Created at 09/03/2024 02:31

Mikan Orange, Green With Envy, New Car, Democrat, Sunken Battleship palette

Mikan Orange
Green With Envy
New Car
Sunken Battleship
Grape Green
Winter Wizard
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Mikan Orange #f08300 and Winter Wizard #a0e6ff. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Mikan Orange, Green With Envy, New Car, Democrat, Sunken Battleship palette has combination of 7 codes colors:
HEX: #f08300, RGB: (240, 131, 0); HEX: #22bb33, RGB: (34, 187, 51); HEX: #214fc6, RGB: (33, 79, 198)
HEX: #00aef3, RGB: (0, 174, 243); HEX: #51574f, RGB: (81, 87, 79); HEX: #a8e4a0, RGB: (168, 228, 160)
HEX: #a0e6ff, RGB: (160, 230, 255)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of darkorange, Tint of limegreen, Tint of slateblue, Tint of deepskyblue, Tint of dimgrey, Shade of lightgreen, Shade of lightblue
Color scheme was created by colorstudio

Colors codes in palette

Mikan Orange, Green With Envy, New Car, Democrat, Sunken Battleship palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#f08300 RGB(240, 131, 0)Mikan Orange
#22bb33 RGB(34, 187, 51)Green With Envy
#214fc6 RGB(33, 79, 198)New Car
#00aef3 RGB(0, 174, 243)Democrat
#51574f RGB(81, 87, 79)Sunken Battleship
#a8e4a0 RGB(168, 228, 160)Grape GreenGranny Smith Apple
#a0e6ff RGB(160, 230, 255)Winter Wizard

Color Palette Contrast

11 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Mikan Orange, Green With Envy, New Car, Democrat, Sunken Battleship palette png