Created at 12/30/2023 12:27

Pelati, Metal Fringe, Macaroon, Yellow Exhilaration, Magic Moment, Crushed Velvet, Dark Denim Blue, Hickory Plank, Seven Seas, Wet

Metal Fringe
Yellow Exhilaration
Magic Moment
Crushed Velvet
Dark Denim Blue
Hickory Plank
Seven Seas
Wet Asphalt
Dentist Green
San Carlos Plaza
South Shore Sun
Honey Bee
Aqua Breeze
Hurricane Mist
Lavendar Wisp
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Dark Denim Blue #00334f and South Shore Sun #ffdc9e. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Pelati, Metal Fringe, Macaroon, Yellow Exhilaration, Magic Moment, Crushed Velvet, Dark Denim Blue, Hickory Plank, Seven Seas, Wet has combination of 17 codes colors:
HEX: #ff3333, RGB: (255, 51, 51); HEX: #837e74, RGB: (131, 126, 116); HEX: #b38b71, RGB: (179, 139, 113)
HEX: #ffb102, RGB: (255, 177, 2); HEX: #757caf, RGB: (117, 124, 175); HEX: #445397, RGB: (68, 83, 151)
HEX: #00334f, RGB: (0, 51, 79); HEX: #614539, RGB: (97, 69, 57); HEX: #4a5c6a, RGB: (74, 92, 106)
HEX: #989cab, RGB: (152, 156, 171); HEX: #99d590, RGB: (153, 213, 144); HEX: #d9bb8e, RGB: (217, 187, 142)
HEX: #ffdc9e, RGB: (255, 220, 158); HEX: #fcdfa4, RGB: (252, 223, 164); HEX: #d8e8e4, RGB: (216, 232, 228)
HEX: #ebeee8, RGB: (235, 238, 232); HEX: #e9ebee, RGB: (233, 235, 238)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Tint of Grey, Shade of peru, Shade of Orange, Shade of slategrey, Shade of darkslateblue, Shade of midnightblue, Tint of saddlebrown, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of lightgreen, Shade of tan, Tint of navajowhite, Tint of moccasin, Tint of azure, Tint of floralwhite, Tint of whitesmoke
Color scheme was created by palettespicker

Colors codes in palette

Pelati, Metal Fringe, Macaroon, Yellow Exhilaration, Magic Moment, Crushed Velvet, Dark Denim Blue, Hickory Plank, Seven Seas, Wet color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ff3333 RGB(255, 51, 51)Pelati
#837e74 RGB(131, 126, 116)Metal Fringe
#b38b71 RGB(179, 139, 113)Macaroon
#ffb102 RGB(255, 177, 2)Yellow Exhilaration
#757caf RGB(117, 124, 175)Magic Moment
#445397 RGB(68, 83, 151)Crushed Velvet
#00334f RGB(0, 51, 79)Dark Denim Blue
#614539 RGB(97, 69, 57)Hickory Plank
#4a5c6a RGB(74, 92, 106)Seven Seas
#989cab RGB(152, 156, 171)Wet Asphalt
#99d590 RGB(153, 213, 144)Dentist Green
#d9bb8e RGB(217, 187, 142)San Carlos Plaza
#ffdc9e RGB(255, 220, 158)South Shore Sun
#fcdfa4 RGB(252, 223, 164)Honey Bee
#d8e8e4 RGB(216, 232, 228)Aqua Breeze
#ebeee8 RGB(235, 238, 232)Hurricane Mist
#e9ebee RGB(233, 235, 238)Lavendar Wisp

Color Palette Contrast

58 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pelati, Metal Fringe, Macaroon, Yellow Exhilaration, Magic Moment, Crushed Velvet, Dark Denim Blue, Hickory Plank, Seven Seas, Wet png