Created at 09/23/2024 16:00

Underwater Fern, Adirondack Blue, Nightly Expedition, Middle Safflower, Olive Bark, Voila!, High Plateau, Semolina palette

Underwater Fern
Adirondack Blue
Nightly Expedition
Middle Safflower
Olive Bark
High Plateau
Lilac Sachet
The palette consists of Light, Dark, Semi dark colors. Accent colors Underwater Fern and Adirondack Blue. Palette has Cool, Warm, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Underwater Fern, Adirondack Blue, Nightly Expedition, Middle Safflower, Olive Bark, Voila!, High Plateau, Semolina palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #06d078, RGB: (6, 208, 120); HEX: #74858f, RGB: (116, 133, 143); HEX: #221188, RGB: (34, 17, 136)
HEX: #c85179, RGB: (200, 81, 121); HEX: #5f5537, RGB: (95, 85, 55); HEX: #af8ba8, RGB: (175, 139, 168)
HEX: #e4b37a, RGB: (228, 179, 122); HEX: #ceb899, RGB: (206, 184, 153); HEX: #abb6d7, RGB: (171, 182, 215)
HEX: #d6dbc0, RGB: (214, 219, 192)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of mediumseagreen, Tint of lightslategrey, Shade of darkblue, Tint of palevioletred, Tint of darkolivegreen, Tint of rosybrown, Tint of burlywood, Shade of tan, Tint of lightsteelblue, Tint of beige
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Underwater Fern, Adirondack Blue, Nightly Expedition, Middle Safflower, Olive Bark, Voila!, High Plateau, Semolina palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#06d078 RGB(6, 208, 120)Underwater Fern
#74858f RGB(116, 133, 143)Adirondack Blue
#221188 RGB(34, 17, 136)Nightly Expedition
#c85179 RGB(200, 81, 121)Middle Safflower
#5f5537 RGB(95, 85, 55)Olive Bark
#af8ba8 RGB(175, 139, 168)Voila!
#e4b37a RGB(228, 179, 122)High Plateau
#ceb899 RGB(206, 184, 153)Semolina
#abb6d7 RGB(171, 182, 215)Lilac Sachet
#d6dbc0 RGB(214, 219, 192)Breezeway

Image palette Underwater Fern, Adirondack Blue, Nightly Expedition, Middle Safflower, Olive Bark, Voila!, High Plateau, Semolina palette png