, 158)
#bc989e il colore contiene Rosso 73.73%, Verde 59.61% e Blu 61.96%.

Nomi dei colori di #bc989e ESADECIMALE codice

It's Your Mauve Colore

Classificazione dei colori #bc989e

#bc989e È Leggero e Neutro Colore
Ombra di rosybrown
Colore opposto per It's Your Mauve – #99bdb7

#bc989e Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #bc989e It's Your Mauve

hsl(350, 21%, 67%)
hsla(350, 21%, 67%, 1)
RGB(188, 152, 158)
RGBA(188, 152, 158, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #bc989e It's Your Mauve:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #bc989e

il colore più scuro è #130f10 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #f8f5f5 dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #bc989e:
Tavolozza di tinte di #bc989e:
Tavolozza complementare di #bc989e:
Tavolozza triadica di #bc989e:
Tavolozza quadrata di #bc989e:
Tavolozza analoga di #bc989e:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #bc989e:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #bc989e:

Tavolozze di colori suggerite per #bc989e ESADECIMALE:

Colore It's Your Mauve #bc989e utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

Mannered Gold, Forest Tent, Burnt Earth, Baked Salmon, Rusted Lock, Portuguese Blue, Marlin Green, Free Speech Blue, Aunt Violet, Succubus, Ripe Lavander, It's Your Mauve, Pina, Afghan Hound palette Fiery Orange, Banana Ball, Piquant Pink, It's Your Mauve, Pink Blossom palette Pizazz, Legendary Grey, It's Your Mauve palette Eminence, Pink Ping, It's Your Mauve, Grey Sheep, White Jasmine palette Veranda Blue, It's Your Mauve, Dew palette In for a Penny, It's Your Mauve, Bananas Foster, Modestly Peach, Arc Light palette Burning Trail, Turtle Lake, Ironside, Sultry Smoke, Gardener Green, Shockwave, It's Your Mauve, Desert Cover, Alley palette Hunt Club Brown, Forbidden Red, Safflower Kite, Pretty Parasol, Clementine Jelly, Glitter Lake, Warpfiend Grey, Queen's Honour, Ma River Road, Hot Hazel, Dorn Yellow, Appalachian Forest, Scintillating Violet, Dahlia Mauve, Strawberry Pink, Nordic, Into the Nigh Cupcake, Autumn's Hill, Mandalay Road, Thai Curry, Chain Gang Grey, Bluebird, Violet Poison, Rural Red, Deep Bottlebrush, Dolphin Red Vitality, Old Boot, Rustic Ranch, Onion Skin Blue, Vindaloo, Quincy, It's Your Mauve, Glacier Grey, Lemon Meringue, Summer Bli Rooibos Tea, Radioactive, Liberal Lilac, Fabric of Space, Modern History, It's Your Mauve, Brook Green, Durian White, Mesa Rose, L International Orange, Withered Rose, Reservation, Quiver, Arctic Ocean, Calgar Blue, Fake Crush, Meridian Star, It's Your Mauve, A Highland Ridge, Arable Brown, Romaine Green, Wattle, Citrus Leaf, Welsh Onion, Flirty Rose, Oblivion, Underwater Realm, Yin Hūi Si Sauvignon Blanc, Cherokee Red, Montezuma Gold, Baltic Green, Moonglade Water, Gengiana, Purple Climax, Wild Boar, Bauhaus, Metamor Red Brown, Fluor Spar, Coal Miner, Cosmic Energy, Techile, Twisted Blue, It's Your Mauve palette Leroy, Caramel Kiss, Flamboyant Teal, Hampton Surf, Raisin Black, Umber Brown, Oslo Grey, Mauve Musk, It's Your Mauve, Grey Ashlar Pomodoro, Nipple, Brown Eyes, Biohazard Suit, Vivid Imagination, Poppy Pompadour, Che Guevara Red, Ambassador Blue, Lunar Eclipse, Sehnsucht Red, Antique Earth, Pestering Pesto, Rose Gold, Juicy Details, Espresso, Nirvana, It's Your Mauve, Canary Feather, Coast Chocolate Heart, Arrow Creek, Apricot Red, DodgeRoll Gold, Pacific Depths, Relic, Medium Violet Red, Shiny Rubber, Purple Sphinx, Italian Olive, Baroque, Armageddon Dust, Hibiscus Leaf, Watercolour Green, Exit Light, Capercaillie Mauve, Graphic Grape, Deep Gal Lemon Poppy, Bluerocratic, Kelp'thar Forest Blue, Rock Bottom, Less Traveled, Purple Cheeks, Whistler Rose, It's Your Mauve, Defen Classic Gold, Arabian Bake, Mandarin Peel, Anime, For the Love of Hue, Graphical 80's Sky, It's Your Mauve palette Free Speech Red, Windy Meadow, Sphagnales Moss, Coated, Gothic Grape, Heliotrope Grey, 5-Masted Preußen, It's Your Mauve, Fescue, Redend Point, Vivid Vermilion, French Fry, Elf Shoe, Sugar Tree, It's Your Mauve, Forever Green, Lovely Linen, Slipper Satin palet Madder Red, Orpiment Orange, Ferntastic, Rare Wind, Camellia Pink, Christmas Pink, It's Your Mauve, Object of Desire, Peaceful Pas Chivalrous Walrus, Sunken Gold, Usumoegi Green, Future Hair, Ninja Turtle, It's Your Mauve, Gray Agate, Creole Cottage, Honeysweet Ferrari Red, Coffee Bar, Azurite Water Green, I Love You Pink, Eternal Cherry, Tangaroa, Iron Teal, Foggy Blue, It's Your Mauve, P Frontier Brown, Army Canvas, Krishna Blue, Hawk Grey, Purple Red, Maritime Blue, Darkest Spruce, Magenta Ink, Hydrargyrum, Shady L Summer in the City, Autumn Fest, Tee Off, Fluorescent Green, Emerald-Crested Manakin, Warm Purple, MSU Green, Charred Chocolate, C Gallery Red, Blue Angel, Flowerhorn Cichlid Red, Detective Thriller, Auburn, Storm Petrel, Trance, It's Your Mauve, Golden Hop, Sp Butter Nut, Green Plaza, Emerald Dream, Lakeshore, It's Your Mauve, Corinthian Pillar, Spanish Pink palette Mountain Quail, Sailor's Knot, It's Your Mauve, Particular Mint palette Ōtan Red, Lavender Violet, Snowboard, Magic Blue, Ravenwood, Bland, It's Your Mauve, Matte Blue, Marrett Apple, Rose Colored, Past Wild Mushroom, Evening Star, Jungle Juice, Sea Beast, Blue Shoal, Lost River, City Hunter Blue, Berry, Stealth Jet, Afternoon Tea, Walnut Shell, Fuego, Dark Soul, Deep Sapphire, Zucchini Cream, Good Luck palette Chuckles, Purple Blue, Red Radish, British Mauve, It's Your Mauve, Classic Light Buff, Shea palette Bayside, Ambitious Rose, It's Your Mauve, Light Light Lichen, Morning Sunlight, Heirloom Lace, Glitter palette Cinnamon Crunch, Bronze Medal palette Pumpkin Bread, Barberry Bush, Lakelike, Turkish Jade, Carnaby Tan, Tiramisu, Hickory Grove palette Citrine Brown, Hair Brown, Midnight Garden, Smoky Sunrise, It's Your Mauve, Astroscopus Grey, Pale Ivy, Hanami Pink palette Pirate Treasure, Newport Blue, It's Your Mauve, Thatched Cottage, Pelican Bill palette Golden Frame, Evening Primrose, Ruby Lips, Brunswick Green, Grey Area, It's Your Mauve, Honey Bees, Butterfly palette Rural Green, Hidden Mask, Ivy Green, It's Your Mauve, Peaceful Pastures, Sunbathed palette Tapa, Ogre Odor, Mid Cypress palette Canaletto, Indigo Iron, Eggshell Pongee, It's Your Mauve, Chicon palette Cabana Melon, Window Grey, It's Your Mauve palette Nomad Grey, Hot Butter, Kaltes Klares Wasser, Grey Cloud, It's Your Mauve, Grape Gatsby, Sky Watch, Bubble Algae palette Toasted Truffle, Revival Rose palette

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #bc989e con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine It's Your Mauve #bc989e colore png

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