Created at 12/24/2023 13:37

Crocodile Eye, Peas in a Pod, Purple Daze, Fitzgerald Smoke, Bongo Skin, Child of Heaven, White Bass, Contrail palette

Crocodile Eye
Peas in a Pod
Purple Daze
Fitzgerald Smoke
Bongo Skin
Child of Heaven
White Bass
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Crocodile Eye #777722 and Contrail #dedeff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Crocodile Eye, Peas in a Pod, Purple Daze, Fitzgerald Smoke, Bongo Skin, Child of Heaven, White Bass, Contrail palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #777722, RGB: (119, 119, 34); HEX: #7b9459, RGB: (123, 148, 89); HEX: #63647e, RGB: (99, 100, 126)
HEX: #b3b6b0, RGB: (179, 182, 176); HEX: #dece96, RGB: (222, 206, 150); HEX: #eae5c5, RGB: (234, 229, 197)
HEX: #e8efec, RGB: (232, 239, 236); HEX: #dedeff, RGB: (222, 222, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Olive, Shade of olivedrab, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of Silver, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of beige, Tint of mintcream, Tint of lavender
Color scheme was created by bad_colors

Colors codes in palette

Crocodile Eye, Peas in a Pod, Purple Daze, Fitzgerald Smoke, Bongo Skin, Child of Heaven, White Bass, Contrail palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#777722 RGB(119, 119, 34)Crocodile Eye
#7b9459 RGB(123, 148, 89)Peas in a Pod
#63647e RGB(99, 100, 126)Purple Daze
#b3b6b0 RGB(179, 182, 176)Fitzgerald Smoke
#dece96 RGB(222, 206, 150)Bongo Skin
#eae5c5 RGB(234, 229, 197)Child of Heaven
#e8efec RGB(232, 239, 236)White Bass
#dedeff RGB(222, 222, 255)Contrail

Color Palette Contrast

14 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Crocodile Eye, Peas in a Pod, Purple Daze, Fitzgerald Smoke, Bongo Skin, Child of Heaven, White Bass, Contrail palette png