Created at 07/28/2024 14:46

Minestrone, Red Baron, Brazilian Citrine, Golden Rule, Dormitory, Beach Sand, Tinge Of Mauve palette

Red Baron
Brazilian Citrine
Golden Rule
Beach Sand
Tinge Of Mauve
Apricot Lily
Melon Tint
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Red Baron #bb0011 and Dormitory #5d71a9. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Minestrone, Red Baron, Brazilian Citrine, Golden Rule, Dormitory, Beach Sand, Tinge Of Mauve palette has combination of 9 codes colors:
HEX: #c72616, RGB: (199, 38, 22); HEX: #bb0011, RGB: (187, 0, 17); HEX: #af915d, RGB: (175, 145, 93)
HEX: #daae49, RGB: (218, 174, 73); HEX: #5d71a9, RGB: (93, 113, 169); HEX: #fbb995, RGB: (251, 185, 149)
HEX: #d4c3cc, RGB: (212, 195, 204); HEX: #fecfb5, RGB: (254, 207, 181); HEX: #f8e7d4, RGB: (248, 231, 212)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Tint of firebrick, Shade of darkgoldenrod, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of royalblue, Shade of lightsalmon, Tint of thistle, Tint of peachpuff, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Minestrone, Red Baron, Brazilian Citrine, Golden Rule, Dormitory, Beach Sand, Tinge Of Mauve palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#c72616 RGB(199, 38, 22)Minestrone
#bb0011 RGB(187, 0, 17)Red Baron
#af915d RGB(175, 145, 93)Brazilian Citrine
#daae49 RGB(218, 174, 73)Golden Rule
#5d71a9 RGB(93, 113, 169)Dormitory
#fbb995 RGB(251, 185, 149)Beach Sand
#d4c3cc RGB(212, 195, 204)Tinge Of Mauve
#fecfb5 RGB(254, 207, 181)Apricot Lily
#f8e7d4 RGB(248, 231, 212)Melon Tint

Color Palette Contrast

18 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Minestrone, Red Baron, Brazilian Citrine, Golden Rule, Dormitory, Beach Sand, Tinge Of Mauve palette png