Creato a 02/22/2023 11:48

#f6ad49 ESADECIMALE Colore Koji Orange informazione

#f6ad49 RGB(246, 173, 73)

RGB i valori sono RGB(246, 173, 73)
#f6ad49 il colore contiene Rosso 96.47%, Verde 67.84% e Blu 28.63%.

Nomi dei colori di #f6ad49 ESADECIMALE codice

Koji Orange Colore

Classificazione dei colori #f6ad49

#f6ad49 È Leggero e Caldo Colore
Ombra di Arancia
Colore opposto per Koji Orange – #4b92f7

#f6ad49 Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #f6ad49 Koji Orange

hsl(35, 91%, 63%)
hsla(35, 91%, 63%, 1)
RGB(246, 173, 73)
RGBA(246, 173, 73, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #f6ad49 Koji Orange:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #f6ad49

il colore più scuro è #191107 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #fef7ed dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza di tinte di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza complementare di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza triadica di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza quadrata di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza analoga di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #f6ad49:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #f6ad49:

Colore Koji Orange #f6ad49 utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

earthy green leaning Zanzibar, Pink Earth, Ginger Spice, Arabian Red, Koji Orange, Grunervetliner, Yellow Tulip, Woodruff Green, Evening Hush, Fairstar Koji Orange, Explore Blue, Reduced Sand palette Koji Orange, Turquesa, Bubble Bobble P2, Pandora, Raspberry Ice Red, Debonair, That's Atomic, Digital Garage palette Koji Orange, Night Brown Black, Pansy Purple, Sunny Burrata palette Koji Orange, Newport Blue, Feminin Nightshade palette Lucky Bamboo, Koji Orange, Light Chamois Beige palette Brown Clay, Cool Cream Spirit, Koji Orange, Fully Purple, Mauve Nymph palette Limón Fresco, Koji Orange, Classic Calm, New Bamboo, Handwoven, Whippet, Funhouse palette Red Leever, Rattlesnake, Chocolate Curl, Koji Orange, Ginger Milk, Tarmac Green, Shovel Knight, Azul Pavo Real, Buckingham Palace, Crop Circle, Koji Orange, Deep Water, Diva Blue, Camellia Pink, Beasty Brown, Chestnut Red, Stony Creek, Keepsake, Cream Clear pal Link Grey, Indian Pale Ale, Orange Gluttony, Koji Orange, Sunshine Mellow, Aqua Lake, Go Alpha, Ironbreaker Metal, Runelord Brass, Koji Orange, Marigold Yellow, Sea Serpent, Traditional Royal Blue, Schiaparelli Pink, Saving Light, Kangaroo Pouch, Latte, Classic Mustard Gold, Koji Orange, Smoothie Green, Tourmaline Turquoise, Teal Trip, Night Market, Bahama Blue, Plush Velvet, Rosenkavalier Tribal, High Chaparral, Turmeric Tea, Koji Orange, Citron Goby, Aztec Sky, Billabong, Ce Soir, Grape Candy, American Milking Devon Orange Vermillion, Koji Orange, Tibetan Yellow, Shady Blue, Iron River, Oak Creek, Wrought Iron, Luminous Yellow, October Bounty p Dried Saffron, Quite Coral, Donkey Kong, Koji Orange, In the Woods, Classic Avocado, Turquoise Blue, Glaucous, Sea of Crete, Viola Stacked Stone, Sun Dial, Koji Orange, Hashita Purple, Clown Nose, Rock Bottom, Blue Tapestry, Braintree, Smoked Pearl, Whitney Oak Matte Olive, Patrinia Flowers, Koji Orange, Funky Yellow, Advertising Blue, Sweet Watermelon, Jungle Adventure palette Koji Orange, Loden Green, Chive, Plasticine, Samovar Silver, Winter Blizzard, Shallow Shore, Shaded Sun, Sesame Seed, Offbeat pale Red Chalk, Koji Orange, Snarky Mint, Kahu Blue, Warm Black, Thunderstruck palette Peanut Butter, Pico Earth, Zamesi Desert, Koji Orange, Delayed Yellow, Ottawa Falls, Quantum Blue, Razzmatazz Lips, Violet Eggplan Limonite, Golden Cricket, Greedy Gecko, Koji Orange, Empress Envy palette Wandering Road, Stonecrop, Koji Orange, CGA Blue, Glaucous, Berry Burst, Dark Knight, Pine Green, Water Green, Simmering Smoke, Mo Ghost Ship, Cinereous, Betalain Red, Alfajor Brown, Rock Spray, Koji Orange, Rule Breaker, Ruby Dust, Aurora Brown, Kingfisher Gre Anzac, Koji Orange, Lipstick Illusion, Emanation, Lilac Light palette Russet Red, Koji Orange, Venous Blood Red, Sunday Niqab, Silver Chalice, Birdie Num Num palette Koji Orange, Orange Delight, Lime, Cockatoo, Impression of Obscurity, Stony Field, Dolphin Grey, Fabulous Forties palette Caraway, Koji Orange, Heather Rose, Prussian, Ocean Weed, Opaline Pink, Beryl Green palette Tulip Tree, Koji Orange, Spruce Shadow, Renaissance Rose, Valentino, Faded Yellow, Studio Mauve, Turnip Boy, Quarzo, Half Spanish Fleshtone Shade Wash, Sour Cherry, Koji Orange, Astro Arcade Green, Appleton, Daphne, Eggplant Tint, Pink Manhattan, Mystifying Ma Cocoa Nutmeg, Husky Orange, Hematitic Sand, Koji Orange, Bredon Green, Raging Tide, Ocean Trip, Teal Motif, Unexplained, Purplue, Spinach Banana Smoothie, Koji Orange, Vibrant Mint, Adirondack Blue, Revel Blue, Provence, Heavy Metal Armor, Gris Morado, Black S Mars Red, Pioneer Village, Koji Orange, Étude Naturelle, Sugar Coral, Dolphin Blue, Cabana Bay palette Koji Orange, Mauve Madness, Tourmaline Mauve, The Boulevard palette Golden Blond, Koji Orange, Banana Pepper, Angry Pasta, Punky Pink, Compliment, Festoon Aqua, Chatelle palette Koji Orange, Direct Green palette Koji Orange, Insignia Blue, Cucumber Ice, Merino Wool, Ancient Ruins palette Cantankerous Coyote, Koji Orange, New Age Blue, Greek Blue, Mauve Madness, Quartzite, Sunken Harbor, Greys Harbor palette Enfield Brown, Turkish Bath, Koji Orange, Tangerine Yellow, Mauve Orchid, Polished Rock, Scenic Water, Double Cream palette Redwood City, Koji Orange, Cold Blue, Sunday Afternoon palette Beagle Brown, Thai Curry, Koji Orange, Pumpkin Cat, Dirty Yellow, Atlantic Blue, Brown Tumbleweed, Greek Garden palette Bugman's Glow, Koji Orange, Liberalist, Pearly Purple, Candied Blueberry, Asurmen Blue Wash, Pine Forest palette Pico Earth, Koji Orange, Oarsman Blue, Coastal Calm, Parauri Brown, Mulberry, Urban Vibes, Golden Churro palette Revere Greige, Koji Orange palette Lemon Curry, Golden Frame, Koji Orange, Athena Blue, Purposeful, Del Sol Maize, Mediterranean Charm, Mother of Pearl palette Copper Wire, Koji Orange, Como, Dark Summoning, Deco, Minted Lemon, Yellowstone Park, Spa Blue palette Monza, Ginger Spice, Koji Orange palette Madagascar, Gallant Gold, Koji Orange, Neon Light, Silver Tree, Outer Boundary, British Mauve, Water Surface, Cricket Field, Soft Flint, Crocodile, Whetstone Brown, Invitation Gold, Midnight in Saigon, Koji Orange, Cold Trade Winds, Apollo Bay, Starry Sky Blue

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #f6ad49 con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine Koji Orange #f6ad49 colore png