Created at 12/17/2023 21:04

Tandoori Spice, Fuego, Modest Mauve, Dentist Green, Soft Muslin palette

Tandoori Spice
Modest Mauve
Dentist Green
Soft Muslin
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Tandoori Spice and Fuego. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Tandoori Spice, Fuego, Modest Mauve, Dentist Green, Soft Muslin palette has combination of 5 codes colors:
HEX: #9f4440, RGB: (159, 68, 64); HEX: #ee5533, RGB: (238, 85, 51); HEX: #838492, RGB: (131, 132, 146)
HEX: #99d590, RGB: (153, 213, 144); HEX: #f7eadf, RGB: (247, 234, 223)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Tint of tomato, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of lightgreen, Tint of linen
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Tandoori Spice, Fuego, Modest Mauve, Dentist Green, Soft Muslin palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9f4440 RGB(159, 68, 64)Tandoori Spice
#ee5533 RGB(238, 85, 51)Fuego
#838492 RGB(131, 132, 146)Modest Mauve
#99d590 RGB(153, 213, 144)Dentist Green
#f7eadf RGB(247, 234, 223)Soft Muslin

Image palette Tandoori Spice, Fuego, Modest Mauve, Dentist Green, Soft Muslin palette png