Created at 10/02/2024 16:25

Princeton Orange, Pacifica, Ripe Malinka, Wet Clay, Alley, Lemon Drops, Light Otto Ice, River Veil palette

Princeton Orange
Ripe Malinka
Wet Clay
Lemon Drops
Light Otto Ice
River Veil
Veiled Rose
Sugared Peach
The palette consists of Light colors. Accent colors Pacifica #4e77a3 and Lemon Drops #ffe49d. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Princeton Orange, Pacifica, Ripe Malinka, Wet Clay, Alley, Lemon Drops, Light Otto Ice, River Veil palette has combination of 10 codes colors:
HEX: #ff8f00, RGB: (255, 143, 0); HEX: #4e77a3, RGB: (78, 119, 163); HEX: #f5576c, RGB: (245, 87, 108)
HEX: #a49690, RGB: (164, 150, 144); HEX: #b8c4d9, RGB: (184, 196, 217); HEX: #ffe49d, RGB: (255, 228, 157)
HEX: #cde7dd, RGB: (205, 231, 221); HEX: #d9e0de, RGB: (217, 224, 222); HEX: #f8cdc9, RGB: (248, 205, 201)
HEX: #fddcc6, RGB: (253, 220, 198)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of darkorange, Tint of steelblue, Shade of indianred, Tint of darkgrey, Shade of lightsteelblue, Tint of moccasin, Tint of honeydew, Shade of gainsboro, Tint of mistyrose, Shade of peachpuff
Color scheme was created by colorhunt

Colors codes in palette

Princeton Orange, Pacifica, Ripe Malinka, Wet Clay, Alley, Lemon Drops, Light Otto Ice, River Veil palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#ff8f00 RGB(255, 143, 0)Princeton Orange
#4e77a3 RGB(78, 119, 163)Pacifica
#f5576c RGB(245, 87, 108)Ripe Malinka
#a49690 RGB(164, 150, 144)Wet Clay
#b8c4d9 RGB(184, 196, 217)Alley
#ffe49d RGB(255, 228, 157)Lemon Drops
#cde7dd RGB(205, 231, 221)Light Otto Ice
#d9e0de RGB(217, 224, 222)River Veil
#f8cdc9 RGB(248, 205, 201)Veiled Rose
#fddcc6 RGB(253, 220, 198)Sugared Peach

Color Palette Contrast

29 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Princeton Orange, Pacifica, Ripe Malinka, Wet Clay, Alley, Lemon Drops, Light Otto Ice, River Veil palette png