Creato a 02/21/2023 06:46

#ffb7d5 ESADECIMALE Colore Candy Bar informazione

#ffb7d5 RGB(255, 183, 213)

RGB i valori sono RGB(255, 183, 213)
#ffb7d5 il colore contiene Rosso 100%, Verde 71.76% e Blu 83.53%.

Nomi dei colori di #ffb7d5 ESADECIMALE codice

Candy Bar, Cotton Candy Colore

Classificazione dei colori #ffb7d5

#ffb7d5 È Leggero e Neutro Colore
Tonalità di Rosa
Colore opposto per Candy Bar – #b8ffe1

#ffb7d5 Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ffb7d5 Candy Bar

hsl(335, 100%, 86%)
hsla(335, 100%, 86%, 1)
RGB(255, 183, 213)
RGBA(255, 183, 213, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #ffb7d5 Candy Bar:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #ffb7d5

il colore più scuro è #191215 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #fff8fb dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza di tinte di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza complementare di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza triadica di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza quadrata di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza analoga di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #ffb7d5:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #ffb7d5:

Colore Candy Bar #ffb7d5 utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

Shades of Cotton Candy color #FFB7D5 hex Tints of Cotton Candy color #FFB7D5 hex Candy Bar Dragon's Breath, Barrett Quince, Candy Bar, Loyal palette Luscious Leek, Sapling, Sleepy Hollow, Candy Bar, Salt Mountain palette Warm Embrace, Ninjin Orange, Soft Fig, Duckling, Blissful Orange, Cocktail Olive, Green Apple, Hoki, Adventure Isle, Lucid Dream, Grey Area, Colonnade Grey, Trailing Vine, Delicate Bloom, Candy Bar palette Splash Palace, Candy Bar, Bloodthirsty Beige, Polar Bear In A Blizzard palette Medium Wood, Sky Chase, Mystified, Candy Bar palette Joyful Tears, Tree of Life, Candy Bar, Hawkes Blue palette Druchii Violet, Lush, Useful Beige, Dandelion Wine, Candy Bar palette Hot Fever, Bluejay, Not Tonight, Ewa, Stay the Night, Tuna, Candy Bar palette Faded Jeans, Drip, Candy Bar palette Chocolate Fondue, Archivist, Chocolate Curl, Silver Willow Green, Pirate's Trinket, Redbud, Cynical Black, Foggy London, Wet Clay, Fluorescent Fire, Daisy, Ombre Blue, London Fog, Light Bright Spark, Hazelnut Cream, Candy Bar palette Dòu Lǜ Green, Subaqueous, Baker's Chocolate, Light Mauve, Jogging Path, Tobermory, Candy Bar, Light Light Blush palette Azuki Bean, Carmel, Sunset Orange, Zinnia, Blueberry Dream, Navigator, Liquorice, Worcestershire Sauce, Gobi Tan, Rugby Tan, Lucin Iron Orange, Spores, Turquoise, Deep Peacock Blue, Fireworks, Tropical Wood Brown, Manhattan Blue, Treetop, Still, Zucchini Noodle Unfired Clay, Tiki Hut, Cranberry Zing, Aged Gouda, Vivid Orchid, Winter Way, Soda Pop, Xiao Long Bao Dumpling, Coral Springs, Can Elden Ring Orange, Sunflower, Fresh Herb, Scaly Green, Kyo Purple, Port Malmesbury, Osiris, Morris Artichoke, Blush, Pink Polar, G Weathered Fossil, Roasted Sienna, Beating Around the Bush, Cropper Blue, Adept, Delicious Berry, Oitake Green, Excalibur, Eton Blu Kinsusutake Brown, Sheffield, Aqua Rapids, Privileged Elite, Celadon Blue, Psychedelic Purple, Purple Sultan, Kabocha Green, Orien Palm Lane, Buried Treasure, Boogie Blast, Dark Cobalt Blue, Dark Galaxy, Chocolate Magma, Himalayan Balsam, Mexican Sand Dollar, Z 98winclothing Salsa, Jacaranda Jazz, Danger Ridge palette Namibia, Bite My Tongue, Blue Kelp, Blue Lobelia, Tatami, Sentimental Lady, Washed-Out Crimson palette Pompeian Red, Ye Olde Rustic Colour, Jinzamomi Pink, Strawberry Spinach Red, Devon Rex, Bowen Blue, Purple Bloom, Cerulean Tint, F Copper Mining, Royal Marquis, Emerald Spring, Grey Timber Wolf, Tropical Freeze, Wheat, Warm Glow, Relax palette Drive-In Cherry, Quail Valley, Cuban Cigar, Amiable Orange, Mysterious Night, Aqualogic, Cape Pond, Ruby, Bucolic Blue, Mission Ta Matt Green, Scarab, Fish Net Blue, Sandstone Grey Green, Bubble Shell, Virginia Blue, Beatrice, Bizarre palette Breen, Maple Leaf, Golden Apples, Aquarius Reef Base, Deep Shale, Earth Red, Cranberry Splash, Dried Edamame, Salmon Salt, Pale Ca Fiery Red, Acid Drop, Kentucky Bluegrass, Zany Pink, God of Nights, Immersed, Timberline, Mithril, Jitterbug Lure, Lady Flower, Ga Grilled Tomato, Guppie Green, True Love, Pitter Patter, Dusky Taupe palette Sneaky Devil, Mustard Seed Beige, Sussie, Water Spirit, Seaport Steam, Sora Blue, Light Template, Burrito, Candy Bar palette Mad For Mango, Cello, Darkest Navy, Coco-Lemon Tart, Colonnade Stone palette Pickled Limes, Kimono, Purple Blue, Magentarama, Forgiven Sin, Usu Pink, Marble Green, Chamois Tan, Rose Hip Tonic, Crocodile Toot Terra Rose, Centra, Jungle, Adana Kebabı, Smoked Flamingo palette Marsh Grass, Zinnia, Sulfur Yellow, Dark Iris, Pú Táo Zǐ Purple, Caterpillar Green, Dried Dates, Church Mouse palette Yellowish Orange, Greenalicious, Superstitious, Dried Plantain, Candy Bar, Nice White, Edwardian Lace, Melodic White palette Grape Shake, Candy Bar palette Antique Rose, Welsh Onion, Orchid, Forest Night, Ball Gown palette The Wild Apothecary, Fate, Chilled Wine, Quiet Pink palette Kin Gold, Big Stone palette Alarm, Smoked Salmon, Key Lime, Fun and Games, Sapphire Glitter, Nori Green, Coffee Bean palette Ruddy Brown, Raging Leaf, Castle Wall, Gleam, New Moss, Light Blue Sloth palette Gilded Glamour, Banana Yellow, Hatoba Pigeon, Lake Reflection, Santo, Cold Well Water palette Mocha Wisp, Laddu Orange, Depth Charge palette Jewel Weed, Liberty Bell Grey, Faded Jeans, Affair, Triassic, Emerging Taupe, Park Green Flat, Kittiwake Gull palette Upsed Tomato, Coffee Clay, Desert Yellow, Drying Grass Green, Rich Pewter, Kenpō Brown, Surfside, Big Sky palette Cotton Candy

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #ffb7d5 con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine Candy Bar #ffb7d5 colore png