Created at 10/07/2024 07:52

Eastlake Lavender, Martian, Skink Blue, Young Redwood, Magenta Memoir, Red Bean, Sultan's Silk, Gundaroo Green, Keystone Grey, Mot

Eastlake Lavender
Skink Blue
Young Redwood
Magenta Memoir
Red Bean
Sultan's Silk
Gundaroo Green
Keystone Grey
Mote of Dust
Blue Shimmer
Cotton Tail
The palette consists of Light, Semi dark, Dark colors. Accent colors Sultan's Silk #134558 and Cotton Tail #fff8d7. Palette has Neutral, Warm, Cool colors temperature.
Palette Eastlake Lavender, Martian, Skink Blue, Young Redwood, Magenta Memoir, Red Bean, Sultan's Silk, Gundaroo Green, Keystone Grey, Mot has combination of 14 codes colors:
HEX: #887d79, RGB: (136, 125, 121); HEX: #aea132, RGB: (174, 161, 50); HEX: #5cbfce, RGB: (92, 191, 206)
HEX: #ab4e52, RGB: (171, 78, 82); HEX: #b4559b, RGB: (180, 85, 155); HEX: #3d0c02, RGB: (61, 12, 2)
HEX: #134558, RGB: (19, 69, 88); HEX: #959984, RGB: (149, 153, 132); HEX: #b6bbb2, RGB: (182, 187, 178)
HEX: #c1c1c5, RGB: (193, 193, 197); HEX: #b3dae2, RGB: (179, 218, 226); HEX: #e6d3b6, RGB: (230, 211, 182)
HEX: #e3d6bc, RGB: (227, 214, 188); HEX: #fff8d7, RGB: (255, 248, 215)
Simplified version of palette colors
Tint of Grey, Tint of darkkhaki, Shade of darkturquoise, Tint of indianred, Shade of mediumvioletred, Tint of Maroon, Tint of darkslategrey, Tint of darkgrey, Tint of Silver, Shade of Silver, Shade of lightblue, Tint of wheat, Tint of papayawhip, Tint of cornsilk
Color scheme was created by colorslib

Colors codes in palette

Eastlake Lavender, Martian, Skink Blue, Young Redwood, Magenta Memoir, Red Bean, Sultan's Silk, Gundaroo Green, Keystone Grey, Mot color codes HEX, RGB information in table

Color HEX RGB Name Alternative name
#887d79 RGB(136, 125, 121)Eastlake Lavender
#aea132 RGB(174, 161, 50)Martian
#5cbfce RGB(92, 191, 206)Skink Blue
#ab4e52 RGB(171, 78, 82)Young Redwood
#b4559b RGB(180, 85, 155)Magenta Memoir
#3d0c02 RGB(61, 12, 2)Red Bean
#134558 RGB(19, 69, 88)Sultan's Silk
#959984 RGB(149, 153, 132)Gundaroo Green
#b6bbb2 RGB(182, 187, 178)Keystone Grey
#c1c1c5 RGB(193, 193, 197)Mote of Dust
#b3dae2 RGB(179, 218, 226)Blue Shimmer
#e6d3b6 RGB(230, 211, 182)Aebleskiver
#e3d6bc RGB(227, 214, 188)Pollinate
#fff8d7 RGB(255, 248, 215)Cotton Tail

Color Palette Contrast

42 color pairs have low contrast and need improvement which may impact readability.
Text Color Background Color Contrast Ratio

Image palette Eastlake Lavender, Martian, Skink Blue, Young Redwood, Magenta Memoir, Red Bean, Sultan's Silk, Gundaroo Green, Keystone Grey, Mot png