Creato a 02/25/2023 09:35

#d7b57f ESADECIMALE Colore New Wheat informazione

#d7b57f RGB(215, 181, 127)

RGB i valori sono RGB(215, 181, 127)
#d7b57f il colore contiene Rosso 84.31%, Verde 70.98% e Blu 49.8%.

Nomi dei colori di #d7b57f ESADECIMALE codice

New Wheat Colore

Classificazione dei colori #d7b57f

#d7b57f È Leggero e Caldo Colore
Tonalità di burlywood
Colore opposto per New Wheat – #7fa1d7

#d7b57f Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #d7b57f New Wheat

hsl(37, 52%, 67%)
hsla(37, 52%, 67%, 1)
RGB(215, 181, 127)
RGBA(215, 181, 127, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #d7b57f New Wheat:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #d7b57f

il colore più scuro è #15120d dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #fbf8f2 dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza di tinte di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza complementare di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza triadica di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza quadrata di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza analoga di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #d7b57f:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #d7b57f:

Colore New Wheat #d7b57f utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

Gris Volcanico, Chocolate Magma, City Sunrise, New Wheat, Lunar Lander, Forgotten Blue, Starbright palette Tiffany Amber, Pinecone Hill, New Wheat, Mud Pots, Faint Fawn palette Roasted Pecan, New Wheat, Lester palette Rapeseed, New Wheat, White Sapphire palette Caulerpa Lentillifera, Boogie Blast, Arcade Glow, New Wheat, Light Pollinate, Light Cuddle, Bright Star palette Nirvana Jewel, New Wheat palette Port, New Wheat, Bowling Green palette The Wild Apothecary, Corundum Red, New Wheat, Coral Blossom palette Urban Garden, Courgette Yellow, Bio Blue, Aqua Nation, Roast Coffee, New Wheat, Arid Landscape palette Glazed Chestnut, Texas Sunset, Mordant Blue, Blue Depression, Green Oblivion, Falcon, New Wheat, White Grapefruit palette Dandelion, Ordain, New Wheat, Morning Dew White palette Brake Light Trails, Stunning Gold, Bat-Signal, Opera, Seattle Red, New Wheat palette Red Chili, Valentine Lava, Fall in Season, Eastlake Gold, Shade of Amber, Divine, Pandora, Vibrant Orchid, Peaceful Purple, Deep V Polished Apple, Roycroft Rose, Crimson Silk, Raspberry Pudding, Dark Midnight Blue, Her Fierceness, Bogong Moth, Enthroned Above, Tilted Red, Green Sulphur, Caicos Turquoise, Rich Maroon, New Wheat, Hiker's Delight palette Forest Floor Khaki, Meridian, Dark Tone Ink, New Wheat palette Homestead Red, Bran, Yellow Sumac, Fate, Obsidian Stone, Astral Aura, Nature's Strength, Bowser Shell, Missing Link, Orange Maple, USC Cardinal, Orange Avant-Garde, Gem Silica, Starship Trooper, System Shock Blue, Royalty Loyalty, Peach Blossom, Donegal Green, Chocolate Explosion, Santiago Orange, Fall River, Tropic Canary, Sushi, Superstition, Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Grey Pinstripe, Leek Windy Meadow, Copper Wire, Sacred Turquoise, Causeway palette Bare, Lily Pond Blue, Tea Chest, Standish Blue, Jitterbug, New Wheat palette Raked Leaves, Orlean's Tune, Blue Winged Teal, Queen of the Night, Stretch Limo, Cherry Pie, Dancing Dogs, Inland, New Wheat, Sand Kaffee, Sweet Almond, California Chamois, Vermeer Blue, Almost Royal, Peacock Green, Medium Taupe, Wonder Woods, New Wheat palette Nutty Brown, Obsession, Sunset Strip, Rare Wind, Aqua Lake, Queen's Honour, Bashful Rose, Brass Trumpet, New Wheat, Wax Sculpture, Organic Matter, Camel Fur, Old Four Leaf Clover, Becquerel, Finnish Fiord, Flirtatious Flamingo, Stone's Throw, Lotus Leaf, New Wh Go Go Lime, Green Teal, Shy Guy Red, Infinity, Anchor Grey, Etherea, Techile, New Wheat, Hubbard Squash, Lunch Box palette Chrome Yellow, Forget-Me-Not, Ocean, Medici Blue, Magic Night, New Wheat, Blue Shell, Golden Hop, Polenta, The First Daffodil, Azu Peach Dunes, Cyber Yellow, Ineffable Green, Blue Genie, Prunella, Lucid Dream, Smell the Roses, Burnt Coffee, Toad King, Sheringa Heavy Ochre, Delaunay Green, Mosaic Tile, Merguez, Sparrow Grey Red, New Wheat, Simply Violet palette Coriander Seed, Rainforest Glow, Paolo Veronese Green, Midnight Show, Steel Light Blue, Nightshade Berries, Purple Door, Into the Antique Bear, Fuego, Swamp Moss, Padua, Pink Tulip, Mountain Range Green, Mountain Trail, Trinity Islands, New Wheat, Halakā Pīlā, Bauhaus Gold, Bitter Chocolate, First Lady, Victorian Garden, Stone Green, Valerian, Heath Spotted Orchid, Spanish Purple, Tǔ Hēi Rum Spice, Wild Grass, Aged Antics, Volcanic Blast, Sky Lodge, Matriarch, Nuln Oil Gloss, Derbyshire, Mossy Bronze, Hydrangea, New Tantanmen Brown, Snuggle Pie, Kalahari Sunset, Sunset Yellow, Willpower Orange, Florida Waters, Camelot, Blue Quarry palette Olivetone, Titanite Yellow, Fisher King, Pion Purple, Sweet Grape, New Wheat, Summer Storm, Cream Yellow palette Fertile Soil, Barrel, Sapphire Shimmer Blue, Medium Persian Blue, Sumire Violet, Thunder, Pirat's Wine, Rain Cloud, Vintage Blue, Mud Bath, Hot Dog Relish, Dusky Rose, The Art of Seduction, Elemental Green, New Wheat palette Backcountry, Frontier Shingle, Muted Clay, Glass Sapphire, Hindu Lotus, Barbados Beige, Sticks & Stones, Proper Grey, New Wheat, R Sun Dried, Fading Torch, Rule Breaker, Moss Glen, Brown Derby, Old Eggplant, Squid's Ink, New Wheat, Rocket Man, Foggy Mist, Pink Tartan Red, Hinomaru Red, Carmine Red, Steel Wool, Warm Pink, Ocean Abyss, Warplock Bronze, New Wheat, Country Air, Seagrass, Aubu Tartan Red, Tidal Thicket, Gold Spell, Retro Vibe, Pea Case, Cape Lee, Bay Site, Brandywine, Quiet Green, New Wheat, Topiary Tint, Aquarelle, Ocean Blue, New Wheat, Milan palette Roman, Green Masquerade, New Wheat, Cupcake Rose, White Blush palette Landmark Brown, Ranger Station, Passion Razz, New Wheat, Galway, Kingdom's Keys, Sugar Milk palette Razzberries, Garden Vista, New Wheat, Ice Grey, Wind Weaver palette Old Willow Leaf, Bee Cluster, Sangria, Black Dragon's Cauldron, New Wheat, Amberlight palette Lakeville, Faded Orchid, Hazelnut Chocolate, New Wheat, Cabbage palette Butter Cake, Herbal, Dòu Lǜ Green, Jade Jewel, My Place or Yours?, New Hunter, New Wheat palette Sunshine Surprise, Green Acres, Japanese Coral, Vicarious Violet, New Wheat, True To You palette Darth Umber, Lucky Penny, Succulent, Guinean Green, Luscious Lavender, Brookview palette

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #d7b57f con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine New Wheat #d7b57f colore png