

The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors #a10e59 and #0e182f. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette 123456789uhgfdsxcvbnbvxcv has combination of 20 codes colors:
HEX: #a10e59, RGB: (161, 14, 89); HEX: #0e182f, RGB: (14, 24, 47); HEX: #a0c7be, RGB: (160, 199, 190)
HEX: #d29236, RGB: (210, 146, 54); HEX: #7e7606, RGB: (126, 118, 6); HEX: #5d1581, RGB: (93, 21, 129)
HEX: #e20fee, RGB: (226, 15, 238); HEX: #b49ce7, RGB: (180, 156, 231); HEX: #4ecb16, RGB: (78, 203, 22)
HEX: #08bba1, RGB: (8, 187, 161); HEX: #7c8da5, RGB: (124, 141, 165); HEX: #4017f1, RGB: (64, 23, 241)
HEX: #aec0d2, RGB: (174, 192, 210); HEX: #bc0a5d, RGB: (188, 10, 93); HEX: #b1c7b3, RGB: (177, 199, 179)
HEX: #75b796, RGB: (117, 183, 150); HEX: #89f80e, RGB: (137, 248, 14); HEX: #aa08c4, RGB: (170, 8, 196)
HEX: #e63efb, RGB: (230, 62, 251); HEX: #ceae87, RGB: (206, 174, 135)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of mediumvioletred, Tint of midnightblue, Tint of powderblue, Shade of peru, Tint of Olive, Shade of indigo, Tint of magenta, Tint of plum, Shade of limegreen, Tint of lightseagreen, Shade of lightslategrey, Shade of Blue, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of mediumvioletred, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of darkseagreen, Shade of lawngreen, Tint of darkorchid, Shade of magenta, Tint of tan
Color scheme was created by —(••÷ 🎀 𝒰𝓃𝒾 🎀 ÷••(—

Colors codes in palette

123456789uhgfdsxcvbnbvxcv color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a10e59 RGB(161, 14, 89)
#0e182f RGB(14, 24, 47)
#a0c7be RGB(160, 199, 190)
#d29236 RGB(210, 146, 54)
#7e7606 RGB(126, 118, 6)
#5d1581 RGB(93, 21, 129)
#e20fee RGB(226, 15, 238)
#b49ce7 RGB(180, 156, 231)
#4ecb16 RGB(78, 203, 22)
#08bba1 RGB(8, 187, 161)
#7c8da5 RGB(124, 141, 165)
#4017f1 RGB(64, 23, 241)
#aec0d2 RGB(174, 192, 210)
#bc0a5d RGB(188, 10, 93)
#b1c7b3 RGB(177, 199, 179)
#75b796 RGB(117, 183, 150)
#89f80e RGB(137, 248, 14)
#aa08c4 RGB(170, 8, 196)
#e63efb RGB(230, 62, 251)
#ceae87 RGB(206, 174, 135)

Image palette 123456789uhgfdsxcvbnbvxcv png