Created at 07/12/2024 07:48
Carnivore, Sycamore Tan, Eagle's Meadow, Crack Willow, Meissen Blue, Royal Lavender, Dark Storm Cloud, Nightshade Violet palette
Sycamore Tan
Eagle's Meadow
Crack Willow
Meissen Blue
Royal Lavender
Dark Storm Cloud
Nightshade Violet
Howdy Partner
The palette consists of Dark, Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Carnivore #991111 and Meissen Blue #007fb9. Palette has Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Carnivore, Sycamore Tan, Eagle's Meadow, Crack Willow, Meissen Blue, Royal Lavender, Dark Storm Cloud, Nightshade Violet palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #991111, RGB: (153, 17, 17); HEX: #9c8a79, RGB: (156, 138, 121); HEX: #8d7d68, RGB: (141, 125, 104)
HEX: #b0a470, RGB: (176, 164, 112); HEX: #007fb9, RGB: (0, 127, 185); HEX: #7851a9, RGB: (120, 81, 169)
HEX: #819094, RGB: (129, 144, 148); HEX: #a383ac, RGB: (163, 131, 172); HEX: #a29dad, RGB: (162, 157, 173)
HEX: #c6a698, RGB: (198, 166, 152)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkred, Shade of Grey, Tint of Grey, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of steelblue, Tint of slateblue, Shade of lightslategrey, Tint of plum, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of rosybrown
Color scheme was created by colorhunt
Colors codes in palette
Carnivore, Sycamore Tan, Eagle's Meadow, Crack Willow, Meissen Blue, Royal Lavender, Dark Storm Cloud, Nightshade Violet palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table
Color | HEX | RGB | Name | Alternative name |
#991111 | RGB(153, 17, 17) | Carnivore | — | |
#9c8a79 | RGB(156, 138, 121) | Sycamore Tan | — | |
#8d7d68 | RGB(141, 125, 104) | Eagle's Meadow | — | |
#b0a470 | RGB(176, 164, 112) | Crack Willow | — | |
#007fb9 | RGB(0, 127, 185) | Meissen Blue | — | |
#7851a9 | RGB(120, 81, 169) | Royal Lavender | Royal Purple | |
#819094 | RGB(129, 144, 148) | Dark Storm Cloud | — | |
#a383ac | RGB(163, 131, 172) | Nightshade Violet | — | |
#a29dad | RGB(162, 157, 173) | Indolence | — | |
#c6a698 | RGB(198, 166, 152) | Howdy Partner | — |
Color Palette Contrast
35 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color | Background Color | Contrast Ratio |
#991111 | #007fb9 | 1.93 |
#991111 | #7851a9 | 1.45 |
#9c8a79 | #8d7d68 | 1.2 |
#9c8a79 | #b0a470 | 1.32 |
#9c8a79 | #007fb9 | 1.33 |
#9c8a79 | #7851a9 | 1.78 |