Created at 01/15/2024 16:52

Tree Branch, Synergy, Emerald Ice Palace, French Mirage Blue, Plantain Green, Torchlight, Plume Grass, Effervescent palette

Tree Branch
Emerald Ice Palace
French Mirage Blue
Plantain Green
Plume Grass
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Synergy #48c2b0 and Torchlight #ffc985. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Tree Branch, Synergy, Emerald Ice Palace, French Mirage Blue, Plantain Green, Torchlight, Plume Grass, Effervescent palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #8a7362, RGB: (138, 115, 98); HEX: #48c2b0, RGB: (72, 194, 176); HEX: #2af589, RGB: (42, 245, 137)
HEX: #446688, RGB: (68, 102, 136); HEX: #356554, RGB: (53, 101, 84); HEX: #ffc985, RGB: (255, 201, 133)
HEX: #d9d5c5, RGB: (217, 213, 197); HEX: #fbf4d1, RGB: (251, 244, 209)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Shade of lightseagreen, Shade of mediumspringgreen, Tint of royalblue, Shade of darkslategrey, Shade of burlywood, Shade of lightgrey, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Tree Branch, Synergy, Emerald Ice Palace, French Mirage Blue, Plantain Green, Torchlight, Plume Grass, Effervescent palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#8a7362 RGB(138, 115, 98)Tree Branch
#48c2b0 RGB(72, 194, 176)Synergy
#2af589 RGB(42, 245, 137)Emerald Ice Palace
#446688 RGB(68, 102, 136)French Mirage Blue
#356554 RGB(53, 101, 84)Plantain Green
#ffc985 RGB(255, 201, 133)Torchlight
#d9d5c5 RGB(217, 213, 197)Plume Grass
#fbf4d1 RGB(251, 244, 209)Effervescent

Color Palette Contrast

13 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Tree Branch, Synergy, Emerald Ice Palace, French Mirage Blue, Plantain Green, Torchlight, Plume Grass, Effervescent palette png