Created at 06/11/2024 09:05

Silken Ruby, Daredevil, Baked Apple, Corona, Pink Parade, Wood's Creek palette

Silken Ruby
Baked Apple
Pink Parade
Wood's Creek
Baby Seal
Florida Grey
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Corona #ffb437 and Baby Seal #a1a5a8. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Silken Ruby, Daredevil, Baked Apple, Corona, Pink Parade, Wood's Creek palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #e81320, RGB: (232, 19, 32); HEX: #ab4343, RGB: (171, 67, 67); HEX: #b34646, RGB: (179, 70, 70)
HEX: #ffb437, RGB: (255, 180, 55); HEX: #b26ba2, RGB: (178, 107, 162); HEX: #61633f, RGB: (97, 99, 63)
HEX: #a1a5a8, RGB: (161, 165, 168); HEX: #bea4a2, RGB: (190, 164, 162)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of Red, Shade of brown, Shade of brown, Shade of Orange, Tint of orchid, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of rosybrown
Color scheme was created by raccoon

Colors codes in palette

Silken Ruby, Daredevil, Baked Apple, Corona, Pink Parade, Wood's Creek palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#e81320 RGB(232, 19, 32)Silken Ruby
#ab4343 RGB(171, 67, 67)Daredevil
#b34646 RGB(179, 70, 70)Baked Apple
#ffb437 RGB(255, 180, 55)Corona
#b26ba2 RGB(178, 107, 162)Pink Parade
#61633f RGB(97, 99, 63)Wood's Creek
#a1a5a8 RGB(161, 165, 168)Baby Seal
#bea4a2 RGB(190, 164, 162)Florida Grey

Color Palette Contrast

17 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Silken Ruby, Daredevil, Baked Apple, Corona, Pink Parade, Wood's Creek palette png