Creato a 02/21/2023 14:55
#cbe1f2 ESADECIMALE Colore First Shade of Blue informazione
#cbe1f2 | RGB(203, 225, 242) |
RGB i valori sono RGB(203, 225, 242)
#cbe1f2 il colore contiene Rosso 79.61%, Verde 88.24% e Blu 94.9%.
Nomi dei colori di #cbe1f2 ESADECIMALE codice
First Shade of Blue Colore
Colori alternativi di First Shade of Blue #cbe1f2
Colore opposto per First Shade of Blue – #f2dbca
#cbe1f2 Conversione del colore
Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #cbe1f2 First Shade of Blue
hsl(206, 60%, 87%)
hsla(206, 60%, 87%, 1)
RGB(203, 225, 242)
RGBA(203, 225, 242, 1)
Tavolozze per il colore #cbe1f2 First Shade of Blue:
Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #cbe1f2
il colore più scuro è #141618 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #fafcfe dalle tinte
Tavolozza sfumature di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza di tinte di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza complementare di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza triadica di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza quadrata di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza analoga di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #cbe1f2:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #cbe1f2:
Colore First Shade of Blue #cbe1f2 utilizzato nelle tavolozze (40)
Blue Buzz, First Shade of Blue palette Brick Red, Rookwood Brown, Wet Adobe, Acorn Spice, Grass Blade, Mermaid Harbor, Pharaoh Purple, Candy Pink, Verve Violet, Red Tril Clayton, Slimer Green, Beautiful Darkness, Aqua Belt, Tombstone Grey, First Shade of Blue, Paper White palette Stirring Orange, Chestnut Gold, Seance, Olive Sand, First Shade of Blue palette Pendula Garden, Finnish Fiord, Sweet Spiceberry, Distant Shore, Shy Pink, First Shade of Blue palette Night Flight, Ballet Skirt, First Shade of Blue palette P Red Tape, Red October, Festive Green, Whaling Waters, Gladiola Violet, Chard, Betta Fish, Sunset Beige, Young Leaves, Bombay, Delt Gathering Place, Iceland Poppy, Felwood Leaves, Private Eye, Lacquered Licorice, Port Royale, Patina Violet, Mesclun Green, Garden Caraway, Candied Yams, Summer Orange, Bland Celery, Woody Brown, Kiss Good Night palette Dried Saffron, Bare, Whole Wheat, Dolly, Black Pearl, O Tannenbaum, Urahayanagi Green, Salmon Run palette Colorado Bronze, Âbi Blue, Purple Climax, Shadow of Night, Mauvette, Fresh on the Market, Light Blush, Sweetheart palette Sand Yellow, Post Yellow, Soooo Bloody, Deep Jungle, Lilac Luster, Castle Mist, Smoky Salmon, First Shade of Blue palette Rain Barrel, Olive Chutney, Ecstasy, Rose of Sharon, Panela, Coppersmith, West Side, Bilbao, Gala Ball, Mossy Bronze, Dark Forest, Best of the Bunch, Pumpkin Orange, Wheel of Dharma, Lime, Aqueous, Jube, Bright Midnight Blue, Velvet Mauve, Persian Violet palett Aged Antics, Sunset Boulevard, Seasoned Apple Green, Blue Sage, Galaxy Blue, Disarm, Violet Vixen, Red Cedar, Windsor Moss, Toast Koi Pond, Sea Sparkle, Steel Blue, Mediterranean Cove, Grape Grey, Glam, Electrifying Kiss, Macaroon Rose, Shallot Leaf, Tibetan R Lime Rasp, Acid Reflux, Horizon Blue, Prune Plum, Blackberry Harvest, Prairie Dust, Meditation, Nebulous, Just Right, Tequila, Fir Yanagicha, Citrus Sugar, Victoria Red, Toffee, Killarney, Tea, Mauve Nymph, Light Aluminium, First Shade of Blue palette Syrup, Orange Daylily, The Killing Joke, Minted Blue, Rose Laffy Taffy, Dark Royalty, Armadillo, Buckingham Palace, Pasta Rasta, S Rodeo, Pistou Green, Sea Lion, Medium Electric Blue, Blue Chaos, Pink Perennial, White Lie, First Shade of Blue palette Indian Yellow, Post Yellow, Lone Hunter, Turf Master, Cutty Sark, Blue Lobster, Hailey Blue, Fiesta Pink, Imperial Primer, Green G April Love, Starbur, Chagall Green, Green Revolution, Blue Torus, Noble Black, Dark Night, Jasper Park, Tomatillo Salsa, Slick Blu Sandy Taupe, Golf Blazer, Baby Whale, Spiced Tea, Nile Green, Rose Bisque palette 18th Century Green, Just a Fairytale, Eternal Cherry, First Shade of Blue, Hot Desert palette Pastel Brown, Bonnie's Bench, Yellow Lupine, Ambitious Rose, Sumi Ink, Skydiving, Lilac Bisque, First Shade of Blue palette Executive Course, Opulent Green, Flagstaff Green, Green Gaze, Suna White palette Beni Shoga, Wild Lime, Cedar Forest palette Khmer Curry, Valkyrie, Spring Grass, Kilim Beige, Icicles, Coffee Bag palette Azshara Vein, Socialite, Dragon Fire, Malted Mint Madness, Noctis, Jet, Ground Fog, First Shade of Blue palette Old Gungeon Red, Cardin Green, Sandalwood Grey Blue, Limoges, Hormagaunt Purple palette Lion's Lair, Cognac palette Bermudan Blue, Self-Love, Customs Green, Treetop Cathedral, Golden Raspberry, Lusty Salmon palette Bleeding Crimson, Trailhead, Dark Topaz, Renaissance, Mourning Dove, Froggy Pond, Mint Soap, Carded Wool palette North Cape Grey, Satin Soil palette Garden Grove, Alligator Skin, Calthan Brown, Coffee Rose, Fresh Lemonade palette Trumpet Flower, Jack Bone, Goose Pond Green, Spring Garden, Padua, Plymouth Green, Harbour Sky palette Glitzy Red, Red Panda, Yellow Tang, Lindworm Green, Foxglove, Pearl Aqua, Lilac Breeze, Tahitian Breeze palette Green Sleeves, Roasted Seeds, Post Yellow, Bella Pink, Cannon Barrel palette Copper River, Skirret Green, Klaxosaur Blue, Black Rose, Black Drop, Silky Green, Garden Statue, Water Mist palette
Contrasto cromatico
Abbinamenti di colori #cbe1f2 con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.
#cbe1f2 Rapporto di contrasto
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#cbe1f2 Rapporto di contrasto
Misurare | Livello AA | Livello AAA |
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