Created at 07/28/2024 10:20

Shinshu, Look at the Bright Side, Bright Mango, Olive Leaf Tea, Bright Indigo, Baby Vegetable palette

Look at the Bright Side
Bright Mango
Olive Leaf Tea
Bright Indigo
Baby Vegetable
Spring Hill
Bitter Melon
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Bright Mango #ff8830 and Bright Indigo #6f00fe. Palette has Warm, Neutral, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Shinshu, Look at the Bright Side, Bright Mango, Olive Leaf Tea, Bright Indigo, Baby Vegetable palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #8f1d21, RGB: (143, 29, 33); HEX: #febf01, RGB: (254, 191, 1); HEX: #ff8830, RGB: (255, 136, 48)
HEX: #78866b, RGB: (120, 134, 107); HEX: #6f00fe, RGB: (111, 0, 254); HEX: #5d6942, RGB: (93, 105, 66)
HEX: #c4cbb2, RGB: (196, 203, 178); HEX: #cfd1b2, RGB: (207, 209, 178)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of brown, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of darkorange, Tint of Grey, Tint of blueviolet, Shade of darkolivegreen, Tint of beige, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Shinshu, Look at the Bright Side, Bright Mango, Olive Leaf Tea, Bright Indigo, Baby Vegetable palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#8f1d21 RGB(143, 29, 33)Shinshu
#febf01 RGB(254, 191, 1)Look at the Bright Side
#ff8830 RGB(255, 136, 48)Bright Mango
#78866b RGB(120, 134, 107)Olive Leaf Tea
#6f00fe RGB(111, 0, 254)Bright Indigo
#5d6942 RGB(93, 105, 66)Baby Vegetable
#c4cbb2 RGB(196, 203, 178)Spring Hill
#cfd1b2 RGB(207, 209, 178)Bitter Melon

Color Palette Contrast

12 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Shinshu, Look at the Bright Side, Bright Mango, Olive Leaf Tea, Bright Indigo, Baby Vegetable palette png