

The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Aqua #00ffff and #fcfc04. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette sdfghj has combination of 20 codes colors:
HEX: #fc0404, RGB: (252, 4, 4); HEX: #029602, RGB: (2, 150, 2); HEX: #00ffff, RGB: (0, 255, 255)
HEX: #00ff00, RGB: (0, 255, 0); HEX: #fcfc04, RGB: (252, 252, 4); HEX: #444440, RGB: (68, 68, 64)
HEX: #cc01df, RGB: (204, 1, 223); HEX: #95506f, RGB: (149, 80, 111); HEX: #a0f118, RGB: (160, 241, 24)
HEX: #42c516, RGB: (66, 197, 22); HEX: #5230e5, RGB: (82, 48, 229); HEX: #e68dd8, RGB: (230, 141, 216)
HEX: #0e053b, RGB: (14, 5, 59); HEX: #51db55, RGB: (81, 219, 85); HEX: #012568, RGB: (1, 37, 104)
HEX: #d17cbb, RGB: (209, 124, 187); HEX: #ae6fb0, RGB: (174, 111, 176); HEX: #a16766, RGB: (161, 103, 102)
HEX: #7a8754, RGB: (122, 135, 84); HEX: #158b3f, RGB: (21, 139, 63)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Tint of forestgreen, cyan, Lime, Tint of Yellow, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of mediumorchid, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of greenyellow, Tint of limegreen, Shade of Blue, Tint of plum, Tint of midnightblue, Shade of limegreen, Tint of midnightblue, Shade of orchid, Tint of orchid, Tint of indianred, Shade of olivedrab, Tint of forestgreen
Color scheme was created by —(••÷ 🎀 𝒰𝓃𝒾 🎀 ÷••(—

Colors codes in palette

sdfghj color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#fc0404 RGB(252, 4, 4)
#029602 RGB(2, 150, 2)
#00ffff RGB(0, 255, 255)Aqua
#00ff00 RGB(0, 255, 0)Green
#fcfc04 RGB(252, 252, 4)
#444440 RGB(68, 68, 64)
#cc01df RGB(204, 1, 223)
#95506f RGB(149, 80, 111)
#a0f118 RGB(160, 241, 24)
#42c516 RGB(66, 197, 22)
#5230e5 RGB(82, 48, 229)
#e68dd8 RGB(230, 141, 216)
#0e053b RGB(14, 5, 59)
#51db55 RGB(81, 219, 85)
#012568 RGB(1, 37, 104)
#d17cbb RGB(209, 124, 187)
#ae6fb0 RGB(174, 111, 176)
#a16766 RGB(161, 103, 102)
#7a8754 RGB(122, 135, 84)
#158b3f RGB(21, 139, 63)

Color Palette Contrast

85 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette sdfghj png