Created at 10/03/2024 11:33

Outlawed Orange, Saffron Mango, Oil on Fire, Stellar, Antarctic Circle, Rum Custard palette

Outlawed Orange
Saffron Mango
Oil on Fire
Antarctic Circle
Rum Custard
Humid Cave
Garden Rose White
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Oil on Fire #ff5511 and Antarctic Circle #0000bb. Palette has Warm, Cool, Neutral colors temperature.
Palette Outlawed Orange, Saffron Mango, Oil on Fire, Stellar, Antarctic Circle, Rum Custard palette has combination of 8 codes colors:
HEX: #b67350, RGB: (182, 115, 80); HEX: #f9bf58, RGB: (249, 191, 88); HEX: #ff5511, RGB: (255, 85, 17)
HEX: #46647e, RGB: (70, 100, 126); HEX: #0000bb, RGB: (0, 0, 187); HEX: #e9cfaa, RGB: (233, 207, 170)
HEX: #c9ccd2, RGB: (201, 204, 210); HEX: #f7ead4, RGB: (247, 234, 212)
Simplified version of palette colors
Shade of chocolate, Shade of goldenrod, Shade of orangered, Tint of royalblue, Tint of mediumblue, Tint of wheat, Tint of lightgrey, Tint of antiquewhite
Color scheme was created by hex

Colors codes in palette

Outlawed Orange, Saffron Mango, Oil on Fire, Stellar, Antarctic Circle, Rum Custard palette color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#b67350 RGB(182, 115, 80)Outlawed Orange
#f9bf58 RGB(249, 191, 88)Saffron Mango
#ff5511 RGB(255, 85, 17)Oil on Fire
#46647e RGB(70, 100, 126)Stellar
#0000bb RGB(0, 0, 187)Antarctic Circle
#e9cfaa RGB(233, 207, 170)Rum Custard
#c9ccd2 RGB(201, 204, 210)Humid Cave
#f7ead4 RGB(247, 234, 212)Garden Rose White

Color Palette Contrast

12 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Outlawed Orange, Saffron Mango, Oil on Fire, Stellar, Antarctic Circle, Rum Custard palette png