Created at 07/12/2024 09:25

Pixel Bleeding, Aztec Temple, Parachute, Dry Clay, Rock Blue, Canadian Voodoo Grey palette

Pixel Bleeding
Aztec Temple
Dry Clay
Rock Blue
Canadian Voodoo Grey
Subtle Touch
Nettle Rash
The palette consists of Dark, Light colors. Accent colors Dry Clay #bd5c00 and Rock Blue #93a2ba. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Pixel Bleeding, Aztec Temple, Parachute, Dry Clay, Rock Blue, Canadian Voodoo Grey palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #bb0022, RGB: (187, 0, 34); HEX: #84705b, RGB: (132, 112, 91); HEX: #beb755, RGB: (190, 183, 85)
HEX: #bd5c00, RGB: (189, 92, 0); HEX: #93a2ba, RGB: (147, 162, 186); HEX: #b8b7a3, RGB: (184, 183, 163)
HEX: #dbdbd9, RGB: (219, 219, 217); HEX: #e4f7e7, RGB: (228, 247, 231)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of firebrick, Shade of dimgrey, Tint of darkkhaki, Tint of chocolate, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of Silver, Tint of gainsboro, Tint of honeydew
Color scheme was created by raccoon

Colors codes in palette

Pixel Bleeding, Aztec Temple, Parachute, Dry Clay, Rock Blue, Canadian Voodoo Grey palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#bb0022 RGB(187, 0, 34)Pixel Bleeding
#84705b RGB(132, 112, 91)Aztec Temple
#beb755 RGB(190, 183, 85)Parachute
#bd5c00 RGB(189, 92, 0)Dry Clay
#93a2ba RGB(147, 162, 186)Rock Blue
#b8b7a3 RGB(184, 183, 163)Canadian Voodoo Grey
#dbdbd9 RGB(219, 219, 217)Subtle Touch
#e4f7e7 RGB(228, 247, 231)Nettle Rash

Color Palette Contrast

14 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Pixel Bleeding, Aztec Temple, Parachute, Dry Clay, Rock Blue, Canadian Voodoo Grey palette png