Created at 12/24/2023 09:37

Pestilence, Saffron Gold, Buddha's Love Handles, Cork Wedge, Bayshore, Baby's Booties, Coral Bells palette

Saffron Gold
Buddha's Love Handles
Cork Wedge
Baby's Booties
Coral Bells
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Buddha's Love Handles #ffbb33 and Bayshore #89cee0. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pestilence, Saffron Gold, Buddha's Love Handles, Cork Wedge, Bayshore, Baby's Booties, Coral Bells palette has combination of 7 codes colors:
HEX: #9f8303, RGB: (159, 131, 3); HEX: #f08f00, RGB: (240, 143, 0); HEX: #ffbb33, RGB: (255, 187, 51)
HEX: #c1a98a, RGB: (193, 169, 138); HEX: #89cee0, RGB: (137, 206, 224); HEX: #e8c1c2, RGB: (232, 193, 194)
HEX: #fbc5bb, RGB: (251, 197, 187)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkgoldenrod, Tint of darkorange, Shade of Orange, Tint of tan, Tint of skyblue, Tint of Pink, Tint of Pink
Color scheme was created by colorday

Colors codes in palette

Pestilence, Saffron Gold, Buddha's Love Handles, Cork Wedge, Bayshore, Baby's Booties, Coral Bells palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#9f8303 RGB(159, 131, 3)PestilenceDiarrhea
#f08f00 RGB(240, 143, 0)Saffron Gold
#ffbb33 RGB(255, 187, 51)Buddha's Love Handles
#c1a98a RGB(193, 169, 138)Cork Wedge
#89cee0 RGB(137, 206, 224)Bayshore
#e8c1c2 RGB(232, 193, 194)Baby's Booties
#fbc5bb RGB(251, 197, 187)Coral Bells

Color Palette Contrast

17 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pestilence, Saffron Gold, Buddha's Love Handles, Cork Wedge, Bayshore, Baby's Booties, Coral Bells palette png