Created at 12/30/2023 23:42
Brindle, Aged Beech, Tomato Slices, Burning Gold, May Green, Chasm Green, Lusty Lizard, Speedwell, Superstition, Decoration Blue,
Aged Beech
Tomato Slices
Burning Gold
May Green
Chasm Green
Lusty Lizard
Decoration Blue
Black Kite
Ebicha Brown
Surya Red
Purple Taupe
Enduring Bronze
Heliotrope Grey
Winter Amethyst
Sequoia Fog
Nut Flavor
Meadow Grass
Breath of Spring
Tropical Blue
Floral Note
Tropical Peach
Peach Sachet
Clear Sand
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Tropical Blue #aec9eb and Tropical Peach #ffc4b2. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Brindle, Aged Beech, Tomato Slices, Burning Gold, May Green, Chasm Green, Lusty Lizard, Speedwell, Superstition, Decoration Blue, has combination of 28 codes colors:
HEX: #82776b, RGB: (130, 119, 107); HEX: #846262, RGB: (132, 98, 98); HEX: #a2423d, RGB: (162, 66, 61)
HEX: #ccaa77, RGB: (204, 170, 119); HEX: #4c9141, RGB: (76, 145, 65); HEX: #63b521, RGB: (99, 181, 33)
HEX: #00bb11, RGB: (0, 187, 17); HEX: #5a6272, RGB: (90, 98, 114); HEX: #5b6e74, RGB: (91, 110, 116)
HEX: #3f74a3, RGB: (63, 116, 163); HEX: #351e1c, RGB: (53, 30, 28); HEX: #5e2824, RGB: (94, 40, 36)
HEX: #70191f, RGB: (112, 25, 31); HEX: #50404d, RGB: (80, 64, 77); HEX: #554c3e, RGB: (85, 76, 62)
HEX: #ab98a9, RGB: (171, 152, 169); HEX: #b0a6c2, RGB: (176, 166, 194); HEX: #c5bbaf, RGB: (197, 187, 175)
HEX: #e5e790, RGB: (229, 231, 144); HEX: #d7bea4, RGB: (215, 190, 164); HEX: #c1d6b1, RGB: (193, 214, 177)
HEX: #e9e1a7, RGB: (233, 225, 167); HEX: #aec9eb, RGB: (174, 201, 235); HEX: #cdcfdb, RGB: (205, 207, 219)
HEX: #ffc4b2, RGB: (255, 196, 178); HEX: #f6d9c9, RGB: (246, 217, 201); HEX: #eae7da, RGB: (234, 231, 218)
HEX: #dae4ec, RGB: (218, 228, 236)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Shade of dimgrey, Shade of brown, Tint of tan, Shade of forestgreen, Tint of limegreen, Tint of limegreen, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of steelblue, Shade of Black, Shade of Maroon, Shade of Maroon, Tint of dimgrey, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of rosybrown, Tint of thistle, Tint of Silver, Tint of Khaki, Shade of tan, Shade of darkseagreen, Tint of palegoldenrod, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of lightgrey, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of oldlace, Tint of aliceblue
Color scheme was created by colorslib
Colors codes in palette
Brindle, Aged Beech, Tomato Slices, Burning Gold, May Green, Chasm Green, Lusty Lizard, Speedwell, Superstition, Decoration Blue, color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#82776b | RGB(130, 119, 107) | Brindle | — | |
#846262 | RGB(132, 98, 98) | Aged Beech | — | |
#a2423d | RGB(162, 66, 61) | Tomato Slices | — | |
#ccaa77 | RGB(204, 170, 119) | Burning Gold | — | |
#4c9141 | RGB(76, 145, 65) | May Green | — | |
#63b521 | RGB(99, 181, 33) | Chasm Green | — | |
#00bb11 | RGB(0, 187, 17) | Lusty Lizard | — | |
#5a6272 | RGB(90, 98, 114) | Speedwell | — | |
#5b6e74 | RGB(91, 110, 116) | Superstition | — | |
#3f74a3 | RGB(63, 116, 163) | Decoration Blue | — | |
#351e1c | RGB(53, 30, 28) | Black Kite | — | |
#5e2824 | RGB(94, 40, 36) | Ebicha Brown | — | |
#70191f | RGB(112, 25, 31) | Surya Red | — | |
#50404d | RGB(80, 64, 77) | Purple Taupe | — | |
#554c3e | RGB(85, 76, 62) | Enduring Bronze | — | |
#ab98a9 | RGB(171, 152, 169) | Heliotrope Grey | — | |
#b0a6c2 | RGB(176, 166, 194) | Winter Amethyst | — | |
#c5bbaf | RGB(197, 187, 175) | Sequoia Fog | — | |
#e5e790 | RGB(229, 231, 144) | Charlock | — | |
#d7bea4 | RGB(215, 190, 164) | Nut Flavor | — | |
#c1d6b1 | RGB(193, 214, 177) | Meadow Grass | — | |
#e9e1a7 | RGB(233, 225, 167) | Breath of Spring | — | |
#aec9eb | RGB(174, 201, 235) | Tropical Blue | — | |
#cdcfdb | RGB(205, 207, 219) | Floral Note | — | |
#ffc4b2 | RGB(255, 196, 178) | Tropical Peach | — | |
#f6d9c9 | RGB(246, 217, 201) | Peach Sachet | — | |
#eae7da | RGB(234, 231, 218) | Clear Sand | — | |
#dae4ec | RGB(218, 228, 236) | Icelandic | — |
Color Palette Contrast
173 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#82776b | #846262 | 1.22 |
#82776b | #a2423d | 1.41 |
#82776b | #ccaa77 | 1.99 |
#82776b | #4c9141 | 1.13 |
#82776b | #63b521 | 1.7 |
#82776b | #00bb11 | 1.69 |