Created at 09/13/2024 09:30

Sagittarius Amber Artifact, Illuminating Emerald, Classic Blue, Exquisite Eggplant, Lacquer Green, Aegean Splendor, Basil Smash, C

Sagittarius Amber Artifact
Illuminating Emerald
Classic Blue
Exquisite Eggplant
Lacquer Green
Aegean Splendor
Basil Smash
Creamy Freesia
Lychee Pulp
The palette consists of Light, Dark colors. Accent colors Exquisite Eggplant #330033 and Basil Smash #b7e1a1. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Sagittarius Amber Artifact, Illuminating Emerald, Classic Blue, Exquisite Eggplant, Lacquer Green, Aegean Splendor, Basil Smash, C has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #fa7f46, RGB: (250, 127, 70); HEX: #319177, RGB: (49, 145, 119); HEX: #0f4c81, RGB: (15, 76, 129)
HEX: #330033, RGB: (51, 0, 51); HEX: #1b322c, RGB: (27, 50, 44); HEX: #9ba0a4, RGB: (155, 160, 164)
HEX: #b7e1a1, RGB: (183, 225, 161); HEX: #ebd0db, RGB: (235, 208, 219); HEX: #f7f2da, RGB: (247, 242, 218)
HEX: #f2f8ed, RGB: (242, 248, 237)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of coral, Shade of seashell, Tint of darkslateblue, Tint of indigo, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of lightgreen, Shade of thistle, Tint of cornsilk, Tint of ivory
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Sagittarius Amber Artifact, Illuminating Emerald, Classic Blue, Exquisite Eggplant, Lacquer Green, Aegean Splendor, Basil Smash, C color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#fa7f46 RGB(250, 127, 70)Sagittarius Amber Artifact
#319177 RGB(49, 145, 119)Illuminating Emerald
#0f4c81 RGB(15, 76, 129)Classic Blue
#330033 RGB(51, 0, 51)Exquisite Eggplant
#1b322c RGB(27, 50, 44)Lacquer Green
#9ba0a4 RGB(155, 160, 164)Aegean Splendor
#b7e1a1 RGB(183, 225, 161)Basil SmashLight grey green
#ebd0db RGB(235, 208, 219)Creamy Freesia
#f7f2da RGB(247, 242, 218)Lychee Pulp
#f2f8ed RGB(242, 248, 237)Unwind

Color Palette Contrast

16 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Sagittarius Amber Artifact, Illuminating Emerald, Classic Blue, Exquisite Eggplant, Lacquer Green, Aegean Splendor, Basil Smash, C png