Created at 01/05/2024 15:32

Bruschetta, Arabian Red, Roland-Garros, Midsummer Gold, Corn Bread, Bluey, Madonna Blue, Alaskan Blue, Carol, Madder Magenta, Char

Arabian Red
Midsummer Gold
Corn Bread
Madonna Blue
Alaskan Blue
Madder Magenta
Spring Lobster Brown
Sweet Spiceberry
Mirage Grey
Mud Pots
Simpatico Blue
Shanghai Jade
Grey Dolphin
Light Pensive
Bollywood Gold
Oyster Haze
Light Fairy Pink
Mt. Hood White
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Bruschetta and Arabian Red. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Bruschetta, Arabian Red, Roland-Garros, Midsummer Gold, Corn Bread, Bluey, Madonna Blue, Alaskan Blue, Carol, Madder Magenta, Char has combination of 25 codes colors:
HEX: #a75949, RGB: (167, 89, 73); HEX: #a14c3f, RGB: (161, 76, 63); HEX: #bb5522, RGB: (187, 85, 34)
HEX: #eab034, RGB: (234, 176, 52); HEX: #eec657, RGB: (238, 198, 87); HEX: #375978, RGB: (55, 89, 120)
HEX: #71b5d1, RGB: (113, 181, 209); HEX: #6da9d2, RGB: (109, 169, 210); HEX: #338dae, RGB: (51, 141, 174)
HEX: #80496e, RGB: (128, 73, 110); HEX: #343837, RGB: (52, 56, 55); HEX: #6c2c2f, RGB: (108, 44, 47)
HEX: #7b453e, RGB: (123, 69, 62); HEX: #abafae, RGB: (171, 175, 174); HEX: #b6b5b1, RGB: (182, 181, 177)
HEX: #a8c1d4, RGB: (168, 193, 212); HEX: #aad9bb, RGB: (170, 217, 187); HEX: #c8c7c5, RGB: (200, 199, 197)
HEX: #f4f09b, RGB: (244, 240, 155); HEX: #d0d0d7, RGB: (208, 208, 215); HEX: #fffbab, RGB: (255, 251, 171)
HEX: #e4ded2, RGB: (228, 222, 210); HEX: #f3ded7, RGB: (243, 222, 215); HEX: #f6eed5, RGB: (246, 238, 213)
HEX: #e7e9e6, RGB: (231, 233, 230)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of sienna, Shade of brown, Shade of sienna, Shade of goldenrod, Tint of gold, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of skyblue, Shade of cornflowerblue, Shade of steelblue, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of darkslategrey, Shade of Maroon, Shade of brown, Shade of darkgrey, Tint of Silver, Tint of lightsteelblue, Shade of darkseagreen, Shade of Silver, Shade of Khaki, Tint of lightgrey, Shade of Khaki, Tint of linen, Tint of mistyrose, Tint of cornsilk, Shade of gainsboro
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Bruschetta, Arabian Red, Roland-Garros, Midsummer Gold, Corn Bread, Bluey, Madonna Blue, Alaskan Blue, Carol, Madder Magenta, Char color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#a75949 RGB(167, 89, 73)Bruschetta
#a14c3f RGB(161, 76, 63)Arabian Red
#bb5522 RGB(187, 85, 34)Roland-Garros
#eab034 RGB(234, 176, 52)Midsummer Gold
#eec657 RGB(238, 198, 87)Corn Bread
#375978 RGB(55, 89, 120)Bluey
#71b5d1 RGB(113, 181, 209)Madonna Blue
#6da9d2 RGB(109, 169, 210)Alaskan Blue
#338dae RGB(51, 141, 174)Carol
#80496e RGB(128, 73, 110)Madder Magenta
#343837 RGB(52, 56, 55)Charcoal
#6c2c2f RGB(108, 44, 47)Spring Lobster Brown
#7b453e RGB(123, 69, 62)Sweet Spiceberry
#abafae RGB(171, 175, 174)Mirage Grey
#b6b5b1 RGB(182, 181, 177)Mud Pots
#a8c1d4 RGB(168, 193, 212)Simpatico Blue
#aad9bb RGB(170, 217, 187)Shanghai Jade
#c8c7c5 RGB(200, 199, 197)Grey Dolphin
#f4f09b RGB(244, 240, 155)Portofino
#d0d0d7 RGB(208, 208, 215)Light Pensive
#fffbab RGB(255, 251, 171)Bollywood Gold
#e4ded2 RGB(228, 222, 210)Oyster Haze
#f3ded7 RGB(243, 222, 215)Light Fairy Pink
#f6eed5 RGB(246, 238, 213)Moonlight
#e7e9e6 RGB(231, 233, 230)Mt. Hood White

Image palette Bruschetta, Arabian Red, Roland-Garros, Midsummer Gold, Corn Bread, Bluey, Madonna Blue, Alaskan Blue, Carol, Madder Magenta, Char png