Created at 09/23/2024 18:51

Bricky Brick, Kohaku Amber, Turtle Creek, Militant Vegan, Purple Orchid, Reddest Red, Brown Coffee palette

Bricky Brick
Kohaku Amber
Turtle Creek
Militant Vegan
Purple Orchid
Reddest Red
Brown Coffee
Boxwood Yellow
The palette consists of Semi dark, Light colors. Accent colors Kohaku Amber #ca6924 and Boxwood Yellow #efe4a5. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Bricky Brick, Kohaku Amber, Turtle Creek, Militant Vegan, Purple Orchid, Reddest Red, Brown Coffee palette has combination of 9 codes colors:
HEX: #b33a22, RGB: (179, 58, 34); HEX: #ca6924, RGB: (202, 105, 36); HEX: #65926d, RGB: (101, 146, 109)
HEX: #229955, RGB: (34, 153, 85); HEX: #ad4d8c, RGB: (173, 77, 140); HEX: #9b4045, RGB: (155, 64, 69)
HEX: #4a2c2a, RGB: (74, 44, 42); HEX: #efe4a5, RGB: (239, 228, 165); HEX: #f2e8cc, RGB: (242, 232, 204)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of firebrick, Tint of chocolate, Shade of seashell, Shade of seashell, Shade of mediumvioletred, Shade of brown, Shade of Maroon, Tint of palegoldenrod, Tint of papayawhip
Color scheme was created by colorscheme

Colors codes in palette

Bricky Brick, Kohaku Amber, Turtle Creek, Militant Vegan, Purple Orchid, Reddest Red, Brown Coffee palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b33a22 RGB(179, 58, 34)Bricky Brick
#ca6924 RGB(202, 105, 36)Kohaku Amber
#65926d RGB(101, 146, 109)Turtle Creek
#229955 RGB(34, 153, 85)Militant Vegan
#ad4d8c RGB(173, 77, 140)Purple Orchid
#9b4045 RGB(155, 64, 69)Reddest Red
#4a2c2a RGB(74, 44, 42)Brown Coffee
#efe4a5 RGB(239, 228, 165)Boxwood Yellow
#f2e8cc RGB(242, 232, 204)Sphere

Color Palette Contrast

17 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Bricky Brick, Kohaku Amber, Turtle Creek, Militant Vegan, Purple Orchid, Reddest Red, Brown Coffee palette png