Creato a 03/02/2023 15:25

#ffc4bc ESADECIMALE Colore Impatiens Pink informazione

#ffc4bc RGB(255, 196, 188)

RGB i valori sono RGB(255, 196, 188)
#ffc4bc il colore contiene Rosso 100%, Verde 76.86% e Blu 73.73%.

Nomi dei colori di #ffc4bc ESADECIMALE codice

Impatiens Pink, Eye Corners Colore

Classificazione dei colori #ffc4bc

#ffc4bc È Leggero e Caldo Colore
Ombra di Rosa
Colore opposto per Impatiens Pink – #bdf7ff

#ffc4bc Conversione del colore

Codici e valori informazioni sul colore HEX decimale, HEX. Valori HSL, HSLA, RGB, RGBA #ffc4bc Impatiens Pink

hsl(7, 100%, 87%)
hsla(7, 100%, 87%, 1)
RGB(255, 196, 188)
RGBA(255, 196, 188, 1)

Tavolozze per il colore #ffc4bc Impatiens Pink:

Di seguito esempi di tavolozze di colori per il colore HEX #ffc4bc

il colore più scuro è #191413 dalle sfumature e il colore più chiaro è #fff9f8 dalle tinte

Tavolozza sfumature di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza di tinte di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza complementare di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza triadica di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza quadrata di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza analoga di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza separata-complementare di #ffc4bc:
Tavolozza rettangolare (tetradica) di #ffc4bc:

Colore Impatiens Pink #ffc4bc utilizzato nelle tavolozze (50)

Art Palette #1 Part1 Wooly Thyme, Sorbus, Major Magenta, Gulf Blue, Pink Makeup, Desire Pink, Light Lip Gloss, Impatiens Pink, Angélique Grey, St. Nich Baneblade Brown, Red Licorice, Caraway Brown, Impatiens Pink palette Madder Red, The Fang Grey, Oyster Grey, Autumn Wisteria, Impatiens Pink palette Mellow Melon, Crete Shore, April Sunshine, Rousseau Gold, Impatiens Pink palette Bright Yellow, Impatiens Pink palette Organic, Cowboy Trails, Alpine Expedition, Impatiens Pink, Aloe Essence, Dew, Mini Cake palette Mineral Yellow, Leaf, Nouveau Rose, Navy Green, Intergalactic, Holiday Turquoise, Velvet Leaf, Enhance, Silver Marlin palette Bindi Red, Anarchy, Golden Age Gilt, Celosia Orange, Topiary Green, Midnight Sea, Ocean Call, Loudicious Pink, Collard Green, Orle Mysterious Moss, Mount Olive, Red Coral, Dandy Lion, Kiwi Green, Moonstone Blue, Blue Danube, Argyle Purple, Pimm's, Fandango, Pum Fieldstone, Lazy Lichen, Coral Silk, Flame Orange, Vivid Orange, Submerged, Ebony Clay, Hot Chocolate, Adobe Rose, Riviera Sand, B Tortuga, Sauvignon Blanc, My Pink, Straw, Spring Crocus, Plantain Green, Church Blue, Woad Purple, Silk Sox, Jigglypuff, Sea Fog, Pesto di Noce, Flame Orange, Earthen Cheer, Deep into the Jungle, Bruised Bear, Presidential, Greys Harbor palette Splatter Movie, Green Lentils, Tibetan Silk, Heavy Orange, Kanzō Orange, Fiesta Blue, Black Velvet, Best Bronze, Shopping Bag, Flo Topiary Green, Skobeloff, Aster, Dahlia Matte Red, Festival Fuchsia, Molasses, Charcoal Dust palette Red October, Warm Hearth, Stormy Passion, Dirt Yellow, Flip, Zhū Hóng Vermillion, Twilight Blue, Asphalt Blue, Springtide Green, L Sunset Gold, Lagoon Rock, Pigment Indigo, Rare Happening, Smooth Satin, Garden Snail, Reindeer, Matt Lilac, Impatiens Pink, Minifi Hot Chili, Deli Yellow, Adonis Rose Yellow, Sriracha, California Dreaming, LED Blue, Ultraberry, Pandanus, January Garnet, Chinese Intense Jade, Dull Magenta, Warm Waterlogged Lab Coat, Aqua Belt, Bloomsberry palette Tabasco, Picholine Olive, Bosc Pear, Lime Rickey, Miracle Elixir, Blue Promise, Tiān Lán Sky, Cadmium Blue, Grape Hyacinth, Hitsuj Chocolate Milk, Copper Creek, Red Damask, Herbal, Carbon Footprint, Cook's Bay, Jaded, Love Letter, Olivenite, Mount Etna, Tiramis Caraïbe, Antique Penny, Antique Bourbon, Lobster Butter Sauce, Allium, Bell Heather, Rule Breaker, Concealment, Purple Ash, River 100 Mph, Indian Yellow, Molten Core, Megaman Helmet, Emerald Green, Moor Oak Grey, Mercury Mist, Pinwheel Geyser, Tea Green, North Village Square, Dhalsim's Yoga Flame, Jubilant Jade, Baleine Blue, Craftsman Blue, Prunus Avium, British Racing Green, Celtic, Sec Sahara Sun, Olive Niçoise, Toxic Orange, Plant Green, Celeste Blue, Rich Texture, Cold Front Green, White Primer, Raspberry Smooth Mettwurst, Riding Boots, Aged Pewter, Saxophone Gold, Garden Vista, Classy, Sheepskin, Blonde, Smoke Grey palette Fire Axe Red, Juneberry, Cowboy, Spiced Cashews, Craftsman Gold, Taffy Twist, Calla palette Temple Guard Blue, Lords of the Night, New Amber, Sienna Dust, Candy Coated, Impatiens Pink palette Fired Up, Papyrus, Mandarin, Echinoidea Thorns, Ultramarine Blue, Larimar Blue, Briar Rose, Fresco Blue, Formal Maroon, Delicate G Red Ink, Carmine, Corazon, Havasu, Subaqueous, Shell Brown palette Black Marlin, Impatiens Pink palette Seraphinite, Ash to Ash, Forest Moss, Smoke Green, Dolphin Tales, Crystal Apple, Impatiens Pink palette Café de Paris, Vegeta Blue, Dusky Citron, Casual Khaki, Impatiens Pink, Meadow Light, Storksbill White palette Balor Brown, Mummy's Tomb, Wood Acres, Underground Gardens, Esprit, Flagstone, Impatiens Pink, Cherry Blossom palette Silken Jade, Violet Red, Little Bear, Elite Wisteria, Moth Pink, Issey-San, Day On Mercury palette Artesian Well, Breaking Wave, Extra Fuchsia palette Java, Purple Zergling palette Pink Papaya, Siskin Sprout, Joyful Tears, Fine Tuned Blue, Petite Orchid, Phosphorus, Starlight palette Flaming Cauldron, Saffron Mango, Bluebird Feather, Black Htun, VIC 20 Sky palette Clay Red, Chōjicha Brown, Wasabi Nuts, Astronaut, Namaste, Wine Bottle, Violet Mist palette Farmer's Market, Blue Beauty, Rich Lilac, Passionate Purple, Grauzone, Grand Sunset, Wells Grey, Melting Moment, Japanese Rose Gar Cognac Tint, Baklava, Old Vine, Elfin Games, Sunset Peach, Thatched Roof palette New Brick Red, Hampton Green palette Epic Blue, Natural Pumice, Carefree Sky palette Heavy Skintone, Billiard Room, Persian Plush, Inky Blue, Baroque Red, Azure Dragon, Volcanic Island, Solid Empire, Arabian Sands, Putty, Red Chalk, Wildness Mint, Blue Tuna, Highlighter Blue, Enigmatic, Steiglitz Fog palette Red Tolumnia Orchid, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinkish Brown, Autumn Blaze, Colorado Bronze, Quiche Lorraine, Intense Jade, Guide Pink, Oct Rosso Corsa, Baritone, Winning Red, Indigo Dye, Diamond Grey, Sybarite Green, In the Buff, Lemon Delicious, Cocoa Parfait, Impatie Horizon Glow, Hi Def Lime, Sage Leaves, Cocktail Green, Harrow's Gate, Lynch, Turkish Blue, Evil Curse, Cast Iron, Mid Grey, Apple Fieldstone, Opium, Farmhouse Red, Carrot Lava, Purple Hedonist, Baal Red Wash, Mallard, Jazz, Mediterranea, Winner's Circle, Rainy

Contrasto cromatico

Abbinamenti di colori #ffc4bc con nero e bianco per testi piccoli, testi grandi e grafica basati sul rapporto di contrasto di accessibilità WCAG.

Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:
Rapporto di contrasto
MisurareLivello AALivello AAA
Testo di grandi dimensioni:
Piccolo testo:

Immagine Impatiens Pink #ffc4bc colore png