Created at 03/25/2024 07:10

Kopi Luwak, Junkrat, Centaur, Princely Violet, Merlin's Choice, Mella Yella, Pink Dogwood palette

Kopi Luwak
Princely Violet
Merlin's Choice
Mella Yella
Pink Dogwood
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Kopi Luwak and Junkrat. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Kopi Luwak, Junkrat, Centaur, Princely Violet, Merlin's Choice, Mella Yella, Pink Dogwood palette has combination of 7 codes colors:
HEX: #833d3e, RGB: (131, 61, 62); HEX: #998778, RGB: (153, 135, 120); HEX: #90673f, RGB: (144, 103, 63)
HEX: #6d5c7b, RGB: (109, 92, 123); HEX: #9f8898, RGB: (159, 136, 152); HEX: #f0dda2, RGB: (240, 221, 162)
HEX: #f7d1d1, RGB: (247, 209, 209)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of brown, Shade of Grey, Shade of sienna, Shade of darkslateblue, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of mistyrose
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Kopi Luwak, Junkrat, Centaur, Princely Violet, Merlin's Choice, Mella Yella, Pink Dogwood palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#833d3e RGB(131, 61, 62)Kopi Luwak
#998778 RGB(153, 135, 120)Junkrat
#90673f RGB(144, 103, 63)Centaur
#6d5c7b RGB(109, 92, 123)Princely Violet
#9f8898 RGB(159, 136, 152)Merlin's Choice
#f0dda2 RGB(240, 221, 162)Mella Yella
#f7d1d1 RGB(247, 209, 209)Pink Dogwood

Image palette Kopi Luwak, Junkrat, Centaur, Princely Violet, Merlin's Choice, Mella Yella, Pink Dogwood palette png